
❝Paint Me a Pink Star!❞
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Hyunseung’s POV

“Is that really you, Hyunseung?”

I looked to my right. Lay backed away horrified by her empty eyes. I stood still under her touch, obeying her like her personal pet. “Yes, Moon Ri, it’s me, Hyunseung.”

“Where’s Lay?” she frowned a little. “It’s dark on the corridor…”

Actually, the lights had sensors so they were from the moment we arrived in front of her door.

“I’m right here, Moon Ri,” Lay gulped some air, holding in his tears. “But I’ll leave you two alone for now. I’ll be back in the morning, alright? Take care!”

She looked in the direction of his footsteps, her hand still on my cheek.

“Come one in,” she then flashed a smile and made room for me to step inside her apartment. The lights were here and there, only the corner when a new canvas was being prepared to be painted was lightless. “So, what brings you here?”

My eyes widened. “I-I…wanted to see how you’ve been?”

“Rubbish! I know Lay told you about me and my little problem.”

“L-little?! Moon Ri…”

“Don’t start lecturing me, Jang Hyunseung!” Her frowned eyebrows stopped me. “It’s my choice. And I can take care of me, thank you very much! I won’t be a burden for anyone, you know? I just want…to live without forgetting anyone,” she added softly. “Even if that means I have to stop seeing the light. So, if you’re here to tell me that I’m wrong…”

“No,” I took her hand as I knelt in front of her. “I didn’t come here to tell you that you’re wrong. I will support you through every decision you take.”


I rested my forehead against her knee. “Because I love you, you dummy! That’s why! And because I love you dearly, I let you hurt me and leave me just to help Junhyung. Because I love you, I accepted to stay away from you. And because I love you much, I’m agreeing with your suicidal plan.”

Her hand caressed my hair gently. “Thank you, Hyunseung.”

No ‘I love you’ back… … But it was alright. Because her fingers said it for her as they caressed my hair. And while doing that, while staying there like that, I felt old and afraid. Afraid that today was too short and that tomorrow will die down before getting to see the sunrise. Afraid that I might not get to show her just how much I love her. Afraid that she might turn away to die in silence… …


“Where are you going so early in the morning?” Doojoon let out a yawn as I put on my baskets.


“At four in the morning?! Where’s the fire, lover boy?”

“Just out. Don’t wait for me to dinner!” I waved at him.

I jogged down the stairs, jumping two steps at once, not minding that there were ten floors. I was hyper!

“DON’T WAIT FOR YOU TO DINNER?!” Doojoon yelled from the dorm’s window. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING, YOU PUNK?! YOU’D BETTER COME TO DINNER SINCE I’M COOKING TODAY, HEAR ME?!” he continued to yell, not minding the fact that it was 4 a.m. and that we had some neighbors that enjoyed sleeping not like us.

“YES, HYUNG! BYE, HYUNG!” I yelled back while waving, right begore getting inside the minivan I rented for that day. I smiled to all the white boxes that I had in the back while putting on my seatbelt. The road was clear and I arrived in 15 minutes in front of Moon Ri’s block of flats. One by one, I carried all the boxes upstairs, leaving them in front of the door, which I opened with the key that Moon Ri gave to me.

With silent steps, I walked inside, placing the boxes in the middle of the living room. The door of her bedroom was opened and the light was coming from there. Curiosity took over me and I stepped inside. She was sleeping soundly with the lights on. Smiling to her innocent view, I turned off the lights and closed the door behind me. It was time to sweat!

I took of the lids of the boxes and carefully took out the white sponges that were piled inside. I was going to wrap the sponges around every single furniture corner that stood out even a little. I couldn’t have Moon Ri hurt herself against them while I was not around! She was already bruised from all the shin hits she took against the chairs that she forgot to put back to their place.

“Fighting, Hyunseung,” I cheered on myself while taking out the tape out from a different box, along with the scissors.

“You take good care of her, hear me, Hyunseung? ‘Coz if you hurt her even one bit, I will not let it slide away, hear that?” Lay spoke to me as soon as I entered his cabinet.

“I won’t, don’t worry!” I smiled while taking off my coat.

