Chapter 8

You're All I Need

“A what?!” Junsu and Jaejoong screamed on my face. They couldn’t believe what happened last night, and I couldn’t believe it either. I’ve been faithful to Alex for the past four years and a third party was never a problem for the both of us. I never cheated nor had a one night stand behind her back. Until last night. I didn’t remember what happened, all I know is I’m dizzy with all the alcohol that I had taken, I don’t know who is that girl beside me this morning.

“How could you, Yoochun?” Junsu said, my two friends are mad at me.

“I know that you’re taking a break, but having a one night stand? In a one week since she left? How could you...” Jaejoong said.

“I didn’t know what happened, okay! It’s not my fault! I’m  drunk!” I shouted.

“That’s not enough reason to cheat on your girlfriend!” Jaejoong screamed.

“I didn’t cheat on her! I would never do that, I would never hurt Alex!” I screamed back, sitting on the edge of the bed, I cover my face with my hands as I feel the tears forming on my eyes.

“Are you sure that something happened to you and that girl?” Junsu said, he’s calmer than Jaejoong.

“I don’t know, I don’t remember.” I almost murmur.

“If you’re both when you woke up, then something must have happened!” Jaejoong said sarcastically.

“Jaejoong, be calm, okay? Nothing will work out of you’re both screaming on the top of your lungs.” Junsu said.  Jaejoong walk to the coffee table and sat on the chair.

“So what do you plan to do now, Yoochun?” Jaejoong said looking at me. “Forget it never happened?” he continued. I can do that. Forget it, it’s a one night stand after all, but my conscience will kill me.

“My conscience will kill me if I did that.” I said.

“So, you’re telling Alex about it?” Junsu said, anticipating my answer.

“I’ll just tell her everything and ask for her forgiveness.” I said, I really don’t know if that plan will work out.

“What if she doesn’t forgive you and walk away for good?” Junsu said. Those words hurt my heart, I couldn’t imagine my life without Alex, the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

“I wouldn’t let that happened, I’ll do everything for her to forgive me.”I said.

“Well good luck on that!” Jaejoong said as he approaches the door. “I hope she forgives you.” he said mockingly as he left.

“Don’t mind him, he’s just mad.” Junsu said sitting beside me and patting my back. “You’re being honest is good, but do you think she’ll take that easily? It’s a risk you’re taking Yoochun.” Junsu asked.

“I know that, but I’ll risk anything for her.”


It’s Tuesday morning I’m sitting at the kitchen counter and having breakfast when I heard the doorbell. I went to the front door and open it.

“Akanishi, Mike’s not here.”I said as I saw him on the door step.

“Why would I go visit Mike on a Tuesday morning? I came to see someone else.” he said, smiling at me.

“I told you, stop flirting! It will never work, you player!” I said, going back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast, he came in, closed the door and followed me.

“Okay, I’ll stop...For you.” he said, sitting on the stool beside me. I rolled my eyes.

“I hate your pick-up lines, it’s like I wanna throw up when I heard one.” I said, taking a bite of my omelette.

“Okay, I’ll stop the pick-up lines too.” he said, grabbing my fork and taking a piece of my food.

“And stop stealing my food!” I said, getting the fork on his hand. He laughed at me, he put his right hand on his cheeks and rest his elbow on the kitchen counter and started staring at me with a wide smile on his face.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked touching my face.

“Uh-uh, I never thought that you are like that.” he said, I’m confused. “I mean, I thought you’re like the others who are so full of their selves and who only cares about their appearance and someone who pretends nice in front of the TV and acts a total real life.” he finished, I raised my eyebrow.

“You’re absolutely different! You’re so down-to-earth and real!” he said, he’s making me blush again. “This is not a pick-up line, Alex, but for me, you’re someone special.” he said, he looks a little embarrassed and I am too.

“Okay, I don’t know how to react...” I said, avoiding his eyes.

“You don’t have to. I’m not forcing you to react. I just wanted to say that.” he said.

I don’t know what to say. I’m left speechless, I turned dead silent.

“Anyways...”he said breaking the awkward silence.  “I came here to invite you.”

“Where?” I asked

“The live is in two weeks, and we’re starting the proper rehearsal today. I want you to come.” he said.

“Why? I can just come on the live itself, besides, I don’t want any spoilers on what to happened.” I said.

“Well, I just want to let you hear my new song, you’re a musician too, so I want your opinion.” he said. “You can just come to hear the song, don’t watch the rehearsals if you don’t want spoilers.” he said, pleading me.

“Okay! Just give me time to prepare.” I said standing up. “Great!” he smiled.

Two hours later, we arrived at the rehearsal venue. Jin leaded me into a recording studio, he greeted everyone and happily talked to them. 

“Stay there, okay?” he said as he approached me, I nodded. He went inside the recording booth, put the headphones on his head and signalled and okay sign to the staff.

