keep the faith for me, for us, eternity

Keep the Faith for me, for us, eternity

4. Stay with Me Tonight

19th July 2012

                Cassiopeia, 5 pointed brighter stars which made a connection between every pointed stars, made it look like a ‘W’ word. But everyone knew that Cassiopeia or cassie or big east is a fan base of dbsk, the Gods of the east, the biggest fan base in the world.  

How they still keep the faith all this time, despite many hurtful words throw at them, get their heart almost squashing broken by the lawsuit and endless tears which keep flowing despite the following years, they still hope, even if it just a tiny miracle, how nothing could made them more happy than knowing about their Gods reunite again, a dream they hold dearly, clung so tight and protect that faith until the time was came.

Even so….

Since 18th july 2012, many Cassiopeia fandom was deleted by cassie it self, at first many user in twitter account changed their username, no one even used cassie or dbsk or any related things and not little who closed their account for good, they un-follow all of their friends list which has connected with any other fandom or fans of Korean boy or girl band, even the three member of jyj closed their account.

                There was no trace of cassie on blogger too, they closed their account and no trace left or any activity of cassie could be heard on Google or any other website, it was like they never in there in the first place, the only things you could found when opened any browsed was just an old related news.

                Many people de active their YouTube account, left and never dared to opened again. No comment or even any new upload video neither regarding dbsk, jyj nor homin on YouTube. The only prove that they were even there was just the old video of dbsk as 5, the very first video when they debuted, no other video of fan-vid, jyj nor homin, even c-jest closed their jyj account.

                Many Korean netizen left café daun, dbsk rating decreased until 0% in there and in every country in the whole world, what was most Shockley was the rating of fans for the other Korean boy band and girl band, it was decreased also until 50% from the original rating. Many concert of Korean boy/girl band that day in every country got less than the original seat; even if the entire thicket was sold out, the number of fans which attending was awfully lesser than half of the venue, made the concert looked like a ridiculous circus concert which had no audient at all.

The next day 19th July 2012, 02:00 P.m

                “Hello everyone, I’m the leader of Cassiopeia fan base” said a young woman with completely black appearance accompanied by equal dresses many young woman which surrounding her table.

                “We, declared to make an end to our fan base activity all over the worlds” even if she spoke fluently, not many people fooled by her taught act considered her trembling hands.

                “but why so sudden?” asked a middle age man journalist with eager and anticipation the answer with his pencil and small notebook ready in his hands .

                “We waiting the last stage for our sky” answer her with smile full with bitter sweet

                “Are Cassiopeia finally let go?”  Asked another young woman journalist this time, her thick white glassed looked ridiculous too big in her small face.

                “That is impossible. The reason why we couldn’t find the reason to let them go is because we fell in love with DBSK for no reason to begin with…” answer the leader straight away and decide to end the conference peers, leaving more unanswered question than before.


Present time

25th December 2012

                “Thank you, merry Christmas!!”  shout the full of smile leader-shii of the Gods of the east to every crew he meet on the backstage after the very much successfully Christmas concert and bow 90 ° almost to everyone he accidentally pass by.

                “hyung we made it!!!” shouted changmin happily while half hugging the older male, finally the last concert they must perform is done and they can spending the few hour they have to celebrate a late Christmas due to their tights schedule.

                “yunho, changmin!”   They turn their head and greeted by the image of their beloved manager with strangely sad face, empty eyes and the look of despair, as if he just got news of another doomsday.

                “hyung, merry chr-“

                “Tomorrow you got day off” said they manager successfully cut the leader-shii speech.

                “Eh, but tomorrow our 9th anniversary, we won’t possibility celebrate it by our self, right?”  Said changmin with tsk tone to his manager as if their manager just a little kid.

                “I am not done yet young man, you got day off until evening, at 5 p.m we will come to the venue for celebration and the concert with Cassiopeia like always. and don’t wander anywhere, just stay in the apartment until I come, merry Christmas” and he off like being chased by fire, the duo rose their eyebrow in confusion and shrugs is as their manager antic and go home with more enthusiasm about what they should do, pretty oblivious of any motive behind tomorrow celebration, after all everything started on 26th December and end there too.

                “hyung, let’s go” said changimn already on the hallway, he turn his head and found a still like statue jung yunho in deep though, lost to the reality around him.

                “hyunggg~” whined the tall maknae while dragging the still day dreaming leader-shii to their awaiting van, yunho never utter a single word since then until they reached their apartment and settled for the night.

                “Min” called yunho with utter bewilders expression on his face.

                “What? Finally decide to come back to the earth I see” answer changmin with his normal sarcasm while munching the cereal in his bowl.  He staring with the side of his eyes as the leader of their group sits beside him in the much too big cough, the cough which usually feels small a few years early when they still together while watching TV, NO!!!! shim changmin you pabo stop thinking chided changimn to his self while waiting for yunho to finally said what make him become docile.

                “changmin, what our manager just said a while ago”

                “hyung, you old man, finally your age caught on you, you poor, poor old forgetful old man” teased changmin while grinning maniacally full of evil ideas.

                “Shim changmin I’m being serious here!” snapped the leader of the king halyu star.

                “We wait here until tomorrow, concert, venue…. Hmm concert like every year with……” a dawned looks of horror settle on the maknae and make his face comically funny if not for the heavy atmosphere on their apartment.

                “Cassiopeia, which already non active fan base since 5 months ago, something is amiss here changmin, there’s a hole that I can’t quite connected here” said yunho with worry laced in his handsome feature, a painful tug in his heart and suddenly his mind plague by a shadow of one beautiful kim jaejoong, a imagination that he swore feel to real.

