27-Meaningful Texts

Storage Units

Chaerin's POV-


He hasn't called or texted me, it's been two days now, he seems to be on a streak. My phone dropped from my hands and onto my bed, but I made no move in getting it again. Did he give up? Well more importantly...did I? Even I don't know. I still love him, but if I loved him more, would I have responded to his texts and his calls? No, Chaerin, you love him more than anything. And we ruined that. How could we ruin something so fragile like love? Do either of us care anymore? It's been nearly a month since we've met Big Bang and so much crap has happened. What started out as training quickly progressed into more than a teacher-student relationship. I yearned for his touch, for his voice in my ear. Yet, I didn't want to face him... Does that even make sense? I love him, but I don't know if I should forgive him for throwing our connection away...

I picked up my phone and read through the texts he sent me:


12.10.12 7:54 AM Jingyo<3:

I didn't mean it.

12.10.12 9:36 AM Jingyo<3:

I want to find you...but why give me this paper? Don't you love me?

12.10.12 10:00 AM Jingyo<3:

Forget what I texted earlier...but did you really want me to do this?

12.10.12 3:57 PM Jingyo<3:

I miss you, please come back...3

12.10.12 10:49 PM Jingyo<3:

Good night my HunChae. I love you, I'm sorry, please come back to me.


I choked back tears and kept reading on, a couple days ahead:


12.12.12 1:00 AM Jingyo<3:

I can't fall asleep without you by my side.

12.12.12 3:47 AM Jingyo<3:

I'm in your unit, where your bed used to be. I miss you so much. 

12.12.12 5:12 AM Jingyo<3:

I ruined us. I'm sorry. Please answer me, I want to hold you, touch you, kiss you, tell you I love you. Those words shouldn't be given through texts, so come back to me.

12.12.12 8:43 AM Jingyo<3:

Yuri told me I was stupid...that day when I broke off the connection, she confronted me...I didn't know that you loved me. If I didn, I would've stopped myself, because doing that was the biggest mistake of my life. The hardest decision of all time. You were the best person that ever came into my life, and I let you go. 

12.12.12 10:56 PM Jingyo<3:

Good night.

12.13.12 8:59 AM Jingyo<3:

Do you hate me?

12.13.12 10:00 AM Jingyo<3:

I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you, for the sorrow and the stupid decisions I've created and made. I beg your forgiveness, yet respect your space. Come to me if you believe I am truly sorry and forgive me. If not, I understand.

12.13.12 8:30 PM Jingyo<3:

I love you.


He left that night, I didn't come to him until the next day. How stupid of me. I flipped up the texts and my thumbs went to work, typing out my heart and what I wanted to do. So I got up and looked around the apartment. Empty. Perfect. I found a notepad and a pen, and I hesitated. Should I? Deciding yes, I grabbed the pen and uncapped it, jotting down words to my friends. I grabbed keys to the Ferrari out back and hurried out, starting the engine. I almost panicked when I passed our Rover on the road, they didn't notice me. Good, so I can do this by myself. My mess, I have to clean it up.



Jiyong's POV-

I waved to my friends and smiled. They were heading back to Seoul, while I stayed in the States. Sorry HunChae, I just can't go back and make our relationship even worse. I know you hate me. I know that, and I'll stay here for you, because I want you to be happy. TOP hugged me and slapped my back, grabbing onto his bags, "Be safe Ji. And really think about Chaerin."

I nodded and smiled sadly, "I will. If you see her, tell her...I'm sorry. Would you?"

Taeyang nodded and grasped my shoulder, "Will do Ji."

"Hyung, are you sure you don't want to come back?" Seungri asked me, his eyes big and round like a dog when begging.

I chuckled and pulled him in my arms, messing up his hair, "WHY? You'll miss me?"

"DE!" He said, without hesitation. I laughed and let him go and turned to Daesung. The man was smiling still as usual and he sighed.

"Daesung, watch over Minji." I said. He nodded wordlessly and grinned.

Daesung grasped Seungri and wrapped an arm over his shoulder, "Will do Hyung. And don't worry, I'll make sure Seungri doesn't make a move on Chaerin while we're there."

I was grateful, while the Makane just looked offended, "WHAT? I would never! She's not even my type!" He insisted.

I rolled my eyes and watched them board their plane, sitting on one of the chairs at the airport and waited until their plane lifted up into the air, leaving without me. I got up, fixing my blonde hair and walking out of the gate and towards the main enterance. As I was, my phone buzzed from my back pocket. I paused to check it and my eyes widened in shock:

New Message: Hunchae<3

I checked it and felt my heart clench in my stomach:

12.16.12 7:35 PM HunChae<3:

Jingyo-oppa. Don't you even think about leaving me another time. I will find you in the States, just give me time. Please don't run from me, I'm so lonely, I miss you. Just stay put, I promise, I'll be there. Although, I don't think I need to search far. New York?

I couldn't help but grin. She's coming for me, she cares about me.

12.16.12 7:36 PM To HunChae<3:

You know me so well. I'll be waiting patiently my love.















A/N: Chaerin is on her way to New York~! Let the couples reunite! Remember to COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and LOVE (.^_^.)

-TAIwin <3

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The foreword of the gold hurts my eyes lol xD
j3llyD0NuT #2
Chapter 34: What the hell ? Banning music ?! As well ban 1 Direction from the worldwide , see if the fans kill their family D: I felt sorry for yuh author-nim ... I live in Asia and without Kpop here equals total ____ mess xx
Chapter 34: #giveusKPOP.
UlidVIP #4
Chapter 33: wonderful ending authornim.. :)
1234567891 #5
Chapter 32: ahhhhhhhhhhh best Skydragon moment <3
UlidVIP #6
Chapter 32: OMG..OMG.. ji really romantic.. :D
NaddyshipsSD #7
Chapter 32: Waaaaaaaahh!!!! ^^ skydragon getting hitched! *squeals* this is too awesome~~
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Chapter 31: kekeke excited :)
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Chapter 31: uggh japan?!? i have headache with japan n jiyong hahaha