Ending 2

Angel Within Alternate Ending

You were heavily pregnant with your second baby as you were waddling around to the kitchen and Ryosuke blocked you as you enter bringing you back to the living room

"AWWWW! I want to cook!" you said childishly. 

"No.....You have to rest! What would happen if you trip and fall...no! You have to stay put!" he said and placed you on the couch. Bakura was on the floor with his toy cars. 

You pouted and he smiled, pinching your cheeks. "Pounting cutely won't make me change my mind Hikari. I want you and our baby girl to be ok" 

"But I'm so bored!!!!!!!" you whined. 

"I know you are. What about you watch some TV ok....and put up your legs. Please!" he begged.

"Aish....fine...." she said and leaned back on the pillow he gave her. He smiled and pat her head

The days goes by quickly for you as your due date approaching. He took good care of you despite the fact that all the housework that's been done mostly by a maid he employed you still feel is unfair to not doing any work. 

One day, it was a rainy day and Ryosuke wasn't at home. You were home alone, Bakura was at school and only the maid was with you. You, with a heavy heart stood up and went to the kitchen bored after watching random channels on TV and saw the maid cooking lunch. 

You saw the stew looking rather greenish and knew the maid must've have put in something wrong. You tasted it and scrunched up "OI! This taste nasty! Make new one!" you ordered and the maid who were scared of you nodded 

"Gomen, I'll make  a new one!" she said and put the pan in the sink. You sat on the chair and watched her. A few minutes later, you felt a hard kick from your stomach. Contractions starting to get stronger and the maid who watch in panic ask "A-are you alright?"

You glared at her and said "DO I LOOK ALRIGHT?! GET ME MY HUSBAND! AHHH!!" you yelled out as you felt the contractions getting stronger and she scaredly went to call him. You saw water on the kitchen tile and knew your water just broke. 

The maid brought you to the living room, and grabbed the bag that was ready for you by the door. Ryosuke burst in, pulled your arm and said "Are you ok?" he ask "Is it time?"

You nodded and you felt the pain "Ahhh! It hurts!" you whined and he picked you up, brought you to the car, drove to the hospital. Upon arriving he didn't leave you. He was by your side when the doctor prepare you for labour. 

He held your hand tightly, kissing it and repeating "It'll be ok......I'm here" you smiled at him weakly, sweating and you laid on the  bed. 

The doctor came in and checked how you were and saw you were ready. "She's ready. Do you want some drugs to ease the pain? he ask

You shook your head "no......just get it over with!" you said, now sweating. He wiped it with towel and smiled at you. 

"Hang in there......" he said and you smiled at him weakly and nodded. 

"Thank you..." you said and the doctor came in again

"Alright, are you ready to give birth?" he said

You and him nodded and the doctor spread your legs. "When you're ready, push okay?" you nodded and counted

"1, 2, 3. PUSH!" you pushed and the baby moved slightly. You heard the doctor count and you pushed again for the second time. "AH! THIS IS TOO HARD" you said in tears

"Is okay....hang in there..we're almost there" Ryosuke said holding your hand tightly. You nodded and pushed again and soon the baby came out. Se was placed on your chest carefully after umbilical cord and you kissed the whimpering baby. 

Ryosuke kissed your forehead and also the baby and said "Our baby" you nodded "Our Tomoko" and he looked at you and smiled "Our Tomoko" 

That day, you were grateful you have a healthy baby girl and had a happy life with him, the one you love the most forever and always; Yamada Ryosuke. 

Five years later:

Bakura and Tomoko ran around the playground as you watched them from the bench. You smiled and felt the sun shining brightly on you as you wore the dark shades you brought along with you. You saw them grew up so fast and you knew you wouldn't have done it without Ryosuke. 

Then as you were in a trance a cold feeling were felt on your cheek. You looked to the right and saw Ryosuke with a can of orange soda. You took it and smiled "Thanks" opening it and took a long satisfying sip, wiping your lip afterwards. He smiled as he watched you. 

"Quit staring" you said and he pinched your cheek "I can't. My wife is just too pretty that I can't stop staring at her" You felt yourself feeling hot and you blushed. He always does this from time to time. 

"Stop it" you said, fanning yourself. Your face red not from the heat but from the compliment. You were happy being married to him. Happy you live a good life with him, 

"MA! Papa!" Bakura called the both of you and you waved at them. They ran to you and said "We're hungry Ma!" 

"Alright! Let's go! What you feel like eating?" you said holding hands with Tomoko

"Uhm hamburger!"the two kids said and you nodded 

Ryosuke held Bakura's left hand while you saw him holding Tomoko's right hand. The four of you walked crossing the street towards the restaurant to eat lunch. You smiled knowing your life is so much better now as a family and grateful you had them in your life. Nothing can change that, any way or another. 

The End!

ANL Springjasmine here! Wow...that was a great ending don't you think? I thought of doing more fluff but I have no time nowadays....aish...reality .....anyways wish me luck on my new fics! Thanks for reading everyone!

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You have no idea how much I love you for writing these. I stll read them obviously for me to be commenting right now. :'D
Karina-Ai #2
Chapter 2: Both of ending sooooo..... GREAT!!!
Chapter 1: OMG OMG!!!