
Promises Come True and I Love You


There was a place on the rooftop of the SM building in Seoul that was hidden from everyone. It was in a corner, hidden by a large potted plant. Changmin had found the little spot years ago, and loved going there to sit down and think or calm down. That day, he needed a spot to cry.

TVXQ had been on hiatus ever since three members had left, and Changmin had been struggling to deal with the sudden void in his life. Yunho was still there for him, but Changmin knew he was in pain, too, so he tried not to lean on him too much. He had managed to hold in his tears for most of the time since the lawsuit was filed and JYJ left- he had cried terribly immediately after, but not since then. Today, though, was a different story.

While the separation had been just that, a separation, and nothing more, it had been possible to bear. Now it was something else, and Changmin wasn’t at all sure anyone would be able to handle it- him, Yunho, the other artists of SM, the fans.

That morning, TVXQ had been informed that they would be making their comeback in the next few months. They were to report to practice to learn their new song the next day.

Since they decided to file the lawsuit, it had always been their plan to keep TVXQ going, but it had seemed simpler then. Now, Changmin was facing learning and performing a new song without three of his hyungs. He was expected to stand on stage again and smile like nothing was wrong while he sang songs meant for five voices with only two. He knew he and Yunho could do it, but he also knew that he didn’t want to. The stage wouldn’t be the same without all of his hyungs on it.


Changmin had come up to his corner of the rooftop as quickly as he could. Tears had been threatening to fall all morning, and he didn’t want to worry anyone. He knew that this would be hard on Yunho as well, and he didn’t want to make it harder. He fully expected to be alone. No one knew of this place, so he didn’t think anyone would follow him. Really, he should have known that one person would.

While he was sitting, staring up at the sky with tears pouring down his cheeks, he heard footsteps behind him. He tensed, and tried to stifle the sound of his sobs so that whoever it was wouldn’t hear and come to investigate. He didn’t manage it, and moments later he heard a sigh and felt someone sit down behind him. He felt slim arms wrap around his shoulders and pull him back into a warm chest. He tensed for a moment before the person spoke and he figured out who it was.

“You shouldn’t run off like that- I was worried,” Kyuhyun whispered in his ear. Changmin relaxed back into his best friends embrace. Kyuhyun’s arms tightened around him as his tears seemed to increase again. He tried to hold them back, not wanting to show how weak he was, but Kyuhyun only tightened his arms again, giving him a feeling of security and warmth. “It’s alright – you can cry as much as you want,” he whispered. “I heard, and no one can blame you.”

Changmin gasped shakily and turned his head into Kyuhyun’s chest. He clutched his shirt and sobbed his heart out. He found himself crying all of the tears he had wanted to cry ever since the split. He cried for the loss of his hyungs, he cried for the pain he knew Yunho was going through, he cried for the pain he knew Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu were going through. He cried for the pain he had gone through, and the treatment he knew he would continue to endure in SM. He cried at the memories of the last night the five of them spent together, and the morning after that. He cried at the knowledge that he hadn’t spoken to them in years, and wouldn’t be allowed to. And he cried at the prospect of standing on stage without his family.


Kyuhyun stared out at the city and held his best friend. His heart was breaking at the desperate, heartbroken sobs coming from the man in his arms. He knew that all he could do was hold him and let him cry, but he wished with all his heart that he could make the pain go away and fix everything.

They stayed like that for hours, sitting together as Changmin cried. Finally, when the sun had moved so that it was behind them instead of above them, his tears slowed. Kyuhyun looked down at him when he heard his sobs lessen.

“Changmin-ah?” he whispered, not sure if the other singer wanted to talk. Changmin shifted and leaned his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Kyuhyun moved so that he was leaning against the wall. He slowly lifted his hand to Changmin’s cheek and wiped the wetness away. He lifted his friend’s face so that he could look him in the eyes. He was scared of what he would see – he worried that he would see lifeless, blank eyes and a face devoid of emotion. When Changmin met his eyes, though, he sighed in relief. Although the dark eyes looking back at him were red and puffy and heartbreakingly sad, they at least showed emotion.

“Do you feel any better?” Kyuhyun asked quietly. Changmin looked down and nodded slightly.

“Kyu – I’m scared,” he whispered. “I don’t want to perform without them.”

“I know, Minnie,” Kyuhyun murmured. “I know you don’t want to, and I know it’s scary – but didn’t you guys make a promise? When they filed the lawsuit?” he asked. Changmin nodded.

“We promised that no matter what, we would stand on stage together again. We promised to never let anyone forget about us until that day comes,” he said quietly. Kyuhyun nodded.

“Exactly. I know that you don’t want to perform without them, but this isn’t forever. It’s just until you can be together again. Jaejoong-hyung, Yoochun-hyung, and Junsu-hyung can make sure people don’t forget them, but you and Yunho-hyung have to keep TVXQ alive so that you can all stand on stage as TVXQ again,” Kyuhyun said. Changmin nodded.

“I know,” he whispered. “I just – it doesn’t feel right to even think about going on stage without them.” Kyuhyun nodded.

“I know. It felt the same when Kibum-hyung went on his hiatus, and when Kangin-hyung went into the army,” he said. Changmin looked up at him.

“How did you do it?” he asked.

“I told myself that I was performing for them,” Kyuhyun answered, looking up to the sky again. “They couldn’t be there physically, but I knew that on some level they were there in spirit. So I had to perform as well as I could for them. I know that they watch when they can, so I have to show them that I’m doing fine.” He looked down at Changmin and smiled. “You need to perform for Jaejoong-hyung, Yoochun-hyung, and Junsu-hyung. Show them that you can still do it, and that you’re keeping your promise.” Changmin looked up to the sky and thought about it. He nodded and pressed closer to Kyuhyun.

“I will,” he whispered. Kyuhyun smiled and nodded.

“I know you will,” he told him. Changmin chuckled quietly.

“ Can we stay here for a while, though?” he asked. “I’m not ready to go back in yet.” Kyuhyun nodded.

