Wae so angry?

Sleeping With Myself

MBLAQ finished up their dance practice. They were eager to leave because there was going to be a party to celebrate the completion of their song "Stay".

Mir layed on the practice room floor. He was about to get up when his leg started cramping.

"Ow, ow, ow!"he whimpered, holding his leg in the air.

Joon was the only other member still in the practice room, and he rushed over.

"Aigoo! Mir are you ok?"he asked, squating beside the hurting maknae.

"Ne, hyung, I just got a cramp."he said, sitting up.

He attempted to stand up, but the sore, burning sensation in his calf, caused his leg to give out. Joon caught him before he could hit the ground.

"Kansahamida,"said Mir, blushing, "I think I can walk now."

Joon saw him wince as he tried to take a step.

"Here, just let me carry you."said Joon, lifting the maknae into his arms and carrying him bridal style.

"Chongsonghamnida."said Mir.

"Anieyo."said Joon, carrying him to the van.

Thunder was leaning against the van, waiting for GO and Seungho, who were talking with Rain.

"Omo! What happened?"he asked when he saw Joon carrying Mir.

"Don't worry, Mir just had a leg cramp."said Joon, flashing him a reassuring smile.

Thunder opened the van door, patting Mir's arm as Joon placed him inside.

"Give me your leg."said the muscular singer, sitting in the seat beside Mir.

"Huh?"said Mir, looking at him confused.

Joon reached down and grabbed Mir's leg, pulling it into his lap and making Mir sit sideways Mir gasped but didn't protest.

Joon began to message the sore muscles in Mir's calf.

Mir leaned against the door with his eyes closed, making slight "nnn" noises, as Joon continued rubbing his leg.

Finally Joon stopped and looked over at Mir.

"Is it better?"he asked.

"Ne, hyung, kansahamnida."said Mir, moving his leg from Joon's lap.

He sat up and pushed his foot down on the floor, applying pressure to test it. It really did feel better.

Mir fell asleep on the way home. His head slumped over on Joon's shoulder. Joon placed a gentle kiss on the top of the boy's head, earning a smile from Seungho. He closed his eyes and reased his head on top of Mir's, driffting off to sleep.


Mir stepped out of tbe shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He went to his room and found Joon getting ready.

"Your phone has been ringing non-stop."said Joon, pointing to the night table where Mir's phone was.

"Thanks,"said Mir, shuffling over and picking up his phone.

He flicked it open and saw that he had nine calls and twelve texts all from Hongki. He sighed and texted, "Leave me alone!", closing the phone.

Joon looked away as Mir proceeded to drop his towel and search for something to wear. Mir's phone started ringing, and he picked it up, irritated.

"What the do you want!?"he growled into the phone.

Joon turned around and stared at him in shock. He had never seen the angry side of the hyper, fun-loving maknae. Mir had never been the type to scream at somebody.

The other end of the lne was silent.

"I'm hanging up."said Mir.

"Wait, Mir,"said Hongki, sounding like he was about to cry

"What?"Mir snapped.

"Mir, mianhamnida."said Hongki.

Mir could tell that he was crying by the sound of his voice.

"You should be."said Mir, coldly, snapping the phone shut, thus ending the call.

He turned around to find Joon staring at him in disbelief.

"M-mir, wae are you so angry?"Joon stuttered, slightly fearful.

"I'm fine hyung. Sorry for being so loud!"said Mir, once again his hyper, bubbly self.

Joon watched as he got dressed, still shocked by his outburst. He was to shocked to even be by Mir's ness.

They did their hair and makeup and waited for Seungho to collect them. Finally he appeared and told them it was time to leave. Joon noticed that Mir turned his phone off before getting in the van.

They soon arrived at the club where the party was taking place. They were greeted by several producers, a handful of trainees, company employees, and Rain himself.

Rain shook hands wiith each of them and proposed a toast. Champagne was passed out, and everyone toasted to the success of MBLAQ.

Rain clapped Seungho on the back, and the two began talking about filming a music video for the new song.

Everyone began to mingle. GO started hitting on girls. Thunder started to dance with a group of people. Joon grabbed a beer and leaned against a table, deep in thought. Mir made his way to the bar.


Joon sat down at the bar and ordered two shots of soju, one for him and one for the annoying girl that was hitting on him. He just wished she would go away, but she just wouldn't leave him alone. He figured the only thing he could do would be to get her drunk and hope she'd either forget about him or pass out.

It wasn't that she was ugly. She was actually hot, but she just wasn't Joon's type. She just wanted to get some action. Joon didn't want . The only person he wanted to make love to was Mir.

