The Diary of Kim Jonghyun (Oneshot)

The Diary of Kim Jonghyun


"Calling Detective Kim Jongin. Jongin, can you hear me?" the walkie talkie spoke, in a broken sentence. Jongin picked up the black radio from his desk and held down the talk button, "Yes Minho, what's up?" he said. "There's been a body found at the Han River this morning. Looks like suicide, but the officers request your presence to inspect the case. Think you can get down there now?" Minho asked the man. A tired sigh left Jongin's plump lips. "Yeah, let the police chief know i'll be there in ten." he replied. "Alright, get on that case Mr. Kim" Jongin had already turned off the small device.

Jongin kicked the ground in front of him and his wheeled chair rolled back a foot or two. Raising his arms above his head, he took a deep breath and thought, "Another suicide case? Must be another crazy love deprived young person. What’s wrong with people these days." He snatched his car keys from the table, put on his coat and headed out his office door. Honestly, Jongin loved his job cracking hard cases. Finding out how people passed away and sometimes finding the people involved with the passing. But nowadays it's just been suicides that were too easy to find out; they usually left notes and what not on them.

"Good luck out there, it's pouring." Minho wished him, as he walked by his desk. A loud groan that escaped from his mouth echoed through the quiet lobby that inhabited little people. Just another reason to add to why he should quit his job, being the rich person he is, it would be no problem. He walked out the automatic doors and stopped just before the roofing over head ended and examined the clear daggers falling relentlessly out of the grey clouds above. Mr. Kim looked back through the doors to find Minho kicked back in his chair with a "my life is good" smile directed right at him. Scoffing, he turned back around and pulled up his jacket to act as a temporary umbrella while he ran to his car parked in a reserved spot with his name painted there.


Jongin parked next to a white canopy which was set up under a large tree, acting as another rain protector for the people set up in stations under. "Why don't you idiots just move the analyze team and everybody else inside the police station." Jongin said seriously, climbing out of his car cautiously, trying not to step in mud puddles. "Nice to see you as well, Detective Kim." Byun Baekhyun, police chief, disregarded his words. "So what have you found out so far?" the man asked, looking over the shoulders of some of the busy investigation team. Chief Baekhyun popped open an umbrella and out under the open sky, "I'll show you." the tall man pouted, then joining his friend under the wide umbrella.

"So this man, Kim Jonghyun. We're almost sure he jumped off of the Banpo Bridge, and he ended up here, a little further down. We got a call early this morning from a couple walking by when they saw his body over there." Baekhyun pointed down to the muddy bank on the other side of the railings and caution tape. "There aren't any signs of outer damage is there? For sure he did it himself?" Jongin asked, jumping the rail and sliding down the dirt, knowing his shoes would be ruined sometime throughout the day anyways. The chief followed with, "That's our team's hypothesis. But isn't it your job to find out for us?" he laughed. The detective sent a glare to his side, then chuckled along.

"How's it going guys?" the policeman asked the workers examining the body and crime scene around him. "So far, we found no blood. And for belongings, just his wallet." one replied. "Alright, keep up the good work. If you find anything more, report to me or Jongin here." his elbow poked the side of Jongin's ribcage. "Yes sir." all but one replied in unison. Jongin turned around, about to walk away with Baekhyun, but turned back suddenly. The person who hadn't replied was eight feet away from everybody else, crouched under his umbrella and eyes burning into the book he was holding. 

"Yah! Why are you reading! Do your work!" Detective Kim yelled over to the man. "I-I think I found something important!" he shouted back. "Well what the hell are you doing? Bring it over!" he yelled again, his patience running out slowly. The members of the search group on the bank of the river gathered near the body, and waited as the man brought the book over. "I think it's a journal/diary of his. It's Kim Jonghyun right?" He said handing the book over to the impatient man. He looked at the hard, lime green colored cover, then turned to the cover page that read, "Diary of Kim Jonghyun". After, he flipped through the waterless pages that were filled with writing all the way to the end. "How is it perfectly dry, if he supposedly jumped into the river?" Jongin questioned the man who dug around in his pockets. Eventually, he pulled out two large plastic sandwich bags that held the book only a couple minutes before. "I guess he wanted somebody to find and read his writing."

"Let the medics take the body away for further examination, and tell everybody to pack up to go back to the station. This diary is probably all we need now." Chief Baekhyun ordered the team. Obediently, they traveled up the slippery, small hills to get back to the main trail and road. "Go ahead to the station, and tell Tiffany to get you a conference room." he then said to Jongin. "Yeah." he replied, still staring at the title page. "Kim Jonghyun. What pushed you to do this?" he thought, an unusual empty feeling ate at his heart as he thought more and more about the diary. Something different was going to come about this case. The man just knows it.