“Just let me text Leeteuk-hyung so that he doesn’t worry,” he said. Changmin nodded and moved so that the other man could get to his phone. Kyuhyun quickly texted his leader and pulled Changmin back to him. They leaned back and stared up at the sky.

It was quiet. Neither of the two was talking. They were content to sit together, wrapped around each other, in a comfortable silence. The sky was steadily darkening, and the stars were slowly coming out. Changmin watched the sky as more and more constellations became visible. He was looking for one in particular, and when it came out, he stood up out of Kyuhyun’s arms.

“Changmin-ah?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin pointed.

“Look,” he said. Kyuhyun followed his arm and searched the sky for what he might be pointing at. He saw it – the W in the sky that meant so much to the man in front of him.

“Cassiopeia,” he said. Changmin nodded and stared up at it.

“I named the fanclub that because there were five of us,” he said quietly. “That’s what it always meant to me. You’re right, Kyuhyun-ah. I have to perform for them. So that we can be a W again some day.” He turned and smiled at Kyuhyun. The other singer smiled back and stood, leaning back against the wall, looking up at the stars.

“You will be,” he said with absolute certainty. Changmin smiled.

“Yeah. I promise – I promise myself, my members, my fans. I promise, on Cassiopeia, that we will be together again,” he said, staring up at the constellation that seemed to stare back at him. “I promise, Cassiopeia,” he whispered. Kyuhyun smiled and walked up behind him when he was finished. He wrapped his arms around him again. Changmin leaned back against him and smiled. “I feel better now,” he said quietly. Kyuhyun nodded.

“Good. I don’t like it when you’re sad.” Changmin laughed and turned his head. He kissed Kyuhyun’s cheek.

“Thank you, Kyuhyun-ah,” he said. Kyuhyun looked at him, a blush painting his cheeks.

“For what?” he asked.

“For being the amazing friend you are,” Changmin responded. Kyuhyun looked down and shook his head.

“Don’t thank me for that, Minnie. You don’t have to,” he said. He turned and smiled at the slightly younger man in his arms. “It’s for you – you deserve it, and I like doing it.” It was Changmin’s turn to blush as he looked down at the lights of Seoul.

“I’m still thankful,” he said. Kyuhyun smiled at him and nodded. Changmin looked at him for a moment, arguing with himself, before spinning around in his arms. Kyuhyun looked at him, startled.

“Yah! Be careful, you could fall!” he exclaimed. Changmin shook his head.

“Relax, I’m fine,” he said. He stared at Kyuhyun for a moment, as if struggling with something.

“Changmin-ah?” Kyuhyun asked, not sure why the other man was examining his face quite so closely. “What’s wrong?” Changmin looked down and bit his lip.

“Kyuhyun-ah, I–” he stopped.

“What is it?” Kyuhyun asked, sort of worried now. Changmin looked at him again.

“I – I want to tell you something,” he said quietly. Kyuhyun nodded and gestured for him to say it. “But – I don’t know how to say it,” he finished haltingly. Kyuhyun looked at him, confused.

“Just say it,” he said. “Whatever it is, I’ll listen.” Changmin nodded.

“I-” he stopped and looked down. He sighed. “I can’t say it. Can I just – show you?” he asked. Kyuhyun nodded.

“Go ahead,” he said, curious about what had gotten his best friend so flustered, and pushing down the hope for something that was impossible. Changmin looked at him for a moment before nodding. He met Kyuhyun’s eyes and took a deep breath. He reached out and grabbed Kyuhyun’s waist, pulling him closer. Kyuhyun jumped slightly and looked startled. Changmin wrapped both of his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist and pulled the other man against him. He leaned his forehead on Kyuhyun’s for a moment, before leaning forward and kissing him.

Kyuhyun stood still for an instant, eyes wide, as his brain tried to process the fact that Changmin’s lips were pressed against his, and his hope hadn’t been wrong. Then, his heart took over, and he slid his arms around Changmin’s neck and closed his eyes and kissed back. Changmin gasped slightly. When they parted, he stared into Kyuhyun’s eyes, hardly daring to believe that what had just happened had really happened.

“Kyuhyun-ah-” he whispered. Kyuhyun smiled, and Changmin let out a breathless laugh before pulling the other man to him again and kissing him once more. Kyuhyun laughed and kissed Changmin, and when they parted, his face was alight with a smile so bright Changmin swore it drowned out all the stars above them.

“You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that,” Kyuhyun whispered. Changmin grinned.

“I might – I’ve wanted it for a long time, too,” he said. Kyuhyun laughed and hugged Changmin tighter. They stayed like that for a moment before Kyuhyun asked what was on both of their minds.

“So – what are we now?” Changmin pulled back and leaned against the wall.

“I don’t know – not just best friends anymore,” Kyuhyun gave him a mock glare at that, and he laughed. “I – I guess – well, do you want to be – be my boyfriend?” Changmin asked nervously. He blushed as he said it, and fought the urge to look down at his feet and play with his shirt. Kyuhyun smiled and nodded.

“I’d like that,” he said. Changmin grinned, relieved. Kyuhyun reached forward and hugged his new boyfriend. Changmin closed his eyes and pulled the other man as close against him as he could. All either of them wanted to do was stand like that for the rest of the night, but they knew they had to go back before people started worrying too much.

“What should we tell people?” Changmin asked, worried about the way others would react. Kyuhyun thought for a moment, worrying about the same thing.

“I think you should tell Yunho. I don’t think he’ll mind, and I don’t think it would be good for you two to keep any secrets right now, anyway,” he said. Changmin nodded, relieved. He had hoped that Kyuhyun would be alright with him telling Yunho – he wanted his hyung to know and help him.

“You should tell someone, as well,” he said. Kyuhyun pulled back slightly to look at him and nodded.

