

The next morning, I woke up to the beautiful voice of my wonderful mother.


I got up from bed, and quickly gathered my uniform and hit the shower with a smile. This was the first time I was ever excited for school. Awkwardly enough, on a Tuesday.

I wanted to get to school quick so that I could meet Youngjae. I never even met him yet, and I act like I haven't seen him in a long time. I don't even know how the guy looks like!

But there's a secret I've been keeping: I'm gay.

Yes, I'm gay. Boo hoo, no wife for me. They're all fake anyway. They all cling onto me at school like I'm some type of designer purse, and it pisses me off. If I had to marry one of those, I'd drive into a building on purpose.

If this Youngjae is good-looking, I'll make him mine one way or the other. He's nice and seems quiet, but if he had the looks, I'd get hard during class.

I finished my shower after a short time    until I noticed the clock.

7:55 AM.


I quickly grabbed my towel and wiped myself, from head-to-toe in less than a minute, grabbed my polo, tie, pants, and jacket. I grabbed my backpack and dashed down the staircase. I gave my mom a quick peck on the cheek, not even noticing the breakfast on the table.

Seaweed soup?



I reached the school gates, and thankfully enough, I had another 2 minutes to go to class. I don't even live one block away from school. I don't even know why I ran. I'm probably a little...anxious?

I entered the gates, until I heard someone behind me yell to me.


Saengil cheukahae...? OH YEAH! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!

"Thank you, Himchan-hyung! You remembered my own birthday before I did."

"Who'd forget?" Himchan wrapped an arm around my shoulder and ruffled my hair.

"Hyung! Not here!"

Himchan smirked and took a deep breath. "It's such a beautiful day today. Look at the pink cherry blossom trees~ So cute!"

"Hyung, you like everything cute. That's why you like Yongguk-hyu-"


"Sorry." Daehyun laughed, his smile shining radiantly, his eyes turning into little slits.

"Ah! Youngjae-ssi!" Himchan took his arm off of Daehyun's shoulder and ran to a brunette, who looked up and smiled.


"Himchan-hyung! Hello!" he said with a bow.

"Aish, why are you bowing? We're friends! But you're finally here!"

"Uh..yeah...and you're there."

"Babo. Anyways, my friend Daehyun is right there."

I notice Himchan pointing to me. I don't know why...but I'm starting to feel hot.

"Oh, that's him?"

"Yeah! Come on, I'll introduce you."

Himchan grabbed Youngjae's wrist, eager to bring him to where I was. I never believed in love at first sight, but he just took my breath away.



This school is so big! It's nothing compared to the one I used to go to.

I entered through the gate, the pink cherry blossom trees caught my attention. The fragrance coming from the cotton candy like trees was a ver delicate smell; the smell of first love in a way. It was so gentle...what startled me was that a petal landed on my nose.

"Ah! Youngjae-ssi!" Himchan-hyung called, and I looked in his direction as he was coming closer.

"Himchan-hyung! Hello!" I bowed.

"Aish, why are you bowing? We're friends! But you're finally here!"

"Uh..yeah...and you're there."

"Babo. Anyways, my friend Daehyun is right there."

Himchan-hyung pointed to the boy standing awkwardly under the shadow of the blossom tree I was admiring earlier.

"Oh, that's him?"

"Yeah! Come on, I'll introduce you."

Himchan-hyung latched onto my wrist, and dragged me along with him. But finally, I got to meet Daehyun.

I'm going to be honest...he was good looking. He smiled as he saw me walked up to him (well, not really because Himchan-hyung is literally dragging me), and I smiled back.

"Youngjae, this is Jung Daehyun. Daehyun, this is Yoo Youngjae."

"Nice to meet you." We both said in sync. I extended my hand, and he did the same. We looked into each other's eyes. His were like pearls. Mine are super rusty, so I looked down at our still connected hands, and took my arm back to my side.



"Today is Daehyun's birthday too!" Himchan spat, Youngjae looked at him with wide eyes, and smiled.

