2PM's Heartbeat



"Sooooooooo BEAST! Anney......." the TV was on but there was a heavy atmosphere in the waiting room of Infinite.


'How could I have not known?'


'Poor Anami'


Thoughts kept on roaming in everyone's minds.


Myungsoo kept his head bowed down; he hadn't even flinched at the mention of Anami going insane. He knew it was a matter of time before she would though.


A hand grabbed his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Sunggyu with a look of pain that mirrored his own. After all who could understand Anami better than anyone? 'It would have to be him.' Each one thought.


Tears started falling down Sunggyu's face as he turned away. Myungsoo looked back down as tears then threatened to fall out, 'How I wish Jihye was here, she would be able to help her' he thought.


"Come on you guys! We have to get ready" said Sunggyu as he wiped away the tears that still remained on his face. No one really moved but they all knew they had to. They knew that their fans were waiting for them onstage, and even though the tragedy had just happened not so long ago they knew that they had to try to move on like many fans already did.


Myungsoo suddenly stood up, his L persona taking control, his face void of emotion and grabs his best friend’s Sungyeol up from the sofa they were both just sitting on.


“Come on you guys, we can’t let our fans down! Jihye wouldn’t have liked that know would she?” he asked as he looked around the room. Slowly one by one the Infinite members stood up and started to get ready to go onstage. Sunggyu gave Myungsoo a grateful glance and then he too started to get ready.


Myungsoo just stared straight ahead again as his L persona started to fade away, tears threatening to fall once again when suddenly a scream was heard coming from the hallway.


“Fans” Dongwoo said, trying his best to lighten up the still somber mood. Then more screaming was heard and a male voice yelling out “SOMEONE GET AN AMBULANCE!!!!!”


Everybody rushed to the door and they were shocked to see five female bodies lying there. The Infinite members and stylist just stared, not expecting to see that gruesome image in front of them. Staff and idols started to show up but as soon as they were able to see they stood there immobilized, all of them with the exception of 2PM’s Taecyeon whose tears streamed down his face.


“GET AN AMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled once more as he embraced one of the limp bodies. Woohyun went and called as he noticed no one moved. The people all around just stared at Taecyeon as he wept.


The police arrived and pushed everyone aside, the ambulance was just outside and when met with the image of the five mutilated bodies of what it seemed to be women and one man rocking back and forth one of the five bodies, it took everything of their self-control to not run out of there screaming out bloody murder. They dragged the bodies and Taecyeon out of the building and forced Taecyeon to let go of the dead body, he fought back even against his own band members but they succeeded in dragging him away from his precious Yoona, or at least what was left of her.


The members of 2PM decided they could not perform with the state that one of their members was in and left dragging a crying Taecyeon to the van. Then everyone just went off and kept the show going. After all, the fans wouldn’t find out until after the performances that something as horrific as that just happened.




By the way I just want to say THANK YOU! to  Lina_Xd for the awesome poster!

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Chapter 3: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
I dont get this @_@
but poor taeccie and yoona ...
Chapter 3: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
I dont get this @_@
but poor taeccie and yoona ...
Chapter 2: The leessang quote at the first chapter. Is it from a song?