Rescue Me, Worry Me

My Coaches Are Former Gangsters?
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~Credit for the poster goes to the Sugary Delights Graphic Cafe~

The guys from the alley had taken me to some random warehouse on the outskirts of Seoul and had thrown me into one of the offices. Currently Jonghyun was watching me to make sure I didn't try to escape or the like, though even if I did I wouldn't get far; I had no idea how to get home from here. They had confiscated my phone from me a long time ago, so sneaking a call to my coaches or aunt was a no-go. I blinked at the wall I was staring at. Huh. You would think I would think to call the police first. I then glared at the wall when I was reminded of the gang leader's words about not caring about getting caught and how he was looking forward to facing BAP.

I felt so stupid and helpless. How could I let myself get caught? They were going to use me as leverage against BAP for whatever it was they wanted from them, and there was nothing I could do about it. I clenched my fists lightly, biting my lip. What killed me most was that, more than likely, Yongguk, Zelo, Daehyun, Himchan -- all of them were going to get hurt because of me. After they had been so nice to me...

I was causing nothing but trouble for them.

"Don't look so solemn, kid. It's not like we're going to kill you." Jonghyun drawled boredly, his hands placed behind his head while he leaned back in a chair placed next to the door. "Try to brighten up, hm?"

I scowled at him. "Sure, even though I'm being used as bait for my friends, I'll try to be cheerful." Rolling my eyes, I scoffed. "Why don't you think about how I feel before making such a stupid suggestion?"

"Whoa, calm down, missy!" He held up his hands in surrender. "No need to get so snappish."

"How am I not going to get snappish when--"

The door opened up and Onew waltzed in, a smug smirk present on his features and a phone in hand. I looked at him in surprise when he held it out to me. Then I realized that the phone was my phone, and I immediately knew where this was going.

"I'm not about to do that hostage-phone-call thing. Forget it." I spat, crossing my arms.

"They're already on the line. I would hurry up and say something before they get worried."

"You're such a--" I sighed heavily, reigning in my anger, and plucked the phone from his hand. I brought it to my ear. "H-hello?" Nice, Soon Bok. You totally don't sound like a terrified little girl.

"Soon Bok? Is that you? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Yongguk's deep voice frantically rang in my ear.

"I'm fine, Yongguk. Don't worry, okay? I'm tougher than I look, so don't." I attempted to act as brave as I could, but the truth was, I was afraid. These were real gangsters. I was small and a girl and alone. The odds weren't exactly on my side.

"We're coming for you, so just hold out until then. I'm getting the guys together right now. Do you know where you are?"

I gripped the phone tightly. "Listen carefully, Bang Yongguk. Don't you dare come for me. You guys are gonna get hurt!" At this point Onew and Key, who joined us a few seconds after Onew did, were trying to wrestle the phone from me, but being small had its advantages, like being able to dodge faster and more easily. "I'll be okay, so don't try to rescue me. Stay away!"

Onew finally tore the phone from my grasp, and Key grabbed me, trying to shut me up by covering my mouth, but I kept moving my head around. "Stay away, you hear? I won't forgive you guys if you come for me and get hurt!" The man holding me growled and wrapped his whole arm around my head, stopping my movement and covering my mouth all in one go. I continued to struggle while Onew spoke to Yongguk.

"I hope you do realize that unless you want to see your little kid bruised and beaten when she comes home, you'll have to meet us. We're at the abondoned warehouse," The leader's smirk came back full blast with a sick kind of humor twisted into it. "You know the one."

Yongguk began speaking and, without really thinking about the consequences, I bit down on Key's arm. He yelped, letting go of me immediately and clutching his arm. I was on the cusp of tears. I really did not want them coming for me. I didn't want them getting hurt for me. It wasn't right. I wasn't worth all that trouble.

I shut my eyes tightly. "If... IF YOU GUYS COME I'LL HATE YOU!" I yelled as loudly as I could, hoping that the risk of my hate might deter them.

I could just barely make out Yonggul calling my name before I felt a sharp pain on my neck, seeing nothing but black moments after.


"She already left?"

Yoseob nodded at the blonde man. "Yeah. Manager Woo Ri let her go home early." He tilted his head. "She didn't come home?"

Yongguk shook his head. "That's why I'm here. I thought she was still working, and I was going to pick her up."

"That's weird..." The nineteen-year-old furrowed his brow before relaxing at a realization. "It's possible that she went off on her own. Soon Bok has done that in the past when she needs some time to think."