I thought it would be a fast song or a party song, but a slow melody started playing, it’s like a ballad, the piano intro is smoothing to the ears, and then he started singing.

You and me,
we got along just fine
But deep inside I know there is more
Right next to you
I know you’re the right one
Can’t fight this feeling,
I’m taking chances now

In my heart I feel that this is something real
I don’t wanna let this moment go

Why oh why,
Do I feel this way?
When I’m with you I feel so alive
Why oh why,
Will I hide away
I can’t help it
I’m falling in love with you

What if I fall in love?
What if I make you mine?
I wanna know if you’ll be there by my side.


The song ended. It’s a beautifully made composition. The melody is simple but heart-warming, Jin’s emotion’s while singing is unbelievable, he’s so much into it, his singing is amazing.

“So, what do you think?” he asked, once he got out of the booth.

“It’s amazing, Jin!” I said cheerfully. “The melody is nice, the voice is amazing and the lyrics are simple yet touching!” I said.

“I’m really glad you liked it.” He said smiling. “I just did that song yesterday.” he said.

“A song that beautiful is only done for a day?” I was shocked. He grinned.

“Yes. It seems like I have so much inspiration these past few days to write a song that easily.” he said, sitting on the couch of the recording studio, I sat beside him.

“Wow, you’re a genius.” I said. Our eyes met and somehow it felt awkward. “Well, I guess my job here is done.” I said, moving my eyes from his.

“Yeah..” he said standing up.

“I’ll head home now.” I said, picking up my bag and standing from my seat.

“I’ll lead you outside.” he said and I nodded.

“Good luck on the rehearsals!” I said as we reach outside.

“Yeah, thanks.” he said. “Before you go, can I ask you something?” he said, he looked serious and I’m feeling nervous.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Are you free tomorrow?”

“Jin, if you want me to hear another song just let me hear it today.” I laughed.

“No, it’s not that. I’ve got the day off tomorrow and I’m thinking maybe we can hang-out.”

“Ah...hang-out sounds good” I muttered.

“Great! I’ll pick you up at 9am?”



“So, where we going?” I asked Jin as I sat on the passenger seat of his car.

“You’ll  see.” he smiled.

After about an hour drive we arrived at Six Flags Magic Mountain. He brought me to a theme park. I know this day will be fun.

“Six Flags? You’re full of surprises, Akanishi!” I said, tapping his shoulder, he smiled.

“Let fun begin!” He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the entrance.

“Where do we start?” he asked.

“Come!” I pulled him and arrived in front of a ride called Dive Devil.

“Are you sure you wanna do that?” he looked up and saw the ride. It’s like bungee jumping from about a 15 story high building.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared Akanishi!”

“Of course not! Let’s go!”

After falling in line for awhile, it was now our time for the ride.

“Ready?” I asked him as we are moving upward, we are tied from our back and are facing the ground.

“Bring it on!” he screamed.

We reached the top and after being steady for about five seconds we started to flying.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” we both screamed our lungs out as we sway back and forth.


We tried different attractions after that, we ride almost all the thrill rides and scary roller coasters, walk around and laugh at people screaming from the rides, eat popcorn, ice cream and candies, took crazy pictures of each other in the different photo booths, and of course bullying is present when I’m in Akanishi Jin, but it seems like it’s already a habit for us to bully each other.

“And now we’re left with just one ride.” I said as we look around for a ride that we haven’t tried yet, only to find out that we finished everything already except for one.

“That...” Jin pointed at the ride in front of us. It’s called The Riddler’s Revenge. “Uhhmm, maybe could pass that one...”Jin said walking away from the ride.

“No!” I grasped his hand before he can escape. “It’s exciting!” I screamed.

“I think I’ll faint in that...” he said, looking up at the almost 100 feet tall, endless loops.

“Don’t be a chicken, Akanishi!” I dragged him to the start of the line.

“What scares me is that it’s a stand-up coaster! We are not even seated! What if we fall?” He’s panicking and can’t help but laugh at him.

“We are not going to fall, baka!” I said, he totally ignored what I said and continue to panic. “Do you know that this is the tallest, longest and most twisted roller coaster in the world?” I smiled, intentionally scaring him more.

“I’m totally backing out!” He said, I took hold of his hand before we can be out of line.

“We’re almost there. Don’t back out now.” I said, not letting go of his hand. His frightened face is so funny I wanted to go berserk.

“It’s time!!” I excitedly said, as we reach the entrance of the loading station, “Let’s go in front!”I  pulled him to the front before he can retreat. 

“Being in front is too scary!!”he screamed. I ignored him. He couldn’t do anything but follow my orders, the attendant fixed the lock and made sure we are safe.