"Need anything else? Coffee? It's awfully cold outside today." a beaming Tiffany asked through the doorway as Kim Jongin took a seat at the head of the conference table. "No thanks, just shut the door." he told her. She bowed respectfully, and closed the door with a click then walked off to continue her business. Jongin sat there, tapping his finger on the table waiting for his companions. He looked at the clock and noticed that a full 15 minutes had passed. "Should I just take a sneak peak? Pft, they wouldn't mind even if I read the whole thing. I'm the investigator here." he concluded in his mind, and flipped to the next page, after the title.


January 13th, 2011

Boy, was my day ty. How could I get fired from my fifth job this month? This is just ridiculous. Whatever, I have a lot of applications filed for other jobs. I really need to control my temper though, I'm going to get fired from every job I have at this rate!  Tsk, the sarcastic guy deserved it. Stupid cheesy grin got wiped off of his face once I leaped the counter and pounced on him. Tsk, stupid peasant. Wait, actually, now that I think of it. My day wasn't that bad after all. I got my last pay check at the end of the day and walked home and met a new friend. Kim Kibum. I stopped to take a breather at the Banpo bridge and take a look at the water show and I made some conversation with him. He was funny, and blunt at the same time. I like that. I complimented his great sense of style he and said I was very handsome ^^ Well, of course I am. I'm pretty y. But anyways, he's a total sweetheart and acts really motherly. I wonder if he's gay? Not that I care, but I just don't want a gay guy falling for me when I'm straight. Awkward. Honestly though, he's a pretty good looking and decent guy so we exchanged numbers. I really hated having to leave him on the bridge, but I had to go. I hope to see him more often and get closer with him! ^^

February 14th, 2011

Today is Valentine's Day, and I swear i'm going to get diabetes. I got way too much candy from random girls I haven't even seen before in my life! Sometimes being hot isn't all that great kekekeke. The other day Key (Kibum told me to call him that from now on) told me I was conceited. He said it straight up, with the blunt personality he has. I don't disagree, at times I am, but that actually somewhat hurt me. I'm not going to take my looks for granted now, and stop being a selca since Key says it isn't attractive for anybody. I wished Key a happy Valentine's Day, but I haven't gotten a reply yet. I understand. He has a nice boyfriend; who probably took him out for dinner tonight.

March 1st, 2011

I swear me and Key are the greatest buddies out here in Korea! I can't get over all the jokes we say to each other. Today was especially fun. We went to a theme park on a double date. Him and Onew, me and Jessica, we had so much fun all together! Me and Key love to push each other to "get some" with our dates. Kekeke, knowing me, I definitely got a couple kisses. But I didn't feel a spark anytime during the date. I didn't even get the urge to grab her . (Which I think disappointed her a bit) It was really weird. I barely looked at girls the whole day now that I think about it. Well, whatever. I don't know if Key got anything more than a make-out session with Onew, but all I know is that I felt funny. Oh, and that Onew better keep his eyes only on Key, and stop watching staring at girls' bodies. Douche bag move, right there.

April 8th, 2011

Today is my birthday! I was thinking about going out to have a nice dinner with close friends and family, but the storm is really unpleasant, and so many people couldn't even make it. So, Key and I decided to have a rainy day sleep over at my house. It's been raining for the past 2 days straight, and the forecast says it will continue nonstop until this weekend, so why not? Plus I have nothing to do on my birthday anyway. I let Key choose the movies (bad idea) and I got the snacks. Key, releasing his inner female, Gwiboon, brought over some sad movies, along with some American movies from a producing company called Disney. I already had the basics: popcorn, candy, drinks, you name it. I can have whatever I want in my bachelor pad ^^ Surprisingly, I cried during one of the movies, and Key thankfully was there to be my shoulder to cry on. I seriously love him, he's my bro forever ^^ I'M A STUPID LITTLE THAT CRIES DURING MOVIES HAHAHAHAAHA KEY IS MY AWESOME QUEEN AND I AM FOREVER A PEASANT UNDER HIS RULE. I stand corrected. Guess I only love him sometimes.

May 15th, 2011

For the first time in the months we had met each other, Key opened up his heart and mind to me fully. He cried, telling me that Onew and him hadn't seen each other in over a week because of a business trip, and he hasn't been answering his phone at all. I told him to just stay strong, and reassured that Onew probably just doesn't have good reception where he is. I feel really good about giving Key advice, and feel especially good when he rests his head on my chest ><;; weird, but true. But I hope that's what's actually happening. I don't trust Onew. Not even one bit. He really bothers me, all he is, is smiles. Like, don't you have any other emotion besides jealousy, when you watch a person eat chicken. Damn robot. He better not hurt Key, or else I hurt him.

