Chapter 1

Our Cracked Friendship
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I have something to ask you?
What is it?
If I were to leave unexpectedly, what would you do?
What are you talking about?
I’m just asking you?
Well, I would find out your location and then hunt you down. After that, I would go crazy everyday wondering where you are. Does that answer your question?
Yah, it does. Gosh, you can be so silly sometimes with your answers.
Well, that how I roll, but seriously I would go crazy wondering if suddenly disappeared. You know that since you're my best friend...Jianyu-gege...
I’m glad to hear that and don’t worry I’m not going anywhere... Wu Fan...

Jianyu looked at a pic of Kris when they were both trainees he had in his hands. He would always remembered the conversation he had with Kris from not too long ago. Jianyu stared at the picture for another couple minutes then he put the picture back in his in wallet. He looked around the room that he was sitting in. Jianyu was currently in a dressing room. The reason? He was waiting for his turn to perform at an awards show in China. Why? It was night of his debut performance with his group the “Night Fighterz”. However, he was not that excited, but he should be right? It was always his dream to debut, but it was something else that was bothering him. Another group was there to perform as well. Who? EXO-M...The group for whom he had the most ultimate hate towards..

Kris was pacing back and forth in his dressing room. The rest of the EXO-M members just stared at their leader with concern. They knew that when Kris was worried he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on their upcoming performance. They knew what was on their leader’s mind. He was waiting for a response. From who? From his best friend he didn’t talk since he was preparing for his debut. Huang Jianyu.  
"Kris?" Tao called out.
Kris did not hear and continued to pace around the room, looking at his phone.  
"Kris?" Lay called out.
"KRIS?" He yelled out.
"What?!" Kris yelled as he jumped in shock.
"Finally we got your attention. Kris, you should just calm down. I bet he is really busy with his training. You should give him a break." Lay said with a stern voice.
Kris looked at Lay and then at his phone and sighed in defeat.
"I guess you’re right. He must busy with his training. Kris walked over to put his phone in his bag on the table then walked over to sit beside Tao."
"Gege, I bet Jianyu-gege will contact you soon."
"Ya, you’re maybe right. I’m just really scared something had happened. I guess we were both just too busy to talk to each other."
Tao placed his hand on Kris’ hand. Kris looked up to Tao as soon as he felt his hand. He took Tao’s hand and gave it a tight squeeze with a smile o

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Ooooooooh ^_^. Can't wait to see what happens next.
sayonaracrawl #2
your request is done :)
- strawberry milkeu
plz subscribe!!