“I’ll tell Leeteuk- hyung,” he said. Changmin nodded and smiled. They stood together for a moment, staring at each other, before Kyuhyun took out his phone and checked the time. “We should go in, it’s getting late,” he said reluctantly. Changmin nodded and let go of him. Kyuhyun caught his hand and smiled, pulling him with him across the rooftop to the door.


They found their respective members and checked in. Super Junior had spent most of the day with Yunho, it turned out, and had caused a stir by absolutely refusing to practice until they were sure that their friends were alright. When Changmin and Kyuhyun came in, they found them sitting in Super Junior’s normal practice room talking.

“Oh, Changmin-ah, there you are,” Yunho said. “ Are you–” he paused and sighed. “Of course you’re not alright,” he said putting his face in his hands. Changmin walked over to him and hugged him.

“I’ll be fine, hyung. I’m not quite there yet, but I’ll get there,” he said. Yunho looked at him and searched his face. He nodded.

“Good. Kyuhyun-ah, whatever you did, it worked. Thank you for taking care of him,” Yunho said, looking at Kyuhyun. The younger man nodded and smiled.

“Yunho-yah, if you and Changmin want to come and stay with us tonight, you’re welcome to,” Leeteuk said, knowing that the two singers might not want to be in their dorm that night. Yunho looked at Changmin, who shrugged. He turned back to Leeteuk.

“If it’s really not too much trouble,” he said quietly. All of the members of Super Junior smiled and shook their heads.

“It’s no trouble,” Leeteuk reassured him. “Shall we go now? I’m tired,” he continued. Everyone agreed and began making there way to the vans. On the way there, Kyuhyun pulled Leeteuk back.

“Hyung?” he asked.

“What is it, Kyuhyun-ah?” Leeteuk asked.

“When we get back to the dorm, could I talk to you? I have something to tell you,” he said. Leeteuk looked at him for a moment before nodding.

“Of course. Let’s go, we can talk right when we get home,” he said. Kyuhyun smiled and thanked him.

They all piled into the vans, and Yunho and Changmin got into their own car to follow. The vans on the way back were silent, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Kyuhyun felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and took it out. It was a message from Changmin.

I’m going to talk to him now – what about you?

I’m going to talk to Leeteuk at home.


Kyuhyun looked back through the rear window, hoping that he was right, and that Yunho would take it well. He had spent a lot of time with the older man, and he didn’t think it would be a problem. He had the same impression of Leeteuk, and he could only hope he was right.


“Yunho-hyung?” Changmin asked, looking to the drivers seat. Yunho glanced at him quickly.

“What’s up?” he asked. Changmin looked down, nervous again.

“I need to tell you something,” he said quietly. Yunho nodded.

“Shoot,” he said. Changmin took a deep breath.

“I – I’m dating someone,” he said. Yunho looked at him again. Changmin was looking down, so he missed the small smile that crossed Yunho’s face.

“Really? Who? And since when?” he asked.

“It’s – it’s Kyuhyun,” he said, trailing off. Yunho looked at him and smiled again. Changmin was staring out the window, a blush visible on his cheeks. The longer Yunho stayed silent the more nervous he felt – what if Yunho didn’t support them? Finally, Yunho spoke.

“Kyuhyun?” he asked. Changmin looked at him and nodded.

“It happened tonight, on the roof,” he said. Yunho grinned.

“About time,” he said, laughing quietly. Changmin looked at him questioningly. Yunho laughed. “You’ve had a crush on each other for ages, all of us knew that,” the leader said.

“What?” Changmin asked. Yunho looked amused.

“It’s kind of obvious, Minnie,” he said. “You two are completely in love with each other. Jaejoong saw it years ago,” he said, growing quieter at the mention of the absent singer. Changmin reached over and patted his shoulder before asking incredulously how any one knew. At that, Yunho laughed again. “Changmin, if you want to hide something like that, you should learn not to stare at the person you like all the time, and have more people than that person warrant you saying ‘I love you’.” Changmin looked stunned for a moment before he looked tentatively at his hyung again.

“So – you don’t mind, then?” he asked. Yunho looked at him and smiled.

“No, Minnie. I don’t mind at all. I can’t mind, or I wouldn’t be able to stand myself,” he said. Changmin stared at him and he smiled. “Jaejoong.” Changmin nodded, his eyes still wide. “I don’t care who you date as long as you’re happy,” Yunho continued. Changmin smiled gratefully.

“Thanks, hyung,” he said. Yunho glanced at him and smiled.

“Any time. I will tease you mercilessly, though,” he said with a grin that could have put both Changmin and Kyuhyun to shame. Changmin shivered.


Homecoming at the Super Junior dorm was always a mess. So many people arrived at once, all tired and out of it, that getting people to the right rooms quickly was impossible. This time, Leeteuk gave up.

“Good night everyone! We have the day off tomorrow, so get some sleep,” he said before turning to Kyuhyun and beckoning him into his room.


“What’s up, Kyuhyun-ah?” the leader asked. He was intrigued – Kyuhyun rarely actually came to people for advice, and he never looked quite as nervous as he did at that moment. The singer was looking anywhere but at his hyung, and he was fiddling with his shirt. Leeteuk had an inkling of what the issue might be, but he didn’t want to say in case he was wrong.

“I – I need to tell you something,” Kyuhyun said, finally looking at his hyung. Leeteuk nodded.

“Go ahead,” he said. Kyuhyun looked at him.

“I’m gay,” he said bluntly. Leeteuk looked at him and nodded.

“Was that all you wanted to tell me?” he asked. Kyuhyun shook his head.

“There’s something else,” he said, looking at the ground again. Leeteuk examined his face and smiled.

“You’re dating someone?” he asked. Kyuhyun nodded. “Well? Who?” Leeteuk said. Kyuhyun looked at him.

“Changmin,” he said. Leeteuk smiled.

“I thought so. When did it happen?” he asked as he sat down on the edge of his bed. Kyuhyun blushed.

“Tonight, on the roof,” he said. “I went after him to make sure he was alright and ended up spending the day there. Just before we came in, he – he kissed me,” Kyuhyun said, trailing off at the end. Leeteuk smiled.