Hidden page- June 20th, 2011

I'm starting to question my uality.... I... I don't know what's come over me, but when I go to the clubs, I find myself watching guys bump and grind instead of girls. This... Cannot be good. I think. I don't even know anymore! I guess it's good, as long as I find somebody I love. But how did I suddenly change? Why now and not earlier? Too many questions with no answers to them. This is just great. I don't even want to look at a Playboy magazine cover anymore without thinking that it's so degrading to women. Omo, my style is changing a bit too, thanks to Key. Omo, when did I start saying "Omo"? Doesn't Key say "Omo" all the time too? OMO, AM I TURNING INTO KEY? SWEET GOD SAVE ME.

July 18th, 2011

Today I ate out by myself. I needed some time alone to think about..... Whatever is happening to me, and how I can get through the change. Or even think of a way to stop this change. The funny thing is, though, I saw Onew there with a younger boy. Maybe about a four year difference. He was a cute and skinny little thing. Hair was a nice shade of brown, face was- anyways, I guess Onew took him out for his birthday or something like that. Onew sat next to the boy and fed him food, doing what couples do; he even put his arm around him and gave him short kisses on his face. I would say he's cheating on Key, but I'm not going to assume. The younger could be a step brother, or maybe even a close family friend. Key probably knew about onew going out that night anyway. Onew called him right when he came back from his business trip, saying he didn't have very good reception.

Hidden page- August 29th, 2011

This is definitely not his relative of any kind. I went to the movies with Jessica today, and witnessed the two men have an intense make-out session at the corner of my eye. They had slight touches too. Ew, gross. Who does that in public? I don't know what to do. Key looks so happy when he's with his boyfriend. but I don't want an unfaithful bastard playing him. I think I will wait, and just try to break them up. Okay well, I think I finally sorted out my feelings. I don't like girls anymore. How did I find that out? Um, I-I kinda liked watching the two go at it. OKAY THAT'S ALL I'M WRITING FOR YOU TODAY GOODBYE DIARY.

September 23rd, 2011

Yay for Key! Happy Birthday to him~! We had fun at the bar tonight, he's lucky to have a friend like me. Knowing the owner of the place, I got a VIP booth reserved specially for him. We all had fun and went to karaoke where things really got crazy. Like, not even funny crazy. Key left to puke in the bathroom, taking a couple of his girl friends, and I stayed to break my own jaw. My jaw literally dropped to the floor when I saw Onew making out with Key's friend right in front of me! I know I should have said something to him, but it was his birthday. And what kind of friend would I be, ruining his birthday like that? But still.... What kind of friend am I to keep that secret from him for this long?

October 31st, 2011

Got some good laughs out of tonight, because Key is deathly afraid of heights and he has a love-hate relationship with scary things. There was a haunted house set up at a house that is under construction right now, and I literally begged on my knees to get him to go in with me! Things were going smoothly, until we got to the second floor, and Key opened a door that led to a drop. He jumped back into my arms and shook his head on my chest repeating over and over, "I hate you Kim Jonghyun, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Then he made the "peasant" (me) carry my "queen" (Key) out of the whole house. I got butterflies in my stomach with him being so close to me. Am I.... Starting to like my best friend? Again, I saw Onew on the streets with the boy. I led Key the opposite direction.

November 26th, 2011

I spent this last week with Key and met his family for Thanksgiving. They're really nice, and Key's just a chip off his mom's shoulders. It's really cute watching their family quarrel, because it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong. Key and Umma, are always the winners who end the whole conversation with blocking their ear canals with their fingers and making loud, obnoxious noises until they notice everybody has shut up. Best part of it is, once it's over, they smile right after and ask nice questions like, "How was your day today, honey?" I really bursted after that; I couldn't hold in my laughs. Staying there, Key rarely visits so they only had one bed in the guest room. We had to share a bed. And must I say, I cherished every single moment being right next to him, and feeling his breathe on the back of my neck. In bed, I finally told him about Onew. I was expecting a pool of tears coming from him, but he just played it off like it was nothing to worry about. "Pft, stop playing with me you liar. He would never do that kind of thing to me." But I'm not lying to you....