"I would think she'd at least call to let us know..."

Yoseob nodded. "It does seem weird that she didn't call you. Maybe she had more to think about than usual, and she forgot because of it."

The teacher-in-training still felt worried, but accepted the answer. "Yeah, maybe... I'll call just in case."

So he did. She didn't answer. He tried again, but still no answer. Deciding that Soon Bok might need some time alone, he left the phone alone for a while, going home and doing the homework he hadn't finished yet. That took about an hour, and so he called again. Yongguk got her voicemail.

He had to admit that he was worried. Either she had a ton to think about, or something was seriously wrong. Soon Bok didn't seem like the kind of person to ignore a person's calls when it was obvious he/she was trying to get a hold of her. It was strange, suspicious, and worrisome, and with history like BAP's, it made all kinds of scenarios run through Yongguk's mind.

Hours later his phone rang, Soon Bok's caller ID popping up and her ring tone blasting out in the silence of the house. It took all of two seconds for Yongguk to pick up.

"Do you know ho--"

"Hello, Yongguk-ssi. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Yongguk's blood ran cold at the sound of the man's voice. "Onew."

"I'm glad you remember me. With the way you've been acting, I thought you had forgotten about me."

"Why do you have Soon Bok's phone?" He really didn't feel like playing word games with the annoying gangster.

"Isn't it kind of obvious? We have her, of course."

Yongguk growled. "I swear, if you even think about--"

"Calm down, there, Yongguk-ssi. Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you? We aren't even contemplating harming the girl. Yet."

"What do you want?"

"What do you think?"

The blonde scowled. "Why can't anyone seem to understand that we are never going to get involved with that life again?"

Onew chuckled. "Because you don't just dominate a bunch of gangs and then decide you don't want that life anymore. Now, do you want to talk to Soon Bok-ssi, or not?"


It took everything Yongguk had not to break his phone or ram into one of the cars in front of him. After the call Onew had made to him, he was on edge. Soon Bok had practically begged him to not get the others and rescue her, only causing his anger and determination to flame up. There was no way he was going to leave her with those thugs. Even if rescuing her meant risking her hate, he would still come for her. He had promised her aunt to take care of her as if she was his own sister, and he wasn't about to break that promise. And after how I treated her yesterday...

Yongguk let out a frustrated breath, quickly turning into the parking lot of the university Himchan and Daehyun attended and parking right in front of the building. His legs worked quickly to get him inside, and soon the two students were running with him back to the van. All three looked stiff while riding in the car, Himchan in the front passenger seat and Daehyun sitting behind him with Yongguk at the steering wheel. Zelo, Jongup, and Youngjae were at some friend's house; luckily, it wasn't far from the university. Everything was rushed and the three teens were left slightly confused, but they left with the others nonetheless, at least understanding that Soon Bok was in danger and that they needed to be quick in getting to her.

"So Noona was kidnapped? By who?" Jongup's voice showed obvious worry as his brow furrowed.


Everyone noticeably stiffened at the name, Zelo more so than anyone. Daehyun cast a concerned glance in his direction. Will he be okay going against them?

"They have her at the warehouse," Yongguk paused, contemplating his next words. "The one we faced them at before."

"Who do they think they are?" The brain of the group glared

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Chapter 27 is ready to read~ Sorry for the wait, and thanks for sticking with me, guys!


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Chapter 27: update please author nim :)
Zeal95 #2
Chapter 27: Too freekin adorable, if only men like this existed in the real world OTL
Chapter 27: Please! Update ASAP! :D ^^
Chapter 6: i finally got time to read this and so far i love it~ ;u; right now i'm up to chapter 6, but it's so cute and fluffy and heeeh i really love it!!! Keep up the great work!! c:
ChoiPiLoZe #5
Chapter 27: Ommoo!!! Update Soon~~ ♥♥♥♥
glotterjongup #6
Chapter 27:
You can't go flashing people in public.
Nocturnaldaycreature #8
Chapter 27: ㅋㅋㅋ It seems VIXX is messing with our lives at the same time...
This was a very sweet/cute chapter! I can't wait for more!!!
Also, Himchan, I checked. The luffah is not on fire.
Nocturnaldaycreature #9
Chapter 26: Nahh, it was a great chapter, and Yongguk didn't go out of character. :)
Update soon~!
Nocturnaldaycreature #10
Chapter 25: Heated chapter... I just want to know what happens next!
Update soon,author-nim~!