3-Broke Down

Storage Units

Chaerin's POV-

I slept on the ride to this camp. I stirred after feeling something touch my side. "Hm. She's going to be so pissed when she wakes up." I heard Bom whisper.

"Yea, well, she looks tired." Crap...who was that? , it's Jiyong. I started feeling something on my neck, something warm and comforting. I decided to finally open my eyes and groaned. That Jiyong guy was right in front of me. I pushed back his face and smirked. "Yah." He whined and pulled my hand off his cheek. "Wakey wakey HunChae baby~." He cooed, making my spine tingle, but in an awkwardly good way.

I raised a brow and smirked, "HunChae?"

"De. Because you're warm." He touched my arm and pulled me closer. I pushed him away again and sat up in the car.

"Are we here yet?" He shook his head.

"Ani. Your car broke down so we're fixing it." I groaned and slammed my face back down into the seat.

"Why can't you fix it with magic?" I mumbled through the seat.

"Your friends are making me and the guys do it ourselves." He pouted, which looked a bit cute actually...ANI, NOT NOW.

"Ah, how long have we been here?" I rubbed my eyes to look at him clearly.

"Just a few minutes. The girls wanted me to wake you up." I didn't realize his hand touching my cheeks until the girls started giggling. I pulled away, blushing and stood. So I jumped down onto the road, letting my power swirl around him.

"Yah, get to work Jiyong-ah."

He nodded, "Fine, fine, HunChae." He walked over to the hood, pushing back s a bit and looked down at the engine. I sat on the curb beside Minji and glared at the girls who were laughing.

"Shut up."

"Thats cute Chae. Or should I say HunChae?" Bom teased.

"Ani! That's my name for her! Get your own!" Jiyong called out, pouting and then smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"He's cute Unnie. You should go get with him." Minji poked my sides. I scoffed and looked around. We were stranded out on an empty road, pulled alongside some trees and lots of dirt, but I couldn't really tell. It was dark, and our powers didn't really do a lot but light a dim path in front of us. The moon was out though, which I guess helped a little bit.

"Ugh. These are uncomfortable." Jiyong growled. I looked at him and widened my eyes a bit. He stripped off his trainee camouflage AND his inner shirt, revealing a built and toned chest. I could see his six pack gleaming in the light, along with his aura outlining his body.

"Like what you see Chaerin?" Dara wiggled her brows. I realized I was gaping my mouth open and my eyes were a bit wider than normal. 

"A-Ani-" I tried to refuse.

"Don't lie!" The three chorused, making my cheeks turn red, "Omo~! She's blushing!" Minji smirked and poked my cheek. I cringed and got back in the car, bending down to get my bag.

"HunChae~?" I turned to see Jiyong, scratching his nape.

"De-HOLY CRAP YOUR ARM." He laughed nervously. His arm was dripping blood onto his jeans and his other hand was trying to stop the bleeding. "What happened?!"

"I got cut by a loose piece of metal. Ow." He winced when I gripped his arm.

"Mianhae Jiyong-ah. Does it hurt badly?"

"A little. Can you heal me?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a healer. Wielders have our limits. There are only a few healers I know. Come here." I made him sit down on the chair in front of me and I looked around for the first aid kit I kept in the back seat. I fiddled around for some wipes and cleaned his wound, but he whined and complained like a kid.

"Ah HunChae!" 

"Calm down Oppa!" Crap. That just slipped out.

He smiled, "Oppa eh?"

"Shut up." I grumbled and wrapped his wound with gauges.

"Thank you." He said and kissed my head, making both of our colors flash like lightning for a breif second. He either chose to ignore it, or he didn't notice, as he pulled away to smile and got back up to work again. I sighed and lay back down, watching the boys do their work, and falling asleep again.


Jiyong's POV-

Damn this is hard to do. People would think, 'What? Nah. Just snap your fingers like that and the car's fixed.' No. That's not how it works, that can only be done by the 2NE1 girls. Other than that, it's hella hard. We can't get the right amount of focus or we dont put enough strength into it. "Yah! This is too hard!" Seungri complained and went to Dara, "Noona~. Can't you guys fix it?"

"Now, if we did that, what would you be learning?" We groaned.

"Come on Noona. We've been at this for over an hour!" Daesung pressed on harder.

"And many more to count!" Bom announced, smirking. Then she snapped and a glass of wine appeared in her palm. "Want one girls?"