                “yunho- yah, don’t underestimated our Cassiopeia, yeah sometimes they annoy us with their crazy stalker-ish, but they are the most loyal and fabulous family of us too. Even if we someday god forbid disbanded they will never separated from us, I’ll show you the power of our strong connected someday”

 And a fragment of long lost forgotten memory of jaejoong said that while sitting in the same cough with blanked covered most of his body while shipping his warm chocolate milk slowly faded.  Yunho still remember that night until the very detail of jaejoong worn out sweater that he treasures the most.

                “yunho hyung”

                “I know Minnie, let’s…. sleep, yeah let’s sleep” said yunho while ushered the maknae to his room, he stop in front of his own room and turn his head to the vacant living room and barely miss the memory of the most beautiful creature standing there, he still can remember how his velvet soft voice. The night on their first time come in this apartment many, many years aback.

                “yunnie~ good night” said jaejoong while pecked his lover lips and twirled around to his shared room with his soul mate

                “Night joongie” answer much young and naïve yunho with dreamy eyes.

                “Oh yunnie? Wasurenaide nae? Hehehe and always life for me”

                “Silly joongie”

With the last of memory the leader of dbsk closed his room. A awful bad feeling seething in his heart in that long painful night, he know deep down in his heart he somehow messed something up and losing something important to him, and after that night jung yunho will understand the meaning of words you don’t know something is important to you until it’s too late, literary.


20th may 2012

             “I’m sorry jaejoong-shii, but if you can’t found any donor in less than 3 months, you’ll have zero percents to survive” condolences the old man wearing the white trademark coat any doctor wear.  

                “I know that, thanks for take care of me this whole time doctor lee” answer jaejoong while bend his head a little to show his gratitude, he know about this consequents from the start, he was ready to accept any bad news anyways.

                “but jaejoong-shii, it’s better if you stay in the hospital, incase it getting worse” attempt the weary doctor to persuade the young man in front of him, who stubbornly refuse any treatment even if his final time already decided.

                “No, you yourself said that I have not many time left, I’ll not rotten in the hospital bed if my final time came, I want to do something I must do a long time ago”  answer the prettier man while a sad small smile tugging at the corner of his lip, yes a very  important thing.

                “if you said so, please eat your medicine and come here if something happen” answer the man give up, he just could prayed to God for give his mercy and made his final days less painfull.

                “Nee, thanks, annyeong” said jaejoong while standing up and leaved the room.

                His heart is gave up on him, he known this when they had a concert many many years ago, at first he was practically devastated by his condition, what should he do? Their career was at the top of the card in anywhere, they hard works finally paid of, and he couldn’t just destroy it by his sickness. He loved his entire member, he made a final decision at the least, he would tell them about his condition if they pass his test of loyalty and love for their precious family. He want to leave sm to tend in his sickness but if he just go and tell about his sickness, all of would go because of pity, he didn’t want to force them to leave with him. For him dbsk is not about name but about together as one, so he test that by leaving SM with a money reasons, a completely lied he made and sound selfish, he want to test how precious their family to them even if he made a selfish wish. At first he quite worried that the harder person who will believe him was junsu, after all he was the most humble among all of them, kind and simple junsu was the first who agree without any question, junsu said to him that wherever his hyung were he would follow them as long as they together. Then yoochun agree, after all he was his soulmate, they can’t separate by anything that was what the cry baby said. The most mind numbing truth came from their leader and the maknae who straight point refuse without any comment, yunho said that it was very ungrateful request and won’t leaving sm who made them success like now, he try to persuade his lover with any things, but the answer is always the same, he known that he lost in the end to yunho ego, that’s why now he want to do this important thing, his last will in life, because he owed yunho soo much, and for breaking their promise so many years ago, his time was limited. He wants to ask for forgiveness by his yunnie and baby changmin, he would leave them soon without any words beforehand.

Maybe…. Maybe, in other life they could reunited again..






i'm so sorry, i never update for so long, but i'm very busy this year because of final exam, and now i'm prepare for becoma collage student m(_ _)m

please enjoy....

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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 4: youre making me cry already *sob* *sob*
jae i hope you make the right the decision
and yun and changmin i hope you realize whats coming ahead of you.
Chapter 3: What's wrong with Jae? OAO
You make me curious >___<
Please update again~~ <33
Chapter 3: Author-shii, you always make me curious!!~~
What happened to Jae?? Chun is making me sad~~ T^T
Chapter 2: Is Jae sick?? Or already dead??
Chapter 2: ohuh. what happened to jae? it's not his beginning??? damn you author ssi, keeping us in suspense ahaha. i feel scared rite now. he's not dead rite? *stares at you with a chainsaw* or is he trapped in time. hmm... and yoosu crying and not making any comeback to minnie? definitely suspicious
Chapter 1: it's interesting with the hourglass thingy and all but i don't really get it. mind explaining it to me?

'“I don’t know anymore Minnie, I really don’t” mumbled yunho to the empty dorm that feel oddly lonely and massive without the present from the 3 member that radiated a happy aura everywhere.'

newsflash. HOMIN are NOT happy with JYJ. :( i feel sad rite now.
yoochunyeobu #7
Chapter 1: TT^TT i hate it so much when i got to face that bitter fact that they re not stay together now..nice story update more hmm..? :')
yoochunyeobu #8
i get interested with "hourglass thingy" lol so subscribe here ^_^
Portia #9