I wouldn't hurt you

Sleeping With Myself

Joon opened the door to his shared room. The lights were and and sniffling sounds could be heard in the darkness.

"Mireu?"said Joon, flicking on the light. He saw Mir on his bed, hugging his knees to chest, crying.

"Omo, Mir, what's wrong?"he asked, concerned.

"Someone just broke my heart, hyung." Mir answered, his voice thick with tears.

"Oh, mianhae."said Joon, sitting down beside his crying dongsaeng.

He placed a comforting hand on Mir's back, rubbing gently.

"Do you want to talk about it?"Joon asked.

Mir shook his head, snifflling.

"Come here," said the older man, pulling Mir into his lap and wraping his arms around the crying boy.

Mir burried his face in Joon's chest, wrapping his arms around his middle.

"Shh, it's ok."Joon soothed.

Joon held the maknae tightly, patting his back and listening as the sniffles gradually stopped. He heard light snoring and he knew that he was asleep.

Joon layed back on the bed, pulling the sleeping Mir on top of him. "I would never hurt you Mireu."he whispered before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Mir woke up, wraped in a pair of strong arms. He opened his eyes and took in the beautiful sight before him. Joon was sleepig beneath him, his face peaceful, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, with white teeth barely visable.

'I never noticed how beautiful he is. 'Mir thought to himself. He tried to get up but Joon whined in his sleep and held him tighter, preventing him from moving. The maknae sighed and laayed back down on Joon's chest. He would rather go back to sleep than get up and deal with his heartbreak anyways.

"Ya! Get up you two!" Seungo bellowed, bursting into the room.

Mir jumped awake, waking Joon up with his sudden movement. Joon groaned and released his hold on Mir, stretching his arms. Mir got up and scurried to the bathroom with a painfully full bladder.

Seungho stood in the doorway giving Joon a quizical look.

"What happened last night?"he asked.

Joon blushed.

"Well, I came in last night and Mir bawling. He told me someone broke his heart and he didn't want to talk about it and...um... he sort of fell asleep in my arms. Joon explained, sheepishly.

Seungho's expression softened.

"You're a good friend, Joon. I'm glad you were here to take care of our maknae."he said. 

Joon beamed.  "Aish, I'm not  great; it was nothing." he insisted.

Seungho looked at his watch.

"Aigo! Enough chit chat! We have a recording to do and dance practice! Bali, bali!" he exclaimed.

Joon laughed.  Seungho was always stressing over their schedules.  He was a good leader, and he worked hard.  Joon respected his dedication to MBLAQ.

Joon jumped out of bed and pulled on some sweat pants and a tanktop. He grabbed a hoodie from the floor and slipped it over his head.

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I wrote for this, but I'm scared you guys will be mad if I post it… >.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 4: Its sweet i hope hongki regrets
what he said

Please update
in the next chapter can you please not make the letter colours soo BRIGHT
it hurts mu eyes -.-
I've subscribed to this story ages ago I think, but only now do I get to finally read it! (blame it on my greed)

I really enjoyed this story! Hope you will continue writing it one day!
KaishkaKo #3
Chapter 4: LOL at this whole thing.
I feel bad for Mir who loves Hongki, but Joon is CLEARLY the better choice here!!! Hehe I bet he'll fall for him in no time ;D
SuJu_lover #4
Chapter 4: such a cute story! *-*
poor mir! i hope he'll soon get over honki
joon you're doing your best, fighting!!!

update soon :D
Chapter 3: oh oh! Hongki might soon regret treating Mir so casually!
crazy_jaywalker #6
Chapter 3: Please update TOT
if you need any graphics and reviews, stop by at this shop. It's daebak:

Sorry for taking ure wall space

well, it's my friend shop. helping her to advertise
Chapter 2: Even though the chapters are short I really like the story,and hope Mir would get better. ^_^