"Yes please." Dara smirked. Even Minji raised her finger, indicating she wanted one also. "Chae?"

"De. I could use one." The blonde crawled out of the car, walking over to the girls and holding out her hand, a glass that was half way filled appeared between her middle and ring finger. The girls sat down and talked about the camp they'd be heading towards. I silently groaned, I don't wanna do this for hours more! I don't know where to start! The guys and I tried to brainstorm, and used me as the tester. But everything we came up with didn't work.

"Damn it." I cussed and walked over to the girls. I knelt in front of Chaerin and sighed, "HunChae-ah. Please help us, we're not getting anywhere and I don't want to be at this for hours and hours more." I even cupped my hands together and bowed my head. I felt her fingers caress mine...

"Yah, Jiyong-ah. Don't beg. It shows weakness."

"Ugh! Please HunChae!" I whined, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Yes!" We stood, leaving her surprised members twice the same night. 

"Alright, you four back away. As the leader Jiyong, I suspect you're the strongest. You can all use your powers inside the camp, but not so familiar with trying it outside?"


"Your advisor, did he cast an enchantment to make it easier out in the camp?" Chaerin set her glass on a wide branch beside her head.

"I think so."

"Alright, well, that doesn't help. It does make things easier, but it won't teach you a thing about the real world. So I'll be teaching you a few things about a hard life." Chaerin sighed and pulled her hair over her shoulders. "Alright Jiyong-ah. First thing I want you to do, is close your eyes." I did as I was told and felt small fingers grasp onto mine. "What do you see?"

"I see a thin dark blue line." It wiggled around in the darkness, as if signaling to me.

"Good. Go towards it. You have to make your mind go towards it, can you do that?" I took a mental step towards it and got even closer. "You're doing great Jiyong-ah." She praised. I stopped in front of it and stopped, suddenly feeling the presence of a smaller body in front of mine. My arms instinctively laid out on top of her's and my fingers curled in to intertwine our hands. "Good, I didn't have to tell you that part. Now, do the same with that line you see." I curled around the dark blue line, and it glowed before me, turning lighter, almost like mine. I felt Chaerin's hair against my neck, and I rested my chin on her shoulder. "So what's wrong with the car again?"

It took me a bit to process what she said, "Uh. The engine, it's burnt out."

"Ahh." She sighed and raised our hands up. "Do you know what to do next?"

"I think so..."

"Then do it." I suinted my eyes tighter together, and mentally pushed against the thin power line, we pulsed forward and I heard a loud 'BOOM'. Chaerin dropped our hands, "You can open your eyes now." I did, the engine was glowing my icy blue color and Dara was already in the driver's seat, the engine worked. The girls' faces were a bit pale and I could see them choke back saliva. 

"HunChae...what's wrong with the girls?"

"Nothing. You did good. Remind me to have a talk with your advisor. Arrasso?"

"De." I nodded and she smiled.

"Ok. We're following you Jiyong-ah!" And we both got back into our cars, but I stared at her a few more seconds, before smiling to myself and climbing into the driver's seat. That's when I realized the guys were quiet too, their faces were pale as well. What exactly happened? It's not like I'm the only one like this.



A/N: Sorry people I haven't been updating as frequent as I usually do, but I've been a bit busy. Sorry! But here's a long chapter for you guys, cuz I love ya!! (.^_^.)

-TAIwin <3

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The foreword of the gold hurts my eyes lol xD
j3llyD0NuT #2
Chapter 34: What the hell ? Banning music ?! As well ban 1 Direction from the worldwide , see if the fans kill their family D: I felt sorry for yuh author-nim ... I live in Asia and without Kpop here equals total ____ mess xx
Chapter 34: #giveusKPOP.
UlidVIP #4
Chapter 33: wonderful ending authornim.. :)
1234567891 #5
Chapter 32: ahhhhhhhhhhh best Skydragon moment <3
UlidVIP #6
Chapter 32: OMG..OMG.. ji really romantic.. :D
NaddyshipsSD #7
Chapter 32: Waaaaaaaahh!!!! ^^ skydragon getting hitched! *squeals* this is too awesome~~
1234567891 #8
Chapter 31: kekeke excited :)
UlidVIP #9
Chapter 31: uggh japan?!? i have headache with japan n jiyong hahaha