“You’re adorable when you’re shy, you know that?” he asked. Kyuhyun blushed twenty shades of pink. “Anyway, I don’t mind you two being together, just be careful. If the media catches you, you’re through,” the leader continued, smiling. Kyuhyun nodded. He looked at his hyung for a moment.

“You really don’t mind that I’m gay?” he asked. This had been his true worry – what if his hyungs didn’t accept him? He didn’t know what he would do, and didn’t want to face that. Leeteuk smiled.

“No. I don’t mind. You’re still you. You’re still my magnae, I still love you just the same. I can guarantee the same for the rest. Besides, half the people in the industry, and most of the idols in SM are gay, as well. If anyone is bothered by it, they’re in the wrong business,” Leeteuk said. Kyuhyun looked at him.

“Really?” he asked, incredulously. The leader nodded.

“In Super Junior alone, there are maybe two people who are straight. Everyone else is gay,” he said. “All of TVXQ is, I think. Certainly Yunho and Jaejoong,” he looked sad as he said that, and Kyuhyun marvelled at the thought that the fangirls were right about Yunjae.

“Were they together?” he asked. Leeteuk nodded.

“All of that being said – still be careful. Even though most of your friends will accept, and probably a lot of the fans, that doesn’t mean everyone will. And it could be very painful for you if the wrong people find out. That includes some of the people at work – try not to let too many people know that anything is different,” Leeteuk said seriously. “It’s sad that we can’t just be with who we want, but it’s the way we live. Other than that, just be safe and be happy,” he finished with a bright, dimpled smile. Kyuhyun smiled back.

“Thanks, hyung,” he said, before bowing and leaving the room. Leeteuk sighed as the door closed.

“No problem, kid,” he whispered to the empty room. “And it’s about damn time!” Leeteuk shook his head and began to get ready to sleep.


Sleeping arrangements had been decided on. Everyone had been shuffled around, but nobody really minded. They had done this many times before with more than just two people, and all of them enjoyed it.

Kyuhyun walked into his room to see Changmin already ready for bed and waiting for him. They had ended up sharing a room, and after avoiding the glares from both of their leaders, they had gone to get ready for bed and sleep.

“Hey,” Kyuhyun said as he closed the door.

“Hey,” Changmin smiled up at him. Kyuhyun climbed onto the bed and slid over to Changmin’s side. He leaned on him and burrowed into his arms. Changmin laughed and hugged him. “What’s up?” he asked, grinning at his new boyfriend’s adorable behaviour.

“I’m tired, and you’re warm,” Kyuhyun said. Changmin smiled and stretched out, pulling Kyuhyun to rest his head on his shoulder. He pulled the blankets over them and hugged Kyuhyun close. “Teukie-hyung is ok with us,” Kyuhyun whispered. Changmin looked down and nodded.

“So is Yunho-hyung. He said that he had been expecting it for a while,” Changmin said. Kyuhyun looked up, remembering Leeteuk saying the same. “He said that Jaejoong-hyung knew years ago,” Changmin said, his face falling slightly as he thought of his ‘umma’. Kyuhyun looked up at him noticed. He reached up and Changmin’s cheek softly.

“It’s alright,” he whispered.  Changmin nodded.

“I know. I just miss him, that’s all,” he said. Kyuhyun sighed. He pulled himself up onto Changmin’s chest and kissed him. Changmin stilled for a moment, before smiling and wrapping his arms tightly around the man on top of him. When they parted, he smiled up at him. “You know exactly how to cheer me up,” he whispered. Kyuhyun smiled.

“I know that you miss them, and I know that they miss you, too,” Kyuhyun said. “But everything will be alright. You’ll perform separately for a while, and you’ll all get better, and then someday soon you’ll perform together again, and no one will be able to compete with you.” Changmin nodded. Kyuhyun kissed him again and then laid his head on Changmin’s shoulder. “Sleep now, Minnie. Sweet dreams,” he whispered.

“Sweet dreams, Kyu,” Changmin said, curling around his boyfriend and closing his eyes. He was scared, tremendously so. But he knew that Kyuhyun was right – everything would work out, and he would be on stage with all of his hyungs again someday. He dreamt of it that night – of his family – TVXQ and Super Junior – all together again, laughing and playing around the way they always used to.

The next morning, when Leeteuk quietly opened their door to wake them up, he saw the two magnae’s tangled together, fast asleep. He smiled lightly at the scene, glad that both of them had found the other. He knew that Changmin needed it desperately given what was happening, and even though he never talked about it, he knew Kyuhyun needed a strong support sometimes as well.

As he was standing there, he heard footsteps in the hall. He turned and saw Yunho coming out of the bathroom.

“Are they awake?” he asked as he saw Leeteuk in Kyuhyun’s doorway. Leeteuk shook his head and stepped aside, pointing. Yunho came to stand next to him and looked inside. His eyes widened and he smiled. “How are they so evil but so adorable at the same time?” he asked. Leeteuk laughed.

“No idea, though I ask myself that all the time,” he answered. “I’m going to let them sleep a little while longer. They had a rough day yesterday.” Yunho nodded and they quietly closed the door and walked to the kitchen where breakfast was on the table.


Changmin woke up slowly. He faintly heard whispers and a door closing, but ignored them. He could feel something warm pressed against him, and as he opened his eyes, he remembered the events of the previous day. He smiled.

Changmin had liked Kyuhyun for a long time, and had always tried to hide it. He liked the other man, but also cherished their friendship very much. He avoided voicing his feelings because he was scared the feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated and their friendship would be compromised. He wasn’t sure if he had actually consciously decided to confess, but after sitting in Kyuhyun’s arms all afternoon as he cried, he just couldn’t hold it back.

He looked down at his boyfriend’s sleeping face and smiled. Although he didn’t know why he had confessed when he did, he was glad it had happened. He buried his face in Kyuhyun’s neck and held him close.

