
"All you look like right now is an idiot with those really big headphones on." Himchan said, walking over to the other three, along with his friend, Jongup.

"Shut up." Daehyun looked up at Himchan with an annoyed expression on his face.

"It's rare for me to see you not eating, Daehyun. Are you feeling alright?" Yongguk spoke, a somehow worried look on his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Daehyun said, "I'm not a pig! I can eat when I want to!"

"Are you sure you don't have a fever or anything...?" Yongguk responded.

"AISH! Stop annoying me about that! I'm just not hungry!" Daehyun stood up and put on his backpack, walking away quickly from the four.

"If you say so."


The last bell rang, and in Daehyun's mind, it was the best thing in the whole world.

He quickly packed his stuff and walked out of his last class, and reached the school's entrance doors. He decided to stop by the convenience store and grab a snack. He then got home after finishing the bag of chips he had bought earlier.


"Aigoo, my Daehyunnie~ How was school?" Daehyun's mother cheerfully let out, wiping the wooden dining table with a washcloth and an apron on.

"It was good. There's this new kid going to school tomorrow. They say he's really smart, that he already has this scholarship to a college and he's not even in his final year yet."

"You should become friends with him, Hyunnie. He might rub off on you."

"Am I stupid mom? I actually try you know." he emphasized the word 'try' so my mom would get the point.

"Yeah, but the best you've gotten so far was a B+. I'm not saying it's bad, but I've always wanted to see you get an A at least once."


"You've been watching way too much American shows, my dear. Go and take a rest while I cook you up something, sound good?"

"Hmm..okay. But I'm trying! And if that smart kid starts showing off, I will explode."



I turned around and walked upstairs. I turned the knob on my door and entered, closing it after. I fell on my bed, exhausted, almost as if my bed was quicksand; I fell asleep from the comfort surrounding me on my bed.


About 30 minutes later, my mom came up to my room and brought me some ddukbokki. I hope she used the stretchy rice cakes this time.

"Daehyunnie. Wake up! You're food is ready!"

I groggily got out of my bed, and walked to take the tray of food from her, and set it down on my desk.

"Thank you mom."

"You're welcome, sweetie! If you'd like more, there's a lot downstairs. I'm going somewhere for a bit, so call me if you need anything."


She closed the door silently as I started gobbling down the food before me. I love my mom's cooking, but not more than I love her. My dad is in America right now, and he said he'd be back by next year. But you know, as long as I'm home alone, my only motto is "YOLO".


I finished my last rice cake, and brought it downstairs and put it in the sink. My mom wasn't home yet, and I noticed a huge cheesecake in our refrigerator. I took it out, and got a plate, along with a fork. I took a huge piece, put it back in the fridge, and took the plate back to my room.

I my laptop, knowing that there's no homework, I was still so exhausted for some reason.

I was going on blogs and watching videos for fun, while chewing animalisticly on the cheesecake. That's when I decided to just talk with Yongguk, Himchan, Jongup, and Zelo...who were all awkwardly and coincidentally online, talking to this guy with a weird username, J0K0M4T0. I joined the chat, and saw a lot of history in the conversation.

[Daehyun: K0re4nNinj4 | Yongguk: M4t0_shishi | Himchan: Music4L_Ulzz4ng | Jongup: Chinkee_smil3 | Zelo: 4egy0_4egi | Youngjae: J0K0M4T0]

K0re4nNinj4: Hey.

M4t0_shishi: Hi.

Music4L_Ulzz4ng: Hii!

Chinkee_smil3: Hi hyung!

4egy0_4egi: Hyuuu~uuung~~!

J0K0M4T0: Um..hi..

K0re4nNinj4: Wassup?

M4t0_shishi: Nothing much. We were just talking to Youngjae.

K0re4nNinj4: Youngjae? Who's that?

J0K0M4T0: That would be me. Hello!

K0re4nNinj4: Oh hello, Youngjae. Nice to....meet you?

J0K0M4T0: Hehe...I guess.

4egy0_4egi: This is the guy that's going to attend school tomorrow, hyung!

K0re4nNinj4: Really? Oh my gosh, is it true that you're an honor student, Youngjae?

J0K0M4T0: You can say it like that...I'm pretty slow at everything, and yet I get good grades.

K0re4nNinj4: You're so lucky. The highest I've ever gotten was a B+.

Music4L_Ulzz4ng now offline.

Chinkee_smil3 now offline.

M4t0_shishi now offline.

4egy0_4egi now offline.

K0re4nNinj4: What just happened?

J0K0M4T0: They dumped us! Without even saying goodbye?

K0re4nNinj4: Haha. They're always like that. But it's weird how they all did it at the same time.

J0K0M4T0: Could it have been arranged?

K0re4nNinja: Beats me. But I guess I should talk to you more tomorrow if I see you. You seem like a nice person!

J0K0M4T0: I'm not the type that talks a lot though. You might not even notice me.

K0re4nNinj4: Don't worry, I will. Eat with us at lunch too!

J0K0M4T0: Okay! Thank you!

J0K0M4T0 now offline.

That was an awkward chat I had. But Youngjae doesn't sound all that bad. I thought he would've been a stuck up kid who throws his high scores and good grades into people's faces, but he seems so humble. I would love to see him tomorrow. For sure.


Hey there, beautiful. Yeah you.

This is a weird and somehow concise update. I hope you enjoy this all the way through!

I'll try and update this with one chapter each day. I'm thinking this will probably just be a twoshot (three at most), so yeah.

The poll I posted on my previous fanfic has gotten equal votes. But DaeJae got more votes earlier, so I decided to do this first. Don't worry, I'll write one about JongLo too :)

So thank you very much for reading!

- Emma

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Chapter 3: OMG OMG!!! I LOVE DAE'S MOM! I LOVE HER!! she's a great mom!! and obviously I love This DAEJAE TOO!! <3
Chapter 3: hahahhahhaha Freaking Daehyun doesn't waste any time lol =] And Mrs. Jung lol HILARIOUS =]
Chapter 2: OooO Youngjae tutoring Daehyun =] hehehe I have no idea why I'm smiling like an idiot but lol I just am lol
Chapter 1: OooOO Awkward first meeting ... in a chat room no less but it was still cute.. lol I feel the other guys set up Daehyun lol to talk to Youngjae alone lol eheh
petalcha #5
Chapter 4: They're... fast. :)) And Daehyun's mom... omg. XDDD
I love how the boys log out at the same time xD
but yeahh I skipped the part :3
_fangirl32 #7
Chapter 3: Best. Mom. Ever.
Chapter 3: that scene, all i kept thinking of was dae's mom's reaction OTL
NoKpopNoLife #9
Chapter 3: I was crying, really. All in one day. And the whole time I was like "OMG OMG OMG ISN'T DAEHYUN'S MUM STILL IN THE HOUSE HOW CAN THEY BE SO LOUD OMG"
At least Dae's mum knows he's legal.
Chapter 4: "At least they're legal." BEST LINE EVAR!!!! But seriously, it was a cute story, but I wan't expecting the XD