Chapter 1 - Unrealistic Wishes

In my Dreams


“Did you guys also notice all the cute fan girls during today’s fan meeting?” Dongwoo asked excitedly right after they all entered the car.

“Yeah, did you see the girl in the pink stripped shirt in the second row?” Woohyun answered enthusiastically. “But the other one in the red dress was really my type!” Said the maknae having a dreamy expression on his face. All the other members added their favourites too and it soon became a heated conversation. Only their vocalist Myungsoo, better known as L, didn’t pay attention to their conversation. He was deep in thoughts while looking out of the window.

“Myungsoo, is everything alright?” The leader asked, noticing that he didn’t take part in their discussion. Myungsoo just smiled and nodded his head, then turning his face towards the window again. During the whole fan meeting he also noticed something, but something different than from what the other members saw. In one of the last rows he noticed a couple. Both of them were probably his age or a few years younger. Although you could see that the girl was a big fan of INFINITE, due to her excited and over-joyed expression on her face, she still paid attention to her boyfriend, not forgetting him. Every once in a while she would look up to him, giving him a sweet smile as if she was saying “Thank you for taking me here.” He would just pat her head or press her hand reassuring while giving her a loving smile. These little interactions made Myungsoo somehow jealous. Not that he knew the girl or the boy, but he was just jealous of their strong and loving bond they had, and probably also because of their freedom to date whoever they wanted to. But who could he blame? He chose this path himself.

But even so he often wished for his other half to be here with him, supporting him, caring for him and loving him for who he is. But it was practically impossible for him to have a girlfriend now. And how can he know if she likes him, Kim Myungsoo, or INFINITE’s L?


After they returned to the dorm again, everyone scattered into their rooms, plopping into their beds to relax or sat in front of their computers to update their twitter or to chat with their friends and family. Dongwoo, Sungyeol and Myungsoo who shared a room with their manager were left alone, since he had left yesterday for an urgent family matter.

Dongwoo was asleep already, snoring loudly. Sungyeol also had his eyes closed lying in his bed, exhausted form the day’s activities. Myungsoo was also lying in his bed, but he still was awake, staring at the ceiling, deep in thoughts. After a few minutes he turned his head to where Sungyeol was lying, wondering if he was asleep or not.

“Sungyeol-ah, are you already asleep?”

“Hmm?” He responded with closed eyes.

“This might sound weird, but do you sometimes have this great imaginary world? You know it’s unrealistic, but do you sometimes wished it to be real?”

Sungyeol opened his eyes and turned his head towards Myungsoo, eyeing him closer.

“Is this the reason why you were so extremly quiet today?” He asked, sounding concerned.

“Yeah, partly.”

After a few minutes of silence, Sungyeol finally answered: “I don’t excatly know what you mean, but I think I get the outline of it. To make it short, yeah, I do.” Sorting his thoughts again he continued: “Obviously everyone does it sometimes, even our carefree hyung.” He added with a cheeky smile while pointing at Dongwoo who still snored like a little baby bear. Seeing his cute hyung, Myungsoo also had to chuckle lightly.

“Just be careful to not let the thoughts and wishes take over your mind. Try to stay realistic or one day you will realize in what kind of a world we are actually living.” He said with a slight frown.

“Anyway, let’s talk tomorrow. I’m seriously tired. Good night.” He said, yawning tiredly.

“Yeah, it’s alright. Thanks Sungyeol. Good night.” He said, rolling over to face the wall, ending the conversation. And even though he was so tired he couldn’t sleep. His thoughts still bothered him. And thinking it over again he noticed how weak he actually was, needing someone to lean on. But wouldn’t that be selfish? But if so everyone would be so, right? He also thought it was somehow silly. How could he crave for something he didn’t know? He never was in relationship before. What if it’s not like he imagines it to be? But in the end, he always came to the same conclusion: It all depends finding the right one. He knew he definitely would treat her right, so it only depends on finding her, right? After he had found her everything would go smoothly, right? He sighed deeply again. So many questions are bothering him, not since today but for quite some time already, but he still had no answers, only unrealistic wishes…

“I know I’m a weak person, but please let me meet her, to become stronger. So that I know there is someone who will love me, even with all my faults. Even if it’s in a different dimension, or even if it’s in my dreams, it doesn’t matter. Just let me meet her… ” He thought before drifting off into another world…





“Yah! Park Hana! Where are you going?! Yah! Don’t ignore me!”