“Minnie?” Kyuhyun asked sleepily. Changmin leaned up onto his elbows to watch Kyuhyun waking up. He blinked his eyes and rolled over onto his back.

“Good morning,” Changmin said, smiling. Kyuhyun smiled up at him.

“Good morning,” he said. Changmin leaned down and kissed him gently. Kyuhyun hummed happily and hugged him. “Can I always wake up this way?” he asked. Changmin laughed.

“Maybe someday. Come on, let’s get dressed. I think I heard people in the kitchen,” he said, standing. Kyuhyun nodded and sat up. He put his arms out and pouted, silently asking to be picked up. Changmin laughed and reached out, lifting the smaller man into his arms. Kyuhyun giggled happily and wrapped his arms and legs around his boyfriend. He rested his head on the taller man’s shoulder and sighed happily. Changmin hummed softly in his ear, standing in the middle of the room holding him tight. Finally, he shook him gently.

“Come on, beautiful. We need to get ready for the day,” he whispered. Kyuhyun nodded and slowly slid down to stand on his own. Changmin smiled at him and pushed him into the bathroom to wash up.

When Changmin and Kyuhyun walked into the kitchen, they were met with a scene of absolute mayhem. All of the residents of the dorm were up and trying to get breakfast. Ryeowook was making more food to feed everyone, and people were standing and sitting all around the room wherever they could. Leeteuk looked up when the two magnaes walked in and smiled at them.

“I saved you some food,” he called over the noise, gesturing for them to come over to him. They slowly made their way over to where he was sitting with Heechul and Yunho. They took the plates he had prepared and thanked him before beginning to eat.

The mayhem continued until everyone was finally fed. Once everyone had finished, they stayed there, talking and laughing with each other. There seemed to be several different conversations at once, and people switched between them at will. It was getting close to ten when Yunho waved his hand to ask for quiet. He pulled out his phone to answer an incoming call and slowly made his way out of the kitchen.

Everyone waited to let him get somewhere where he would be able to hear over their chatter. Kyuhyun looked to his side, where Changmin was standing. He frowned. The other magnae was pale and staring after his hyung.

“Changmin-ah?” Kyuhyun asked. Everyone looked at them and noticed Changmin’s expression. “Changmin-ah, what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin looked at him.

“I – I saw the number. It was – it was our manager,” he said quietly. Kyuhyun tilted his head. Changmin saw his confusion. “He’s calling about our schedule,” he whispered. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in comprehension. He reached out to touch Changmin’s arm, and when he did he felt him trembling.

“Minnie?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin shook his head as tears formed in his eyes.

“We have to learn the new song today,” he whispered. Kyuhyun opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off. “I can’t – I – Kyuhyun, I can’t do this,” he said, the tears overflowing. “I can’t do this without them. What if – what if they make us sing Mirotic? Or Stand By You? Or – oh God, what if they ask us to sing Hug?” Changmin grew more and more panicked. He started to cry as he thought about what he might have to do without part of his family. Kyuhyun felt his heart breaking. He reached out and pulled his boyfriend into his arms, rocking him back and forth, just as Yunho walked back in. He froze at the scene. Everyone had their eyes on the two magnaes, wondering how it would play out and knowing there was nothing they could do.

“Sshh, Minnie. It will be alright, I promise, just calm down,” Kyuhyun said quietly. Changmin shook his head.

“N – no, I – I’m scared, I can’t do this, I – ” he stuttered, choking on his words as the heartbroken sobs from the day before started again.

“Yes you can, Minnie,” Kyuhyun said. He closed his eyes and hugged the other man as tightly as possible. “Remember what you told me yesterday? About the promise you all made. That you would be together again. That no one would ever forget you until then. Do you remember?” Kyuhyun asked, his voice quiet. Changmin nodded, though his sobs never stopped.

“I know, but Kyu, I can’t. I – they’re my family, I need them, I can’t do this without them,” he said.

“But you’re not without them, Min,” Kyuhyun said. “Do you remember what I told you? They’re still there with you – just like how Kangin-hyung and Kibum-hyung are still here with me.” Leeteuk gasped at that. “They’re always with you – on stage, during practice, in the dorm. Everywhere. You can’t see them, but they’re there. They’re here now,” Kyuhyun whispered. Changmin had his face buried in Kyuhyun’s shoulder, muffling his cries. “You have to perform for them, remember? You told me you would, Minnie. You promised everyone. Don’t you remember? You told me that you named your fan club Cassiopeia because there were five of you. You said that you would get through this so that you would be five again. Remember?” Kyuhyun’s quiet voice filled the silent kitchen, and everyone there felt tears in their eyes at his words. Leeteuk was full out crying on Heechul’s shoulder – he didn’t know Kyuhyun had dealt with two of his hyung’s leaving like that, and hearing it was a shock. Yunho was staring at the two youngest, his heart breaking at the sound of Changmin’s cries, and then mending again when he saw Kyuhyun calmly trying to cheer him up.

Kyuhyun stood holding his boyfriend, listening to his sobs that wouldn’t stop. He knew that Changmin had heard him, and now just needed to calm down, and also that he wouldn’t without help. So Kyuhyun opened his mouth, and began to sing.

Na oerowododoe neol saenggakhalddaen

Misoga naui eolgule beonjyeo

Na himdeuleododoe niga haengbokhalddaen

Sarangi nae mam gadeukhi chaewo


Oneuldo nan geochin sesangsoke saljiman

Himdeuleodo nungameumyeon ni moseubbun

Ajikgo gwitgae deulryeooneun kkumdeuli

Naui gyeoteseo neol hyanghae gago itjana


Nae salmi haruharu kkumeul kkuneun geotcheoreom

Neowa hamgge majubomyeo saranghalsu itdamyeon

Dasi ileoseol geoya

As he sang, Kyuhyun gently swayed Changmin back and forth. He sang quietly, and smiled as Changmin started to calm down. He felt Changmin’s hold on him tighten, as if he was trying to draw strength from him. His cries became less violent. His tears slowed. The others around the kitchen watched in amazement as Kyuhyun slowly calmed and comforted the younger man with words and a song. They had never known Kyuhyun had such a patient, compassionate side.

