Lee Hyun Ji's Vanilla Love feat. Onew





Anami was waiting for her boyfriend Jinki. This was the first time he didn't call if he was running late.


A little voice inside her head told her that maybe something happened to him but she pushed that thought away, what could have possibly happen here? In this beautiful place?Nothing! She laughed and shrugged it off.


People just passed her by  and she started to people watch. it became later and later, and Anami was starting to grow a tad worried since he still had not showed up.


"Maybe It was a last minute schedule" she thought naively. As the sun was setting she noticed that there was hardly anyone there.


"Weird' she thought, "Normally isn't it really alive at night?'


There was then a shriek and some loud crying.


Anami then got scared. The pit of her stomach told her it would be the person she was waiting for but she was denying it.


A crowd started to form.


She then started to slowly move forward towards the crowd.


Trembling she noticed a pair of familiar shoes.


She finally with the last break of sanity left pushes past the people barricading her from her lover and sits herself next to him. Tears falling from her face she notices one thing. The look of horror on his face.


Passerby people just started to walk away, as if it was a normal everyday thing.


A police car then by miracle passes by. three people from the car come out and notice a bloody girl next to a boy who is unmoving.


The girl stands up. Walking towards them she smiles and says;


"Hi, my boyfriend just fell asleep can you help me?"


The police horrified put handcuffs on the girl and call the hospital for an ambulance.


When they turned the body around people started top crowd around again and they noticed for the first time that it was their beloved idol Onew who was in fact pronounced dead at the scene.


People cried, not caring about who did it but that it happened.


No one noticing the shadow of the person just leaving the scene except the poor insane girl who kept saying her boyfriend was just sleeping.

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Chapter 3: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
I dont get this @_@
but poor taeccie and yoona ...
Chapter 3: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????????????????????????????
I dont get this @_@
but poor taeccie and yoona ...
Chapter 2: The leessang quote at the first chapter. Is it from a song?