He stared at me weirdly. “But I do worry! She’s my sister, Hyunseung! It’s my job to worry about her! If I don’t worry, who will?”

“I will.”


“Let me worry for her, Lay,” I smiled to the flower that was growing in the white pot. “And let me take care of her. I don’t care why you’re her brother now and why Chanyeol is no longer around, because I feel that bringing up this matter will make Moon Ri sad. But I want you to know that I will do my best to be there for her every single day, for as long as she wants me next to her.”

“No,”Lay shook his head, “that’s where you’re wrong, Hyunseung. You need to be there for her every single day, even when she tells you to go away. You have to be there for her if you want me to step away and let you two alone! For only then, when a man like that comes in her life, I will be able to step aside and watch everything from the outside, without having to step in even once. Can you do that?”

“You want me to cling onto her?”

He looked at me intensely and nodded.

“That’s the easiest thing to do!”

“We’ll see…”

“Hyunseung?” Moon Ri’s voice called me to reality. “Are you here?”


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Ahem...warning of failure in chapter 25! TT.TT


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Chapter 33: The end. I wasn't expecting such a happy ending >.< I'm happy Chanyeollie appeared in the last chapter...and Hyunseung was one heck of a lover. Such powerful feelings... I might get teary...
Chapter 18: What the - Lay e fratele?! Si atunci cine e Chanyeol si ce se intampla?! Ah tb sa mai eu care credeam ca Lay o placea...pff =.= dar imi plac incurcaturile <3
Chapter 11: XD I couldn't stay away from this fanfic >.< I was supposed to be writing and maybe in the late evening/night to continue reading! What have you done to me?! Junhyung is gay? XD Oh boy, I'm going crazy here <3 XD
Chapter 3: De cate ori zic ca renunt la citit alte fanfic-uri, incep unul nou =.= creierul meu nu functioneaza bine.
>.< Imi place fanficul <3 Abea am citit 3 capitole si deja sunt captivat...din pacate e 11:30 si mor de somn dar exista si maine o zi. O sa iti las com in fiecare seara pana termin de citit :)
Btw >.< ahhh Chanyeol <3 dragutul de el...dc imi plac personajele zapacite?!
I hope I'll fan girl over him too! ^^
Chapter 33: Aigoo! So asdjfreakinperfecthyungseungasdjf happy and puddle of mush! Such a cute ending! The recording, the proposal, the kids, the gallery...just perfect! I'm so glad MoonRi survived and prospered, finding a new passion for painting and for her family. Omo, Hyunseung's kids are going to be so adorable! I'm so glad they stayed together! Of course, I'm also glad Junhyung finally got his Yoseob. Another great story, dongsaeng-ah! I can't wait for the next. ^^ Kitten hwaiting! <3
Chapter 33: Oh and....
AMBERRRRR!!!! <333
Chapter 33: I sincerely loved this story to bits! Everything, everyone, each and every chapter was just wonderful! Thanks for writing this beautiful fanfic!

Moon Ri, oh how I loved her! She was stubborn, she was sweet, she was smart, she was awesome. She can see, right?

Yong Junhyung! We went on a rollercoaster with this boy! He went from gay to bi to gay again. But, however, I totally fell for him! I wanted him with either Moon Ri or Seob so since Junseob happened, I'm very satisfied!

Hyunseung. He came suddenly but I am glad he did! He was always there for Moon Ri through thick and thin and made their love strong and sweet. The HyunRi/SeungMoon couple is adorable and very, very likable. And their children are precious!

Lay, Chanyeol. You really surprised me with these characters. Lay is actually the brother and Yeol isn't gay but loves Moon Ri. Extremely clever of you, darling!

This fanfiction was addictive, brilliant, sweet, dramatic, beautifully written, and mindblowingly gorgeous!!! I will for sure read your next story too!
Chapter 33: all i can say is ,WOW..
Chapter 32: Awww! A baby named Summer! How sweet! But I'm a bit confused. This baby is Korean, right? So how does she have blue eyes?

JUNSEOB!!! <3 Yessssssss! They're a couple, right? So cuuute <3

Hyunseung and MoonRi are very adorable together :D I love this couple ^.^