“Just hold my hand if you’re too scared.” I said, giving him my left hand. He gripped really hard and I can feel his super cold hands. I wanna laugh again.

“Are you dead, Akanishi? You’re hands is as cold as a corpse.” I said, he totally ignored me.

We heard the starting alarm and the coaster begin to move. I looked at him and he’s beginning to look pale. “Don’t worry, Akanishi, I got you!” I assured him and smiled.

The ride become faster and faster and Jin is screaming like mad, his grip on my hand is tighter, adrenaline rushes through my body, I’m absolutely having fun. I took a glimpse on Jin and saw his eyes closed, he’s really scared.

“Open your eyes, It’s cool!” I screamed.

“AHHHHHH! NO WAY!!! AHHHH!” he screamed back.

“Come on, trust me!” I said as I shook our tightly gripped hands.

It took him a few seconds before he opened his eyes, I can sense that his nervousness somehow fade away.

“Whoooaaa! It feels good, right?” I shouted.

“YES, IT IS!! AHHHH!!” he yelled.

Our two minute ride ended and our energy is on full boost.

“Don’t you ever made me ride that again!” he said as we get out of the loading station.

“Doesn’t it felt good? Like you release all your stresses and anger there.” I said. “And I know you enjoyed the latter part when I made you open your eyes.”

“Yeah, somehow it felt good, but it doesn’t mean I’ll ride again. Never! I almost die of nervousness!” he said.  He’s making that funny face again and couldn’t help but smile, I found that funny face really adorable.


“Did you enjoy?” Jin asked me as we reach Mike’s house.

“Yes! I had a blast! I’ve been in Six Flags many times before, but today feels like it’s my first time. Thanks again, Jin.”

“No problem, I had fun too, the rides and the laughs but most specially, because I’m with you.” He’s starting again.

“Akanishi, don’t-“

“No, I’m not flirting, didn’t I told you that I’ll stop that?” he smiled. “It’s true, I’m really happy when I’m with you.”

“Jin, we’re friends and all, but I think we should remain as that. You know there’s Yoochun, and I really love him.” I really want to be friends with Jin, he’s funny, outgoing and we have a lot of things in common, I don’t want our friendship to be ruin by what he felt for me.

“I know that, what do I have against a man that you’ve been with for four years? You just met me a week ago. I totally lost to him in many ways. But I don’t care. I like you and I want you to know that. And yes, I can accept friendship, that’s all I can be anyways.” he said, I never knew he can be that mature, and I admire him for that.

“Thank you, Jin. I really appreciate that. It’s great that I found a new friend.” I smiled.

“But being friends doesn’t mean that I gave up liking you. Maybe someday I have a chance right?” he said jokingly.

“Not a chance!” I yelled.

I went inside the house as soon as Jin left. I entered my room and lay on the bed. I had fun today and it seems like I never had this kind of fun before. For four years my life has been controlled by the company, the media and the fans, somehow it’s being controlled by Yoochun too. Jin is making me experience the things that I wanna do with Yoochun, playing on the beach, riding roller coaster rides, and being crazy together and in some way, I’m enjoying it instead of wishing that it was Yoochun who’s with me. Jin is different, he’s a breath of fresh air and I’m glad I found someone like him because believe it or not, he makes me feel normal.


“Here’s your ticket Mr. Park. Have a safe trip.” The flight attendant said as she checks my flight details.

I entered the plane and tossed my body to the comfortable first-class seat. After a lot of thinking since that night, I finally come to a decision. I wanted to be honest to Alex because she deserves that. I want this feeling of guilt and shame to be out of my system. I know it’s a risk, she might hate me and end things between us but I’ll fight for her until the end, just like the way she fights for me all this time.

“Good morning dear passengers. Thank you for flying with Korean Air. We’re about to take off in a few minutes, so fasten your seatbelts, sit back and relax. We’ll arrive in Los Angeles, California in exactly ten hours and thirty minutes. Thank you.”



Disclaimer: I do not own the song in this chapter, It’s by Six Part Invention entitled “I’m Falling In Love”. Let’s just pretend it’s Jin’s song. I’m not musically talented to compose an original song, I know, I’m lame like that, lol.

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So good~! Chunnie~!!! ♥
damn i was hoping shed be with jin -__- whole reason i read it but it was really good
MISCharacter #3
One of the best fics I have read. Good Job!
lolisho #4
Amazing~ I love your fic<3 <br />
I was hoping for a Jin ending but Yoochun is still love!:D <br />
Thank you!
lolisho #5
I really like the story!awesomeness~
heyheyhannah #6
ahh~!!<br />
she needs to choose...<br />
XD<br />
good chapter though!
heyheyhannah #7
Yatta~! One of my fave J.E Boys. Jin-Jin~! HAHA.<br />
<br />
Update Please. Great Story ^^v
mixxiex #9
Thanks! I'll update soon! :))