
Our Cracked Friendship
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Kris opened EXO-M’s waiting room door to the main hallway where all the other waiting rooms were. He ran down the hallway without a second thought to the entrance to the backstage. “Kris! Where are you going?! Come back!” Lay yelled down the hall as he saw Kris was already halfway down the hallway. He was about to run after him, but he stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder restraining him from running. He looked back to see Tao’s face. Tao didn’t say anything and just shooked his head. As if he had spoke, Lay obediently listened to him as he knew what he meant.

Kris needs to find the truth on his own.

Kris was backstage looking for Jianyu and still had no luck finding him. He continuously wandered aimlessly around hoping to bump into Jianyu by chance. Kris eventually asked one of the backstage staff to see if they had seen Night Fighterz. They had told him that they were most likely on the way back to their waiting room. Kris politely thanked them and ran back to the hallway where all the waiting rooms were.

Kris was walking down the hallway to Moon Voice’s room as he was directed by the staff that he had ran into as he was a bit lost in finding their room. He was walking down then he suddenly saw the man was he was searching for. Jianyu and the rest of s were talking amongest themselves and laughing at their silly jokes. Kris couldn't believe it. There stood Jianyu, the man that Kris had been longing to hear from every since his preparations for his his debut with EXO. He wanted to call Jianyu's name but nothing come out of his throat. Kris was feeling hesitant about if he should actually talk to Jianyu.

Questions were running through his head.

Would he even be willing to talk to me? 

What caused him to become like this?

Is he the same gege that was my number one best friend?

Kris tightened his hands into a fist. He took all the courage in him to call Jianyu. Jianyu and the rest of s were heading into their room. Jianyu was the last one to go in, but he was stopped in his tracks when he heard a familiar voice. 

 "JIANYU-GEGE!" Kris had ran out of breath since he used all his might to call Jianyu.

Jianyu was quite surprised over the fact that Kris came to find him so quickly.

"Wu Fan..."

Without even thinking, Kris ran to Jianyu and hugged him tight. Jianyu didn't have enough time to even react to Kris's sudden action. He hugged Kris back with his hand barely touching Kris' waist.

"I missed you so much gege," Kris said with a cracking voice," Why did you leave?"

I truely missed you...

Jianyu was still trying to process the moment. His head was telling to reject and push Kris away from him, but his body wasn't reacting at all.

What's wrong

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Ooooooooh ^_^. Can't wait to see what happens next.
sayonaracrawl #2
your request is done :)
- strawberry milkeu
plz subscribe!!