Father - Random drabble


Have you ever thought it would be amazing to live on a boarding school, will the lee brothers didn't think so.

Have you ever thought about being in the same room with someone who keeps reminding you with someone you used to know, someone you wanted to forget, have you ever thought it would be comfortable?

Have you ever thought about hating your own parent would be enough.

Key's father never really cared about them, for Key this father figure was distorted and not clear image of someone whose main job is to eat and go to work then disappear one day without a trace, only to hear he got remarried and probably having a new family somewhere else.


this is a short drabble that I wanted out of my mind to write something else later on.

Key centred and no locket was harmed during writing this one ^^


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zylazmi #1
Chapter 1: hi,
A father plays a lot of roles in our life and i also grateful that dubu can be a father figure and a great leader to them...