Chapter One

Not Enough For Him

The sky was its everyday shade of blue, a few spots of white fluffy clouds appearing here and there, the sun peeking from the trees standing outside creating a cooling shade on this beautiful warm day.

Himchan firmly holding a book with one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, took a sip from the fine B.A.P mug, setting it down on a coaster gently without letting it make any sudden noise. He was sitting outside while the younger four were inside doing anything but moving, Jongup and Zelo playing a board game while the two vocalists were sharing an iPad in the middle of where their knees meet.

The oldest of the group said he'd go out for a walk, and would buy some snacks on the way home.

Minutes passed and Himchan had finished the last sentence of his mind-blowing novel, about a female who fell in love with a man that was the son of a company owner who was originally her mother's husband; in other words, her biological father. Finding out that the young man wasn't actually his son but his step son. So they fell in love and had love babies. Himchan found this very intriguing, so he endured the corniest moments of the story.

Yongguk has unlocked the door that led to the group's dorm, with a cheesecake in hand, Daehyun ran up and snatched it away from the older, and ran back to his shared room with Youngjae, the said man following behind.

Yongguk let out an "I'm home" enough for the other three in the the room to hear, still looking at the door the two vocalists had headed into with an unreadable expression.

"Hi hyung!" The two young dancers said in sync and ran up to the leader, helping him with his bags, while Himchan was casually sipping the last bit of his coffee in his B.A.P mug and placing it in the sink.

"Himchan-ah," Yongguk started, "I'm here."

"I notice that.," Himchan said straight forwardly, "so what did you buy?"

"I bought what the youngers wanted."

"That's legit," Himchan scoffed, "anything for me?"

"I have a hug. Would you like to accept it?" Yongguk said tilting his head with a gummy smile plastered on his face.

"Um..maybe next time."

"I see how it is." Yongguk playfully hit Himchan's shoulder, earning a chuckle from the younger.

"Can you guys just get a room already?" Zelo blurted out abruptly, earning a questioning look from the two older in the same room.

"Yah! Choi Junhong! Don't talk like that to your Umma and Appa!" Himchan scolded and nudged Yongguk with a wink, notifying him that he's obviously kidding.

"Uh..y-yeah, Z-Zelo. Don't t-talk like th-that to us." Yongguk mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Are you okay, hyung? Your face is red," Jongup stated.

"Yeah, I just need to go to the bathroom."

Yongguk stormed out of the room and ran to the bathroom.

Why am I like this?

My heart feels like it's going to explode.

Why is it like this?

Yongguk closed his eyes to try and regulate his breathing. He's never felt like this before. With anyone.

Is it because of...Himchan?


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Chapter 2: Awks, I felt bad for Channie in this one! But I guess it gave Bbang a reason to confess to him XD hehe^^
Loved this one too! <3
Chapter 2: When I read this, I felt a little guilty bc sometimes, in tumblr, I tag something like um derp, ugly, but that is just the total opposite right? we do that often in tumblr right? XD the truth is himchan is so perfect in every aspect and babyz love him so much.. especially yongguk and his dongsaengs kuekue
Chapter 2: kekeke....**imagining the after-make-out-session** lol
Thanks for your work !!! >W<
Chapter 1: lol poor yongguk !! you have to endure lol
petalcha #5
Chapter 2: I was actually thinking what if Himchan really felt that way (or randomly have feels like that) because of many many reasons... Hope he sees that many people love him. Loves him very much. :> Thank you for writing this! ^_______^
DesperateGirl #6
Chapter 2: Lovely *__*
Chapter 2: we have the same name ^^ but this is really good omo Himchan is so perfect I could die jufkdhnkjfdmnc
Chapter 2: nice strory

writes thr both -hugs u tightly-

i luv u author-nim
omg! this is so cute! poor himchan don't understand the fan's tags , they are just because his perfection and randomness hehe
well done yongguk! just in the right time ! hehe
i'll be waiting for some DaeJae :DD really like the couple