Prince Charming?

Your POV

"Hello princess."

Scoff. Scoff.

"A-Are you the-" I pointed at him, my  mouthing probably hanging open like a fish. His hair was..PURPLE.

"Yep~" he jumped on the couch and propped his feet on my table. My ANTIQUE table.

"G-Get off!" I tried to shove his rather muscular feet off my precious table, "W-Who do y-you think you are?"

"Your prince charming~" he chimed in his deep low voice which i found quite y as he averted his attention to the black TV remote that was placed just fine on the table. 

"Please! I dont need a prince charming and if i needed one, it certainly wouldnt be you!"

"Gee, someone sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Yongguk retorted and switched off the television before averting his gaze to me.

"Argh, your so unbelievable. What happened to an ideal boyfriend?" I mocked the two last words, pursing my lips into a thin line, annoyance clearly noticeable in my voice.

"Well, you should've read the description, it clearly states that yours truly is the cool type which can be sometimes rude. Oh princess, if you wanted the goody two shoes type of boy, you could've just said so~" Yongguk argued back, folding his arms, "Heh, get me a drink will you?"

"You're a barbarian. An insane, uncivilized caveman who does nothing but laze around the whole day, living you're pathetic life of barging into innocent people's home, placing you're rather humongous, fat chicken thighs on my table!"


I huffed and stormed off to my room slamming the door shut. I was so pissed, a hot, some random barbaric man just showed up at my house, ordering me around! But he was my rented boyfriend and my only way to prove to Yoona that even I could get a boyfriend. Why are you so stupid Park Hae Ri? I ruffled my own hair, throwing my pillows and blankets across the room and screaming into the pillow in frustration.

"You done?" I heard a deep voice calling from outside my room, chuckling lightly. My cheeks flushed deep red and buried my face in my hands, clearly ashamed with my outburst.

As soon as realisation dawned on me tthat I'll have no choice but to butter Yongguk up, i slammed the door open and shuffled to Yongguk with a pout on my lips, "Be my boyfriend for now. But no funny business, I have a meeting with a friend so change into something decent, please! We're going out."


"Really now? Are you actually being serious Bang Yongguk?" I asked, raising my eyebrow in disbelief. I was absolutely flabbergasted.

"Well, you clearly stated that I could decide on where our 'double date' should be held and I said-" 

"The basketball court?! Now Yoona's going to think my supposedly ideal boyfriend is a basketball freak which you plainly are, and I dont even like basketball!" I shouted, my ears turning red, fuming with anger.

Yongguk held his arms up and smirked, "Too late princess, you asked me to call her to make it more convincing didn't you? You brought this on yourself, however, I think she likes me."

"What, did you like bribe her or something?" I asked, sitting down on the park bench beside Yongguk, who stretched his arms and yawned, a bored expression plastered on his handsome face. Did I just call him handsome? Cocky bastard.



"Hae Ri! Hi Yongguk~" a high pitched voice squealed. Speak of the devil. 

 Yoona's cold expression soften as soon as she saw Yongguk. G-Dragon who had his hair slicked back had his arm locked around Yoona's who wore a tight black dress. Ugh, I look homeless standing beside her.

"You look fine," Yongguk whispered into my ear, making my cheeks reddened into a dark crimson colour. I adjusted my black, thick rimmed glasses that was placed sturdily on my nose and stood up abruptly, "Well, lets go to the stadium!"

Yongguk scoffed and I shot him a threatening glare, "What?" I mouthed.

"Its called a court," Yongguk whispered back.

"Told you I hated basketball."


"You ers! You can't even play basketball properly! Its like you want me to go up and-" 

I burried my face in my hands as Yongguk began to rant loudly, cursing at the players. "You're boyfriend's dreamy Hae Ri. How did you even get him?" Yoona smacked her cherry lips as she leaned closer to me, eyes gazing at Yongguk.

To take it as a compliment or an insult, i was utterly speechless, "Heh..yeah.." my voice trailed off, as i averted my gaze to the floor. Then something rather disturbing, impulsive and utterly embarrasing occured. Yongguk jumped down the stand, into the bloody court. A loud cheer erupted in the court, as well as thunderous clapping. I opened an eye and saw Yongguk dashing around the court with his muscular feet dunking in the basketball countless times. Okay, I had to admit, he was cool.

G-Dragon simply stared at Yongguk, his mouth slightly agaped, "Honey, we should leave.."

"Gee, just because you're jealous that im paying attention to him aren't you?" Yoona's lips twitched into a disturbing frown, rolling her eyes.

I closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears. I stood up abruptly and slowly made my way out as the fake couple argued on and on. I sat by the fountain, gazing at my reflection in the water and traced my ugly glasses.

"Hello, daughter of Park Enterprise. Its such a coincidence to meet you here," a soft velvety voice rang through my ears. What, did he know my secret? I turned my head to see a blonde, baby faced boy grinning at me happily.

"H-How did y-you..?" my voice wavered, afraid of what would happen.

"The names Yoo Yongjae."

"Aren't you from-"

"Yep yep yep! The same place where you got your troublesome little friend who's causing the kerfuffle in that court right now. And just so you know, I'm the intellectual type, nothing escapes me," he winked.

"Will you tell-"

"Unless you want me to."

"NO. Eh.."

He sat down beside me and propped his elbows on his laps, "You know, you would look heaps better without those."

"Thanks, i guess.."

"LET ME GO!" a husky voice resounded through the park, god, its Yongguk, two suited up guys had their arms clasped around his as he struggled violently. He was held custody by the police, are you kidding me?

"Well," Yongjae stood up and smiled warmly at me, "I'll take my leave now, it seems you have a problem. Goodbye," and he left. Yoona and G-Dragon soon emerged from court as well, they have a lot of explaining to do.



Terrible. Worst I have ever written before... :(

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isnt he cute?

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Chapter 2: YAH GOH SHU YING PPALI UPDATE LA. Want to co-author or not? :P
Chapter 2: Captured by police =.=
melonbread #3
Chapter 2: lmao yongguk. update soon ~ cant wait fir daehyun
Chapter 2: : (

Where's Daehyun??
Chapter 2: Nooo the chappie is great :3
Looking foward to the next one ^^
Chapter 2: Aww~ where's Dae ?
I can't wait for him ! :)
Update soon Author-nim
by the way, its not even close to the ending ;)

after all its only chapter 2
awww i was actually waiting for daehyun or zelo but oh well