No joke.

Park Hae Ri. 17 and single. 

And so screwed.


Your POV

I propped myself on my bed, hugging my knees in a fetal position. I had a terrible headache that was pounding mercilessly in my head, making all the stress even worse. Me and my stupid mosquito brain! I, Park Hae Rin, have officially screwed up worse than ever before.


"Hey Jess, guess who i hooked up with?" Ms. Ever so perfect Yoona flipped her hair, smirking as she practically bragged in the hallway.

"Really? Another boy?" Jessica remarked smacking her plump lips as she applied her lip gloss.

"Well duh. I managed to get G-Dragon from Dara," she retorted, probably enjoying all the bewildered faces gaping at her.

"Not surprising at all~"

"Yeah i know, who'd date that anyway." Yoona smirked at and slammed her locker shut. She jumped slightly when she saw me stading in front of her, yep my locker was right beside hers. Having to stand the gossips and the strong scent of perfume and make up suffocating the air, and me, was pure torture. 

"Ugh, what are you doing here? Get lost." Yoona jeered, glaring at me. Gosh, she wanted attention and was sure succeeding at that from the looks we were earing from the crowd. No way in hell im going bow down and kiss her feet.

"What are you doing here?" I mimicked titliing my head slighty, "My locker is here, if you didnt know?" I spoke sacarstically, earning snickers from the crowd.

"Really funny..Now get lost."

"Calm your , this is my locker."

"Your so irritating! Gosh, this is why you dont have a boyfriend!"

"Who says? How would you know I wouldnt?!" I wasnt going to give in, "He's cooler and hotter than any guy a like you could get!"

"Oh really now? Let's see him then, bring him to school one day, and. Prove. Me. Wrong." with that last remark, she strutted off, rolling her eyes. Jessica trailed quietly behind her. 

I had really done it this time..


"Arghh.." I ran my fingers through my hair impatiently, wrecking my brain to slove this problem. I could just tell the truth but that would make a liar,  pfft.. like im not right now. Or I could just.. get one..


Its not like i dont have guys falling heads over heels for me, its just that, whenever im out, i always wore a pair of nerd glasses and never bothered to put on any dazzlling outfits. They were just so troublesome and irritating. Plus, being the sole heir to the 'Great, Almightly Park Enterprise', publicity is the least thing i want in my life right now. Things were stressful with your parents being out half of your life, leaving you with maids and butlers, practically replacing your family and not to mention, living up to a whole lot of expectations. 

Anyway, that wasnt the biggest problem in my life right now. I need a boyfriend! 

Well, I've been saving up money..lets get a boyfriend online! HAHA, as if there was a website that sold boyfriends. But, no harm trying so..why not? I propped myself on my chair and flipped my laptop open. My fingers brushed over the keyboard as I searched up rent a boyfriend. My foot tapped rhythmically on the ground, wait, was i secretly hoping that this ridiculous idea would actually work? 


I clicked on the first link blindy, crossing my fingers as small beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. 

Rent a hot boyfriend online! Would you like the cool type, the bubbly type, the adorable type, the intellectual type, the playboy type or our most popular, the badass type? 

Was this a joke? You've got to be kidding me..


The humid heat emmitted from the window, piercing through the curtains as i laid on the soft couch beside the window. The view was great but it was hard to enjoy when your anxiously waiting for your boyfriend but in my case..rented boyfriend. 


At first I thought that website was a fake, but then.. i still think it is. But no turning back now, i hope. As i scrolled down the page, according to the site, there are some protocols that must be taken into consederation :-

  • The pay will be given depending on how long you choose to rent.
  • The pay will also depend on the popularity of the boy you chose.
  • You may have no real feelings of affection for your 'boyfriend'.
  • You can only rent one at a time.
  • If the boyfriend has many clients, it might not choose you. After all, a boy has a right to choose.

I began to choke and cough upon reading that last sentence. Anxeity bubbled inside of me as I reread that sentence of the nth time, so.... they might not choose me? 


So here i am. Burying my face in the cushion, hoping my 'boyfriend' would be like my prince charming, bursting through the door, beaming at me on his white horse. Gosh, now i sound like some desprate chick.

Ding Dong.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. 

That better be the boyfriend, i swear if its a homeless hobo begging for food in his portable cardboard box i will beat him into a pulp so hard he'll forget 70 years of his life. I dont care if he hasnt lived that long or will be because i will-

Ding Dong. 

Oh ty balls. I sprinted to the door and unlocked the door to see a cool kid, probably slightly older, wearing- A GOD. His eyes gave off a cool chill along with his lucious lips but the weird thing is his hair?

He leaned against the oak doorframe, his beautiful lips twitched up into a smirk,

"Hello princess."


Sorry if i disappointed you :(

guess who 'you' chose first? ;)

Oh and just a note: italic usually means flashback or sound effects.

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Chapter 2: YAH GOH SHU YING PPALI UPDATE LA. Want to co-author or not? :P
Chapter 2: Captured by police =.=
melonbread #3
Chapter 2: lmao yongguk. update soon ~ cant wait fir daehyun
Chapter 2: : (

Where's Daehyun??
Chapter 2: Nooo the chappie is great :3
Looking foward to the next one ^^
Chapter 2: Aww~ where's Dae ?
I can't wait for him ! :)
Update soon Author-nim
by the way, its not even close to the ending ;)

after all its only chapter 2
awww i was actually waiting for daehyun or zelo but oh well