Joon did his shot and gave the girl hers. He heard a loud thud at the other end of the bar. He looked over and saw that Mir was laying on the ground, seeming to have fallen of a barstool.

"Aigoo! Mir, are you ok?"he asked after rushing to the boy's side.

Mir muttered something unintelligible, and Joon flipped him over to look at his face. Mir's eyes were bloodshot, and Joon could tell he was totally faced.

"Aish, you punk."Joon mumbled, helping the drunk maknae stand up.

Mir tried to walk, but he staggered and fell into Joon. Joon looked around and found the girl that had been annoying him earlier.

"Ya, can you watch him while I go get someone to take him home?"Joon asked sweetly.

The girl nodded, and Joon leaned Mir against the bar, leaving him with her.

Joon took off in search of Seungho. He found him chatting with GO and some random girl. He tapped his hyung on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow. Seungho obeyed and silently left GO and the girl.

"Mir's really drunk, and I think I should take him home."Joon explained.

"Aish, our little the maknae's such a party animal."Seungho chuckled.

Joon sighed and led him to the place where he had left Mir. They were shocked to find the girl kissing Mir. He wasn't kissing her back though. He looked like he was about to fall over again.

"What the hell are are you doing?!"Joon thundered, pulling her off Mir.

"Joonie,"said Mir, reaching for him.

Seungho helped Joon get Mir on his back, and Mir started to laugh.

"Wee, Joonie's my horsey!"Mir shouted gleefully as Joon piggybacked him out of the club.

As soon as they were out of he club, Joon started to bounce him up and down, making horse noises.

Mir squealed with laughter, and Joon's heart was filled with Joy. He adored Mir's laughter.


Joon layed Mir on his bed and removved the younger boy's shoes and belt. He was starting on Mir's pants when Mir started to cry.

"Last time we did it, you said you didn't love me."he sniffed.

Joon froze, wondering what the boy was talking about.

"What?"he asked.

"You selfish bastard! You broke my heart! Why can't you just love me and get over him!?"Mir yelled.

Joon gasped. He stared at Mir, watching the tears pour down his face. He removed his hand from Mir's zipper and wiped the maknae's tears with his thumb.

"It's ok, Mireu, don't cry."he whispered, pulling his dongsaeng into a hug.

"Joonie,"Mir whispered, breathing in the familliar scent of his hyung.

Joon smiled and pulled away from the hug to look at him.

"Joo-"was all Mir managed to say before he vomited all over Joon's shirt, his own hands and his own bed, all at once.

Joon stared wide-eyed for a moment, shocked that Mir had thrown up all over him.

Finally, he came to his senses and carefully pulled his shirt off.

He looked over at Mir and saw that he was covered in puke as well.

"We need to get cleaned up. Come on."Joon said, grabbing Mir's elbow because his hands had throw up on them.

He led the younger boy to the bathroom and sat him on the toilet. He the shower and undressed himself. Hesitantly, he helped Mir strip and got him into the shower.

"Hyung,"said Mir, leaning against Joon's chest and closing his eyes.

Joon sighed and held Mir's hands under the water, washing them off.

He held Mir with one arm and worked shampoo into the boy's hair with the other. Mir was starting to fall asleep.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. I took a while to update so sorry about that. Poor Joon got puked on lol eww -_- haha, I think almost all my fanfics have someone puking at least once XD what a disgusting person I am hehe. Poor Mir :( haha you guys are going to hate me for the next chapter hehe ;)

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I wrote for this, but I'm scared you guys will be mad if I post it… >.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 4: Its sweet i hope hongki regrets
what he said

Please update
in the next chapter can you please not make the letter colours soo BRIGHT
it hurts mu eyes -.-
I've subscribed to this story ages ago I think, but only now do I get to finally read it! (blame it on my greed)

I really enjoyed this story! Hope you will continue writing it one day!
KaishkaKo #3
Chapter 4: LOL at this whole thing.
I feel bad for Mir who loves Hongki, but Joon is CLEARLY the better choice here!!! Hehe I bet he'll fall for him in no time ;D
SuJu_lover #4
Chapter 4: such a cute story! *-*
poor mir! i hope he'll soon get over honki
joon you're doing your best, fighting!!!

update soon :D
Chapter 3: oh oh! Hongki might soon regret treating Mir so casually!
crazy_jaywalker #6
Chapter 3: Please update TOT
if you need any graphics and reviews, stop by at this shop. It's daebak:

Sorry for taking ure wall space

well, it's my friend shop. helping her to advertise
Chapter 2: Even though the chapters are short I really like the story,and hope Mir would get better. ^_^