Changmin closed his eyes and listened. He had always loved Kyuhyun’s vice. It was deep and smooth, with a sort of high pitch as well. It was naturally gentle, and he never got tired of listening to it. He could feel his panic leaving him as he stood in his boyfriend’s arms, his voice in his ear.

Naege sojunghaetdeon gieoksokui haengbokdeul

Himdeun sigan sokeseodo deouk ddaseuhaetdeon

Huimangeun naegen jamdeulji aneun kkum


Sueobsi neomeojyeo biteuldaedo

Naneun ireohgeseo itjana

Nae mam hanabbuninde

Himdeul ddaemyeon niga ireohge himi dwaejulrae

Neoreul hyanghae yeongwonhi


Ireohge sangcheo soke seulpeumdeuleul samkinchae

Miso jitneun nae moseubeul neoege boyeo julge

Ijeneun apeuji ana


Eonjena neowa hamgge irugopeun kkum ango

Galsu eobdeon jeopyeoneseo neoreul bulreobolgge

Nae maeum dahae saranghaneun neoreul

When the song finished, Changmin had stopped crying. The kitchen was silent for a moment, the effect of the song lingering in the air.

“Minnie?” Kyuhyun’s voice broke the silence. Changmin nodded into his shoulder. “Will you be alright?” he asked. Changmin nodded.

“I promised. I keep my promises,” Changmin whispered. Kyuhyun smiled.

“I know you do,” he said. Changmin slowly let go of him and stepped back. He wiped his eyes before looking up to meet Yunho’s gaze. He smiled at him and Yunho felt his heart break again at the knowledge that Changmin was trying to hide his pain for him. He smiled back and opened his arms. Changmin looked startled for a moment, but he almost immediately launched himself into his ‘appa’s’ arms. Yunho held him close and whispered that he was sorry that he hadn’t been there for him. Changmin shook his head and whispered back that it didn’t matter. The other occupants of the kitchen watched and smiled. They knew that these two needed each other now more than ever, and they knew that even without the other three members, these two would still be almost unstoppable.

Changmin stepped back. His eyes were red again, and his face was pale, but everyone could see a renewed fire in his eyes. Yunho looked at him carefully, checking that he was really alright now. The magnae smiled at him and nodded. This seemed to satisfy the older man, and he nodded back.

“What’s our schedule?” Changmin asked quietly.

“We should get going pretty soon – we need to learn the whole song today. Our comeback is scheduled for early January,” Yunho said. Changmin nodded.

“I’ll go get ready, then,” he said. Yunho nodded. Changmin glanced at Kyuhyun. “Kyu, where’s that extra toothbrush?” he asked. Kyuhyun looked up and nodded before leading the way out of the kitchen. Yunho and Leeteuk watched them go. Leeteuk looked questioningly at the other leader. He sidled over to him while everyone else began talking about what had just happened.

“Do you know about them?” Leeteuk asked quietly. Yunho looked at him and nodded.

“Yeah, Changmin told me in the car last night. I’m fine with it. What about you?” he asked.

“As long as they’re both happy, I don’t mind,” Leeteuk said. Yunho nodded.

“What are you two talking about?” came Heechul’s voice. Leeteuk jumped and they both looked around. The so-called ‘Diva’ was looking between the two of them suspiciously. “What’s going on between Changmin and Kyuhyun?” he asked. Leeteuk looked at Yunho, who shrugged.

“They’re going out,” Leeteuk said quietly. Heechul’s eyes widened. “Don’t say anything yet, I think they want to keep it mostly to themselves for now.” Heechul nodded and mimed zipping his lips.


“Changmin-ah, are you alright?” Kyuhyun asked once they were in his room. Changmin turned to him and held out his arms. Kyuhyun smiled and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around Changmin and put his head on his shoulder. Changmin clutched him to his chest and buried his face in his hair. Kyuhyun could feel him shaking slightly and tightened his arms around his waist.

“I’m still scared,” Changmin whispered. “But I can do it now. Thank you, Kyuhyun-ah. I don’t think I would have gone if it weren’t for you.” Kyuhyun smiled.

“Anything for you, Minnie. I – I love you,” he whispered, his voice getting quieter on the last three words. Changmin stilled, all shaking stopping completely. Kyuhyun tightened his hold on Changmin and hid his face in his shoulder. Changmin tried to pull away and look at him, but Kyuhyun shook his head and held him in place.

“Kyu – Kyu, what did you say?” Changmin asked, a smile threatening to curl his lips. Kyuhyun pressed his face farther into the other man’s shoulder.

“I love you,” he whispered, his voice muffled. Changmin grinned then. He held his boyfriend closer and resisted the urge to pick him and spin him around.

“Kyu, will you look at me?” Changmin asked him. Kyuhyun tried to stay where he was, but Changmin ended up being stronger. He pushed Kyuhyun backwards a bit, and pushed his chin up. He looked him in the eye. “Say that again,” he said. Kyuhyun shook his head, his cheeks flooding with pink. “Please, Kyu?” Changmin pleaded. Kyuhyun looked up at him and relented.

“I love you,” he said quietly. He looked down as soon as he had said it. Changmin grinned widely. He grabbed his boyfriend and picked him up, lifting him over his head. Kyuhyun yelped and grabbed Changmin’s shoulders as the younger man spun him around. He laughed.

“Yah, Changmin! What are you doing? Put me down!” he cried, his eyes sparkling. Finally, Changmin let him down. He dropped him and caught him to his chest, hugging him tight.