Ignoring her mother Hana ran out of the apartment. She quickly ran down the stairs, running across the street to catch the bus to the park. After buying her ticket she sat down, exhausted from her little escape. “Phew, luckily the bus came at the right time or mom would have gotten me.” She thought. Letting loose she relaxed, closing her eyes, waiting for her destination.

After about 20min. she finally was there at her favourite park. Actually she didn’t come often to this park. Just once in a while whenever she felt like it. This park was her escape place whenever she felt suffocated from life, which why she also didn’t come often here. If she came more often on a more regular basis, the whole idea would lose its purpose and specialness. Today she had to get her head free from her worries. Then lately almost everyone is stressing her out.

She finally finished her third year in high school, thinking that now everything would go more relaxed and easy, but how wrong she was. Each and every person that she knows is somehow asking her about her future and what she’s attempting to do, but how she hated it. She hated the fact that everyone wants her to become someone. Not only her parents, but also her other relatives, her former school teachers and even her friends! Why is everyone so fixated on the future? She didn’t have excellent end-grades, nor does she have a talent, in fact she is a very ordinary girl. So it scared her even more, the fact how much people expected from her. Or were most of them actually expecting her to fail?  She didn’t know. She still felt like a lost child inside.

On top of that her parents want her to study something entirely different than what she had in mind. They want her to become someone. And with someone they mean a person with status and money. But honestly, all Hana wanted in her life was to see the world and finding the one. Yes, she isn’t career minded at all. Although she isn’t a naïve teenager, she believes in true love. In her opinion it just takes it’s time in finding one’s soul mate. Although she is a very passionate and impulsive person, who can easily fall head over heels for someone. But she surely knows how to distinguish true love from a superficial infatuation.

Leisurely walking around the park, taking some pictures here and there, that’s how Hana spent one hour in the park after noticing her grumbling stomach.

She rummaged through her pockets pulling out all the coins she had with her. Her eyes widened seeing only a small amount of money.  She breathed out deeply searching a less crowded place.  She went over to a bench and quickly shoved her hand into her pocket again taking all the money out. She counted again and again, but in the end it was always the same amount, just enough for a bus ticket back. Defeated she sighed, leaning against the backrest. She had two options: The first would be to buy something small to eat and to stay a bit longer and then going home by feet, but which would take her about 40min. The second option would be to go home now, but then by bus.

“Damn it!” She thought angrily, kicking into the air. “In the rush off escaping mom I seriously forgot to bring some more money along. Ugh, I’m such an idiot. But to be honest, I don’t think I can’t go home without having the problem solved. But on the other hand I can’t stand another hour without food in my tummy. Why didn’t I eat my breakfast properly… Today really isn’t my day.”

Frowning unsatisfied she blew her bangs away. After a few minutes she decided to stay and went to a convenience store, buying herself some ramen and water. “Guess I have to go home by feet. But I can’t go home without a solution, guess there isn't another option…”

She quickly ate her ramen and went out again, strolling around until she was in front of a local shopping mall. She quickly wanted to pass it, but there was a big banner which caught her attention. “INFINITE’s Official Fan-Meeting” was written on a big banner with pictures of each member. This brought a big smile on the girl’s face. During all the stress and confusion she didn’t even have enough time to check out the lasted schedule of her favourite boy group.

“Okay, maybe today isn’t too bad.” She mumbled to herself and went inside. She searched for the venue where they held the fan meeting and found it fast. And there they were; all seven of them sitting there with their microphones, answering the questions and joking around with the fans. Unfortunately the girl came way too late, so she was standing one level above, watching her idols from above. But she still had a good sight on him. And there he was sitting, just like how she saw him on the TV for so many times, smiling his warm and soothing smile. It soothed her confused heart immediately and also brought a beautiful smile on her face.

