5-Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die

Storage Units

No one's POV-

The Big Bang leader was washing his face, gasping and panting for the air he did not recieve. He couldn't breathe, it hurt too much to even inhale. He had escaped the camp, he didn't want anyone to see him like this. Especially his team. So he made a run for the small beach nearby, the clear and fresh water helped him with absolutely nothing other than getting him wet. Jiyong gripped his pants, the cold wind picked up and stung his already burning skin. He had ran out as quickly as possible, forgetting the shirt. His glow was brighter than usual, his body was pale and he swore he could feel something burning on his right shoulder. He saw his reflection, pain and agony in his eyes. It's been...what? Since midnight when the pain started? And now it's, around...three? Four? He lost track of time... "Gah!" He turned around and could barely gasp. Chaerin was walking over to him, collapsing next to his body, gasping, "Damn it. You too?" She groaned.

"D-De..." He stuttered, gripping tighter on his sweat pants, "It hurts."

"No duh." She scoffed, panting, her chest fell up and down rapidly, "Mianhae Jiyong...this is my fault. I should've NEver fixed the car like that, using you. I should've done it differently..." Her voice went up when she said 'never'.

"Ani, it's not your fault." He rasped, curling his clammy fingers in her's, "What exactly...is happening?"

"I don't know... But damn does it hurt!!" She yelled, tightening the grip on his hands. "Is it me or do you also feel something burning in your back?"

"The same feeling." He mumbled, squinting his eyes shut. "AH!" The burn started moving on both leaders, as if engraving something into their skin. Both leaders scrambled up and dunked theirselves into the fresh water, the pain was numbed, but the feeling was still there. Suddenly, it stopped. The pain, the throbbing, the screams, everything. It became silent. "HunChae turn around. Let me see something." She did as she was told and Jiyong pulled down the collar to reveal her right shoulder, "The hell?"

"What is it Oppa?" Chaerin tried to glance at her own shoulder.

"It looks like a tattoo."

"EH?! What does it say?!"

"Wait...check my back too." They turned and Chaerin pressed her thumb against the engraved English writing. "Ok, now we both say what we saw. Arrasso?"

"De Oppa..." Both of them turned to face each other and they both spoke up, perfectly unison, "1...2...3:

"Too fast to live, too young to die."



-8:00 A.M.-

Seungri's POV-

I woke up to screaming and shaking, my body was shaking that is. I was pulled off my bed so hard, I fell off my mattress with a loud THUMP and a groan. "UGHHH HYUNG~! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" I looked up a bit shocked. It wasn't Ji-hyung like I thought it would be, he's usually the one who wokes me up. This time it was TOP-hyung. His gray-sorry-silver glow and platinum hair were both on edge. His eyes were wild and he shook me vigerously.

"What are you doing on the floor Seungri?! GET UP! This is important!" He let me go suddenly, making me fall on my face again. Damn! If I get a bruise, I'll kill them!

"Ugh Hyung-"

"TOP!" Taeyang rushed in alongside Dara, "Is he awake?" He stared at me, "Get up Seungri!" He actually helped me up.

"What's going on?" I mumbled, a bit taken back on everybody's behavior.

Bom ran in suddenly, grimacing, "They're not by the forest. Minji and I searched the entire area and perimeter." They groaned and slapped either the wall or a nearby bed... Wait, what?

"What's going on?" I repeated, a bit more stern.

"It's Jiyong and Chaerin." Daesung said, I realized he was fixing his jacket, "They've gone missing."

"Ani, we haven't." I looked up. Screw my Hyungs, the leaders were leaning against each other at the door. Ugh, I'm going back to bed.


Dara's POV-

I'm relieved! Oh lord! I walked up and threw my arms around Chaerin along with Bom and Minji, "Ah~! We were so worried~!" She was taken aback by our actions.

She spoke insecurely and chuckled, "Uh..I was only gone for about...how long were we gona Jingyo-oppa?" She turned to the Big Bang leader.

"About...eight hours? Seven?" She wagged a finger at him.

"See? Not for that long. I've been away longer than that before Unnies and Minji."

"De, we know. It was just the fact that this rat was also gone made us nervous." Bom glared at Jiyong, so did I. He better not have hurt my Chae.

"Aish Noona. I wouldn't hurt Chaerin-ah." He poked Chaerin's cheek, making them turn pink and she smiled.

"De Unnie, you overreact. All of you." She pointed to each and every one of us.

