Strong on the Surface, Not All the Way Through



Just a short little piece of depression based on the Linkin Park song (don't ask me why, I literally haven't heard them in years) and something Key mentioned once in an interview when he referred to his image of "Key" as an armor. 



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flrite #1
Chapter 1: Ohgosh this was strong
I think that maybe that is still true but what i really love abt key/kibum is how strong he has become. I like to think that he is so much more comfident and happier now
eskulapka #2
Chapter 1: Ok, that was strong. And I believe to some extent true. It's obvious that Key is Kibum's public persona, and he has this duality in him - confidence and fragility, sometimes visible at the same time. I have a feeling that a lot of his confidence comes from members' and fans' support, however as a public person, an idol and just a sensitive person, he gets a lot of criticism that he takes very personally. Fics like this one make me wonder how strong he really is.
Chapter 1: Wow.. This is beautiful. Key an kibum. I love both
Chapter 1: Very moving, this is one of those things you read sometimes that hit really deep.
Chapter 1: well that was nice c;
Chapter 1: Linkin Park. Kibum's insecurities. Thanks. I love Linkin Park so this was a PERFECT story. I know something about insecurities and being depressed so yeah, thank you. <3 :')
pilikpoplove #7
Chapter 1: Oh that's my favourite linkin park song!! *now it's stuck in my head* I like the double personality issue, they probably do have a celebrity character that it's not completely what they are...