“I love you, too,” he whispered into Kyuhyun’s hair. Kyuhyun gasped and threw his arms around Changmin’s neck. Changmin stood in the center of the room holding his boyfriend close. In a moment, he would have to leave and attempt one of the hardest things he had ever done. But for now, he could stay there, for a moment longer, holding the man he loved more than anything close. They could stay like this for just a moment longer. They stayed wrapped up in each other, basking in the happiness of being in love. For just a moment longer.


The days passed, and Changmin grew more used to working without three of his hyungs. It still hurt, but he could do it, and find a certain amount of fun and enjoyment in it. When the day finally came for the comeback stage, he knew he would be able to do it.

Kyuhyun came to visit him before he went on. Yunho smiled at them and left the dressing room to give them some privacy. Kyuhyun walked over to where Changmin was sitting and slipped his arms around his shoulders.

“I love you, baby,” he whispered. Changmin smiled. He stood and turned around, pulling Kyuhyun farther into his arms as he did so.

“I love you, too, beautiful,” he said. Kyuhyun smiled at him.

“Are you alright?” he asked. Changmin nodded.

“I’ll be fine. Can I have a kiss for luck?” he asked. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and leaned up to kiss him. They stood wrapped up in each other. When the kiss broke, Changmin leaned his forehead on Kyuhyun’s. “I’m nervous,” he whispered. Kyuhyun smiled.

“Don’t be. They’re on stage with you. Wait until you get out there – you’ll feel them,” Kyuhyun whispered back. Changmin nodded.

“Where will you be?” he asked. Kyuhyun smiled.

“In the wings, stage right. I’ll be watching you the whole time, and I know you’ll be fine,” he said. As he finished, the door to the dressing room opened and Yunho poked his head in.

“Sorry to interrupt you, but we’re on in a moment, Min,” he said. Changmin nodded.

“Relax, Minnie. It’s just another show. Nothing will go wrong, and they’re right there with you. We all are,” Kyuhyun murmured, Changmin’s cheek. Yunho watched and smiled.

Changmin’s eyes were closed as he concentrated. Finally he opened them. He smiled at the two people in the dressing room with him. He leaned down and kissed Kyuhyun, and then looked at Yunho.

“Let’s do this,” he said. Yunho grinned.

“Let’s,” he said. Kyuhyun looked at the two of them and laughed.

“Knock ‘em dead,” he said. Changmin grinned at him, and then he and Yunho went to take their places on stage. Kyuhyun went and joined the rest of Super Junior in the wings. They had insisted they be allowed to stand there during this performance just in case. When Kyuhyun arrived, Leeteuk slung an arm over his shoulder.

“How are they?” the leader asked.

“Fine,” his magnae replied. “They’ll be fine.” The members of Super Junior nodded and grinned as the lights went down and the cheers started and thundering beats echoed through the auditorium. The song had begun, and so had a movement that no one could see or stop. A movement of two bands towards reunion and freedom. They would all be together again, and they would be happy.


---Four Years Later---

“Well?” Kyuhyun asked as Changmin walked into his room. Changmin grinned.

“It’s happening,” he said. Kyuhyun grinned and launched himself at Changmin. Changmin laughed and caught him, spinning him around. He stopped and hugged him tight. “It’s happening, it’s really happening,” he whispered. Kyuhyun stepped back and cupped his face.

“It’s happening. Just like you promised,” he said, smiling up at his boyfriend. Changmin felt a tear run down his face. Kyuhyun smiled and wiped it away. “Don’t cry, baby. Everything is alright. Everything is finally going right,” he said gently. Changmin laughed and nodded.

They had been dating secretly for four years. Changmin had asked if they could announce it only when both of their bands were back together. He had said he wanted to have their whole family there when they told everyone. Kyuhyun had agreed, and so they had waited. They told Yunho, Leeteuk, and Heechul what they wanted to do, and so far had successfully kept it a secret. Soon, though, they would announce it.


The next day, seventeen men piled out of three vans in front of the SM building. They made their way inside, laughing and talking with each other, waving at the fans gathered outside. Once inside, two of them left the group and moved forward to a door at one side of the lobby. Behind it was a meeting room, and as they strode purposefully toward it, it opened. Two executives came out, followed by another man in a suit. They looked very satisfied. The third man caught sight of the two men walking to the door. He nodded and smiled at them, covertly giving them a thumbs up. At that, the taller of the two took off at a run. Everyone in the lobby turned to look, watching as he ran to the door and flung it open, before bursting inside. From outside, everyone heard cries of excitement, from voices that hadn’t been heard in that building in years.


“Hyung!” Changmin cried as he burst through the door. The three men at the end of the room looked up quickly. At first they were shocked, and then Changmin walked towards them.

“Minnie…” The man standing closest to him smiled and held out his arms. Changmin launched himself at him.

“Jaejoongie-hyung…” Changmin sobbed, clinging to the shorter man. Jaejoong smiled and held him close, tears beginning to trail down his cheeks.

“Minnie,” he whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.” The other two came over and joined the hug just as the door opened again. Yunho stepped inside and smiled. Jaejoong looked up. “Yunnie?” he whispered. Yunho nodded. Changmin smiled through the tears still pouring down his face and pushed his hyung towards Yunho. Jaejoong looked at him and then back to Yunho. Yunho held out his arms, and Jaejoong ran to him. He jumped into the other man’s arms and laughed as Yunho picked him up and spun him around. He set him down and hugged him.

“Jae,” he whispered. Jaejoong took a deep, shuddering breath as he clung to Yunho.

“I’m home, Yunnie. I’m home,” he whispered. Yunho smiled and leaned back. He stared into Jaejoong’s eyes and nodded. And then Jaejoong leaned up and kissed him. When they parted, the other three descended on them, converging in a hug that felt right for the first time in years.

As they backed away from each other, the door opened again. This time, all of Super Junior made their way in. They laughed and cried and hugged and played. No one was dry eyed. They had Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun home, as well as Kibum, Hankyung, and Kangin. The family was together again. And they would stay together.