"Wait...why were you gone?" I asked, sucpicous, glaring at Jiyong, "I swear if you hurt her-!" Minji wrapped her arms around my waist, lifting me up and pulling us away from him.

"He didn't hurt me! We...were training up at the beach."

"Damn it! Beach! Why didn't I look there?!" TOP sighed, banging his head against the metal garage door. The leaders looked at each other...they're hiding something. But what? 

"You're lying." I said, wiggling in Minji's grasp, "DAMN, Makane! You're strong!"

"Ani. We're not lying." Jiyong said, he's a good liar.

"Then you're hiding something extra. What is it? You two didn't just train down there did you? You did something else." I snapped, struggling against Minji.

"Ah...should we tell them..?" Jiyong looked nervously at Chaerin, scratching his nape.

"De.. You do it though." She agreed, not looking up at us. I knew it!

"Um...so, first thing's first. What happened when me and HunChae fixed the car?" I stopped struggling, afraid to answer myself. I could feel my face go pale and cold as I gulped.

"Some words flashed." TOP said straight to the point.

Jiyong looked at Chaerin curiously, "What words?"

Chaerin, our fearless leader suddenly looked unsure about something. She rubbed her face in frustration and mumbled the English words, "Too fast to live, too young to die..." She gripped her back suddenly and bit her lip in pain. Jiyong did the same, but he groaned.

"Ah...!" He cussed. 

"The hell?!" Taeyang and I ran over to our friends and saw Jiyong's light blue glow on Chaerin's back, her royal blue color on Jiyong's. I pulled down their colors and Taeyang and I recited the words we saw, "Too fast to live, too young to die."

The leaders yanked away and looked at us with pain ecircling their eyes. Chaerin never shows pain, it gives off a weak vibe. I wonder how badly it hurt. "What the was that?!" Seungri sat up in his bed, only to bonk his head on the bed frame above him, "Aw !" Daesung walked over to the male makane and patted his back.

"Um...Unnie...I think we're connected..." Chaerin gestured to the tattoo like words. "We were beside the lake and we didn't know what the words were meaning. I fell and scraped my arm and Jiyong-oppa showed me the scratch in the exact place on his arm, only he was standing up. We both feel the same pain and the same emotions, we can talk to each other through our minds. The only upside to it is that, he can control his powers now." I didn't even notice that Jiyong and Chaerin's colors weren't surrounding them.

"Let me test it." Bom said and walked up to Jiyong and slapped him across the cheek quickly, both Chaerin and Jiyong held their palms to touch their cheeks and glared.

"YAH!" They both growled. "Oh, there's another upside to this." Jiyong mentioned, "There's a special healing ability, uh, HunChae, do you mind?" She shook her head and used her power to make a sharp edge on her finger, making a small slice at her wrist, Jiyong's was bleeding along with her's. They both reached out to touch each other's wounds and they healed the moment they came in contact. 

"I have no idea how this could've happened...unless, you're powers got connected?" Bom raised a brow at Chaerin who nervously smiled.

"Ah...that might've been a direction I gave to Oppa when we were fixing the car...I didn't believe in the whole connection thing, so I thought it was fine. Now I stand corrected, being emotionally and physically attached to this pabo."

"Yah, HunChae. You know you love Oppa." He smirked and nudged her shoulder, wiggling his brows. Chaerin looked away, not responding. Unbelieveable. Chaerin and Jiyong might actually be something useful in their lives.












A/N: HEY PEOPLE! Thanks for staying connected with my stories! I'm still trying to update as much as possible, just stay with me here! For those of you who have read my other story, "Danger Girl", tell me if you want something certain to happen. (.^_^.)

-TAIwin <3

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The foreword of the gold hurts my eyes lol xD
j3llyD0NuT #2
Chapter 34: What the hell ? Banning music ?! As well ban 1 Direction from the worldwide , see if the fans kill their family D: I felt sorry for yuh author-nim ... I live in Asia and without Kpop here equals total ____ mess xx
Chapter 34: #giveusKPOP.
UlidVIP #4
Chapter 33: wonderful ending authornim.. :)
1234567891 #5
Chapter 32: ahhhhhhhhhhh best Skydragon moment <3
UlidVIP #6
Chapter 32: OMG..OMG.. ji really romantic.. :D
NaddyshipsSD #7
Chapter 32: Waaaaaaaahh!!!! ^^ skydragon getting hitched! *squeals* this is too awesome~~
1234567891 #8
Chapter 31: kekeke excited :)
UlidVIP #9
Chapter 31: uggh japan?!? i have headache with japan n jiyong hahaha