December 12th, 2011

I got my first pay check from my new job, and decided to take Key out for dinner. (I'm on my way to paying him back for every meal he bought me) I don't know whether I chose the right, or wrong place to eat--- maybe it was truly just fated to end like this. Onew and the boy were there, and immediately Key saw them. I remember watching Key walk over with a devastated face as the young man said "Honey, who is this guy?" as he clung to his arm. Key really let the boy have it--- In front of everyone too. He explained that they were dating and Onew didn't need a little boy like him. It wasn't until Onew said something I jumped in there. "This guy is crazy, I don't even know him." Onew said to Taemin. Key fell to his knees and wept without shame, right there on the floor. Onew tried walking by me. Big mistake. I socked him in the face so hard he knocked out.

I got Key to come and stay at my house for the night so I could help him get through this. He really cried. He really cried. But better believe that I didn't leave his side once, unless Key asked for a glass of water, or complained that he was cold and got him a blanket. It's four in the morning now, and he's finally asleep. I'm watching tears still roll down his beautiful, sleeping face, even though he's entered his own dream land. I plan on staying up as long as I can, just in case I need to wake him up from a horrible dream. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Good night, my Kim Kibum. I will tell you my feelings soon.

My last entry in this diary- January 13th, 2012

Key has been in a depressed state for too long now. I planned on taking him for a picnic in the park next to the Han River. I wanted to meet him on the Banpo Bridge, at the exact same spot where we first met, because today has been one full year since we have first met. I also wanted to confess my love for him. I love him, so much. Walking to him, my smile was glowing as bright as the sun, but I noticed his cheeks were pink and puffy, and tears fell from his jaw-line. I stopped in my tracks as he held a hand up to me, only ten feet away, we stared at each other. I watched as he sent me a heart with his hands. He waited for me to send back the gesture. Then, comes the unexpected. Kim Kibum, my love, sits atop the cement railing, and sends me one, last grateful smile. Before he pushed himself off and plummeted to his death. 

I dropped the picnic basket and ran to the spot where he sat only seconds ago. He had already landed deep into his watery grave. Sobbing loudly, I make my way back to the picnic basket.

To who ever took the time to read this: He never knew how I felt about him. He never knew how much I appreciated him. He never knew how much I needed him. But don't worry, now, he knows.


"What does he mean, by 'now he knows'?" Jongin's thoughts were cut off by Baekhyun's voice echoing in the lonely-no-more room. "Sorry for the hour wait! The storm was really bad once you left." he said. Detective Kim just stared at the blank, white wall at the other end of the room. "Now he knows.... Now he knows..... Now, he knows.the puzzle pieces of his thoughts finally fit perfectly with each other. Unexpectedly, Jongin shot up from his chair and slammed his hands onto the table. "I know why he committed suicide." he said in amazement.

Ever since Kim Jongin worked on that case, his views changed on everything. No longer would he call these suicide people, "crazy love deprived children" or anything along those lines. He never once thought about the person's feelings. For once, he really understood. He felt the feelings that Jonghyun had for Kibum. Kim Jongin really takes his cases seriously now, and it's all thanks to Kim Jonghyun, and his diary.


A/N: GUYYYYYYS, I CRIED WHILE MAKING THIS. I'M SORRY BUT THE FEELS WERE TOO MUCH FOR ME. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did ;-; I think it was pretty good. Ugh forever crying in a corner. How did you guys like this set up? Good? No? Well, please give me feedback and i hope you stay with me for even better fanfics in the future! Annyeong!

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Chapter 1: sdlkmgldksmgldkmgdl omg this was beautiful I can't
Onew why I love you but you're such a bastard in this why whY
aw. ;; I loved this.
shineeshipper #2
Chapter 1: omomomomomomomomo that was amazing D': you are really really really really reallllyyy talented!
Chapter 1: Awww!! :'( Why Key?! Why?! Poor Jonghyun... :((
eunhaeshipper15 #4
Chapter 1: That was one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. :') You did an amazing job authornim. ^^
Chapter 1: OMO this was so beautifully tragic! Onew how could you? you were always the good guy to me, poor Key and Jonghyun, i hope they were reunited in death. Ppyong!
jess_mmam #6
Chapter 1: Omfg! why?! Onew, cheating bastard! Die, and die again and again! And Key, you low little life(doesn't think that one bit), killing yourself when you have Jjong; you're better than this!!
Too saaaaaaaaaaaaaad! My beautiful baby Bummie!

Thanks for this saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad story! *sniff*
WisdomJade #7
Chapter 1: OH MY GOODNESS. The fact that Key never got to find out how Jonghyun feels is so sad. If Jonghyun had told him.. They could have had each other.. They would have been happy.. :( touching story. Thankyou ^ ^ subbing to you~
phiiee #8
Chapter 1: Aiiiiiisssshhhh, Onew is a jerk here <.< Damn it!
But sad story, really. *sigh*