"Oh! Happy Birthday, Daehyun!" Youngjae said, a bigger smile than ever.

"Uh...thanks.." Daehyun scratched the back of his neck, and smiled awkwardly, "My mom made seaweed soup for me this morning, and I didn't even thank her, or taste some..."


"THE BELL!" Daehyun yelled, and ran past the two dumbfounded males in the shadow.

"I'll see you guys later! Sorry!"

Daehyun ran off. The other two realized that they went to that school too, and decided to run along with him.

Daehyun made it to his class, and made his way to his desk, grateful that the professor wasn't there yet.


Himchan helped Youngjae find his classroom. Youngjae thanked Himchan, and the older dashed off into a different hallway.

Youngjae entered his classroom, and took an empty seat next to a student rummaging through his backpack.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Youngjae asked shyly.

"No the-" the other guy looked up from his backpack and his face became surprised.

"Youngjae! You have this class with me?" Daehyun said, placing his backpack down on the floor like he always does.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I do. But may I sit here?"

"Of course! I finally have someone to talk to."

"Thanks." Youngjae smiled, which gave Daehyun goosebumps.

The professor came in and started class.


The bell rang, and Daehyun noticed that he's been stealing glances at Youngjae from time to time.

Why is he so beautiful? The way he smiles is so perfect, the way his eyes crease at the ends, how his adorable chubby cheeks all go up to into his cheekbones...he's so cute. Daehyun thought.

"Daehyun?" Youngjae said, shaking Daehyun a little, breaking his trail of thought.

"Uh, yeah?" Daehyun said, as if he was being woken up.

"Those girls just greeted you Happy Birthday..."

"Oh! Them? They're always coming up to me saying stuff. I couldn't care less. They're really annoying."

"Well...isn't that a little too much?"

"Not unless you've been with them since 5th grade." Daehyun remarked.

"Well, that must have been annoying." Youngjae said, chuckling.

"Yeah.. a lot." Daehyun replied, also chuckling.

"Come on! Let's go to lunch!"

Youngjae grabbed Daehyun's wrist and took him to the cafeteria, and he didn't even know how to get there. He was just following students in the hallway that were coming back from a place with food trays in hand.

Daehyun felt like he was dreaming...the guy he likes...is holding his hand! Even he couldn't believe it. Best. Birthday. Ever.


They reached for the trays, and got in line. Once they got their lunch, Daehyun spotted Yongguk, Himchan, Jongup, and Zelo at the table they always sat at. this time, with an additional person.

"YAH!" Daehyun yelled.

"Hyung!!! SAENGIL CHEUKAHABNIDA!" Zelo and Jongup said, hands in the air.

"Saengil cheukahae, Daehyunnie." Yongguk added.

"Thanks, but that's not what I came here for. Why did all of you 'coincidentally' go offline last night during our chat? Himchan-hyung was talking way too much so I couldn't ask why."

"We did?" the other four said in sync.

"You didn't do it on purpose?" Daehyun said, now confused.

He and Youngjae then took a seat, and then Daehyun looked at all of them, "Answer the birthday boy!"

"I had to take a shower," Jongup said.

"I had to go grocery shopping," Himchan added.

"I went to the bathroom and my laptop died," Yongguk stated.

"I was sleepy," Zelo answered.

"BUT WHY AT THE SAME TIME?!" Daehyun exclaimed, Youngjae quietly chuckling at the bond that these five have.

"We don't know either," Yongguk replied.

"Ahh. Whatever. At least I got to chat some more with Youngjae."

"Hehe...uh, yeah. We did."

Youngjae was a little more shy than he usually was. He wasn't even thinking straight during class because he knew Daehyun was right next to him, glancing at him once in a while. Youngjae felt his heart flutter when he first laid his eyes on Daehyun earlier that morning. He was gay too, but he didn't want anyone to know that. He was the new kid, so eventually someone would about it.