That night, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Jaejoong, and Hankyung worked in Super Junior’s kitchen to make a dinner for twenty people. When it was time to eat, everyone ended up standing and sitting in the living room. It was the only room big enough to accommodate everyone. Couples were sitting together, and friends were teasing each other. The atmosphere of the room was one of happiness and love.

Changmin leaned against the wall next to Kyuhyun. They were sitting at the edge of the room watching the mayhem that was the reunion of their family. Changmin smiled as he watched Eunhyuk and Yoochun tease Junsu mercilessly. Kyuhyun leaned his head on Changmin’s shoulder, drawing his attention.

“Kyu? Are you tired?” he asked. Kyuhyun nodded, still smiling happily. Changmin watched him and swallowed. He looked up, feeling three pairs of eyes on him. Yunho, Leeteuk, and Heechul were staring at him. Yunho was standing behind Jaejoong with his arms around him as Jaejoong talked with Yesung. Leeteuk was sitting on the floor against the couch with Heechul leaning against his chest. They were staring at him, as if questioning his resolve to go through with his plan. He had discussed how to reveal his and Kyuhyun’s relationship. He knew what he wanted to do, and they all supported him. Now it was just a matter of doing it.

He felt Kyuhyun sit up, and looked at him again. Kyuhyun smiled at him again, and he felt his world warm up.

“Kyuhyun-ah, what do you want most in the world right now?” he asked. Kyuhyun looked at him.

“I have everything right now, I don’t need anything else,” he said, smiling around at his family. Changmin nodded.

“But if you could ask for anything, what would it be?” he asked. Kyuhyun thought about it. He looked around the room, passing over every person there before landing on the one beside him. He smiled.

“ I would ask to be with you forever,” he said quietly. Changmin looked startled and a grin spread across his face.

“Really?” he asked. Kyuhyun nodded. Changmin laughed and hugged him. “I would ask the same,” he said. Kyuhyun looked down and blushed.

“Really?” he echoed Changmin. Changmin laughed.

“Yes. So,” he paused and pulled Kyuhyun’s face up so that he was looking him in the eyes. He pulled something out of his pocket, and across the room Leeteuk gasped. Immediately, Yunho and Heechul looked over to the edge of the room, and soon everyone was looking over as they talked to each other. Kyuhyun looked at the box in Changmin’s hand curiously as the other man continued. “Will you be with me forever?” Changmin asked, opening the box so that Kyuhyun could see inside. Everyone in the room froze at the question, unsure of why it was being asked. Kyuhyun stared into the box and gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. He and Changmin seemed to have forgotten that there were other people around, and were in their own world.

“Ch – Changmin-ah, I – Do you mean it?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin nodded. Kyuhyun felt tears fall from his eyes, and he heard his breathing hitch. He smiled at Changmin. “Yes. I will,” he said, throwing his arms around the other man. Changmin grinned and reached for Kyuhyun’s hand. He slid the small ring that had been in the box onto his finger and hugged him. Kyuhyun laughed and pressed himself as close as he could. The rest of the room was watching in confusion. And when Changmin leaned back and kissed Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun kissed back, the confusion changed to absolute bewilderment. As they broke apart, Jaejoong broke the silence.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed. Everyone looked at him. “I knew you two were together. Chunnie, you owe me lunch tomorrow,” he said, looking extremely pleased. Yoochun groaned. Everyone laughed, and Jaejoong smirked.

“When did it happen?” he asked. Kyuhyun looked over at him and blushed.

“Ah – it’s been four years, hyung,” he stuttered.

What?!” Eunhyuk asked, shocked. “You’ve been dating someone for four years and you didn’t tell us?” he looked betrayed. Kyuhyun laughed.

“Sorry, hyung,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. He looked around and noticed all of his hyungs looking as though they wanted to barrage them with questions, and stood up quickly, pulling Changmin with him. “Well, it’s been very fun this evening, but I’m exhausted, and I saw Changmin nodding off a while ago, so we’re going to bed,” he said quickly. When his hyungs tried to protest, he cut them off. “I’ll tell you everything tomorrow, I promise. I’m exhausted right now though, so good night! Oh, and Sungmin-hyung?” he said as he slowly backed out of the room. Sungmin looked at him suspiciously.

“What?” he asked.

“I moved all of your stuff into Zhou Mi’s room, so don’t come in, alright? Thanks!” Kyuhyun flashed a smile and dragged Changmin to his room, slamming and locking the door just before his hyungs go to it. Changmin laughed.

“You really don’t want to answer questions right now, do you?” he asked. Kyuhyun glared.

“No. I’m tired, they can ask Leeteuk, Heechul or Yunho if they really want to know, and I want to be with you right now!” he said. Changmin smiled.

“With me?” he asked walking closer to Kyuhyun, who ducked his head and blushed.

“Yes. I – I haven’t spent a lot of time with you lately, and I miss you. And, you just basically proposed to me. I think I’m allowed to be alone with you for a while after that,” Kyuhyun said, crossing his arms defensively. Changmin smiled and nodded and held his arms out. Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled before wrapping his arms around Changmin’s neck and kissing him.

Changmin held him close and kissed him with everything he had. He loved this man with all his heart, and he never wanted to let him go. He pulled him over to the bed and pushed him onto it. As Changmin crawled onto the bed over Kyuhyun, he smiled. He never wanted to let him go, and now he never had to.

Kyuhyun looked up at him and smiled. His family was whole again, he was with the man he loved, and he was happy.


That night in the Super Junior dorm, everyone was happy. They were together, they were safe, and they were home.

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ND2011hakuren #1
Chapter 1: Awww that was so fun, cute and everything. it was so fluffy that i could die i really do hope they reunite
Chapter 1: Great story, I really liked it. I wish I could more like this :) Great Job
Chapter 1: i love the part of DBSK reunion....
such a lovely story...
Crystal_Hikari #4
Chapter 1: This story is very sweet, although I thought that it became draggy at some points and that Kyuhyun and Changmin became out of character at some parts, I really liked the interactions, especially the final part of the DBSK reunion. Keep writing!