During the whole fan meeting all she did was smiling while watching them or laughing with the other fans when a member made a joke, but she never once tried to get his attention (e.g. screaming his name) nor did she hoped for him to look up and notice her. She was happy with the soothing affect he had one her. Just by looking at him she felt as if her world just became a little bit better. 

The meeting ended soon after half an hour. And at last she had a clear head to face her problem properly. She went to a small café to settle down and ordered a cup of green tea to drink while sorting her thoughts. She noticed something important during the fan meeting, while watching them. Nothing in life goes easily the way you want. You always have to give something to get something in return, just like they had to practise during their trainee years to achieve their high level of performance nowadays. And she also had to do something. She realized that she can’t stand still expecting her soul mate to find her. The best way is to life on and doing what you are supposed to do. With this conclusion she headed home to face her raging mother…


“Mommy, I’m home.” She said sheepishly, afraid of her mother’s reaction.

Hana never went out without getting her parents consents first. One must know that her parents are very loving, but also very strict at the same time, which sometimes results her to feeling suffocated.  

Unfortunately she had to face the most feared reaction of her mother: No reaction at all; which basically means ignoring you and torturing you with icy-glares. Hana preferred her mother nagging her and she even preferred yelling more than the current situation. She hated it whenever her mother declared cold-war, what also meant that she was really mad.

Hana sighed loudly before going into the living room, facing her mother.

Luckily it wasn’t too bad this time, even though she was grounded for a week, but it was definitely worth it. And now that she had her head clear, and after she spoke with her parents seriously about her future, she knew what she had to attempt next in her life.


Lazily lying in her bed she thought about her conversation with her parents again. Both parties decided that she should study something which will ensure her a good future. Her parents reassured her that she didn’t have to become an influential person, but someone who is able to stand on her own. And she agreed to that point, not wanting to be supported by her parents, but rather supporting them instead in the future. Even though she wasn’t pleased with the occupation they had suggested: Accountant. She shivered at that thought.

Quickly pushing the thought away she thought about the fan meeting again, instantly bringing a smile to her face. She grabbed one of her many pillows, hugging it tightly while thinking about him. The way he smiled, the way he laughed and what kind of an affect he had on her. She knew it was merely a superficial idol-crush phase she was living through, but still he made her happy in so many ways.  Unlike many fan girls her biggest dream wasn’t about touching or kissing him (although it also was a great idea), but her main wish was to know him better. Yes, Hana just wanted to get to know him. She wanted to know how big the difference was, when he is on and off stage.

“Meeting him would almost be as awesome as meeting my soul mate. Just dreaming about meeting him and having a conversation with him would be enough…” She though before she went off to another world…






Pheww~ Finally finished the first official chapter! I had to rewrite it three times! @_@

I hope it is to your guys liking~

Also! I hope you get notified whenever I replied your comments, make sure to check my replies even though they are small, just so you guys know I really read them and appreciate them♥

Anyway, tell me what you think in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so  ^3^

And thanks again for the lovely comments and subscriptions. Lol, to be honest I thought no one would read my story and I didn't even dare to think that someone would leave such sweet comments and supporting me! Kamsamida~ *bows*


Have a great day!



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Chapter 4: New reader!!^^ plz update soon!! I love your storu!!! <3
asian-cutiepie #2
Please update soon.... I'm so curious!!!! :)
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 4: ommmgg so cute i love it. hurry and update
Chapter 3: The meeting..update soon..
Chapter 2: I wonder what would happen next! please update soon^^
Infinite4ever #6
Chapter 2: Wow! Myungsoo looks way to skinny in that picture. This is so exciting, I can't wait until they finally meet.
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update! Please let them meet so that they can be happy! But whatever works for me! :))
Chapter 1: this fic is great! your writing style is very impressive and the prologue is very deep. I love this so much! please update soon ><
Infinite4ever #9
Chapter 1: WOW THIS IS DEEP! This fanfic seems like a breath of fresh air, it's very original! Please update, I can't wait!
Chapter 1: Not bad for the start..update soon..^^