Lunch ended, next thing they knew, school ended. Daehyun was feeling as energetic as ever, knowing that Youngjae would be there with him. They walked home together, and Daehyun found out that Youngjae lived just across the street from his house.

"I'll see you tomorrow Youngjae!"

"I'll see you then too!"

After exchanging goodbyes, Daehyun shut the door behind him, his mom wondering why he looked so happy.

"So, how was your birthday without seaweed soup?"

"Oh, I'm sorry mom. I was in a hurry."

"What for?"

Daehyun placed his backpack on a nearby chair, and explained to his mother how the new kid, Youngjae, was actually really nice.

"I told you. You shouldn't judge someone you haven't even met yet."

"I know, I know. But he's just really nice! AND HE'S SMART AND HE DOESN'T TRY MOM. I WANNA BE LIKE THAT." Daehyun exaggerated so his mom could feel the "pain".

"Then get him to help you! Let him tutor you! I'll let him come over if he's as nice as you say he is."

"You'd let me?" Daehyun said questioningly to his mother.

"Sure! Why not? As long as he's nice and helpful."

"I can go get him now if you want." Daehyun said, pointing to the door behind him with his thumb.

"What? How?" his mom asked, confused.

"He lives right across the street." Daehyun stated.

"Oh..I guess s-"


Daehyun ran to the door and put his shoes on and headed out. He ran across the street, ringing the doorbell of the front door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Daehyun."

The door burst open, and there revealed a smiling Youngjae in pajamas.

"Hi, Daehyun! What brings you here?"

"My mom would like to meet you! And she was thinking if you could tutor me if you ever have time?"

"I'd love to!" Youngjae said happily.

"Can you come now?"

"Will she let me?"

"Yeah! I talked to her already. She'd love to have you over."

"Thanks! I'll just go grab my notebook and stuff, and I'll be right over!" 

"Sounds good!"

Daehyun walked home with a smile and light blush on his face.

"Why so happy?"

"Nothing." Daehyun said and turned around after seeing Youngjae with his books and backpack, "Thank you."

"Come on! Let's go upstairs."

"Okay. Hello Mrs. Jung!"

"Hello dear! Who might you be?"

"I'm Yoo Youngjae."

"Nice to meet you! Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes I have." Youngjae smiled awkwardly.

"Well, if you'd like anything, feel free to tell me. And I hope it's not too much to ask for you to tutor my son," Daehyun's mom continued, "his grades haven't been the best lately."

What are you talking about? I get B+'s! Not F's.

"Oh, I see. Well I'll try my best!"

Youngjae followed Daehyun to his room. "Which subject first?" Youngjae asked.


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Chapter 3: OMG OMG!!! I LOVE DAE'S MOM! I LOVE HER!! she's a great mom!! and obviously I love This DAEJAE TOO!! <3
Chapter 3: hahahhahhaha Freaking Daehyun doesn't waste any time lol =] And Mrs. Jung lol HILARIOUS =]
Chapter 2: OooO Youngjae tutoring Daehyun =] hehehe I have no idea why I'm smiling like an idiot but lol I just am lol
Chapter 1: OooOO Awkward first meeting ... in a chat room no less but it was still cute.. lol I feel the other guys set up Daehyun lol to talk to Youngjae alone lol eheh
petalcha #5
Chapter 4: They're... fast. :)) And Daehyun's mom... omg. XDDD
I love how the boys log out at the same time xD
but yeahh I skipped the part :3
_fangirl32 #7
Chapter 3: Best. Mom. Ever.
Chapter 3: that scene, all i kept thinking of was dae's mom's reaction OTL
NoKpopNoLife #9
Chapter 3: I was crying, really. All in one day. And the whole time I was like "OMG OMG OMG ISN'T DAEHYUN'S MUM STILL IN THE HOUSE HOW CAN THEY BE SO LOUD OMG"
At least Dae's mum knows he's legal.
Chapter 4: "At least they're legal." BEST LINE EVAR!!!! But seriously, it was a cute story, but I wan't expecting the XD