More than a Thump

I'm Not The Same Anymore

"Who was that?!"

Seungho looked up at Aeri's face which in a split second went from terrified to blank. He rapped on the window pane twice more before opening the driver's side door. Aeri's gaze dropped to the ground behind Seungho but went unnoticed by him. As he went to grasp her arm, Aeri quickly grabbed her bag and jumped out. "Seungho! Mianhe!!! Did I scare you? I forgot something back in our room.....I..I can't.."

Rolling his eyes, Seungho crossed his arms over his chest. "Aeri! I swear... some days I don't know why you work for us. Are you oka-" Aeri cut him off with a wave of her hand while she nervously backed up. Seungho didn't know why she was acting so strange and cocked his head to the side before answering, "Well I need to head to the clinic for an IV so we should get going quickly. I'll wait for you."

"Ani!!! I mean, no.... its okay. You don't have to wait. Uh... thank you so much and I'm sorry!" And she turned and sprinted away from the van into the dark alley. Seungho stared after her for a few more seconds before heaving a sigh and climbing into the van. Grumbling under his breath, he snapped the door shut and drew the seatbelt across his chest. He sat for a moment with his hands twisting across the steering wheel, trying to recall what just happened only a minute ago. What was that.... I thought I saw something but its too dark..... nah, besides I'm already in trouble if she did damage the van since I let her drive when manager hyung didn't like that I was even staying behind. Seungho shook the unsettling feeling, shifted the van and carefully pulled forward.

10 minutes had passed and heavy breathing could be heard in the alley. A figure stood against the brick wall fo the building behind her as if it was the only supporting thing in her life.



OMG........I wish I could just disappear right now. I could feel the grit of the bricks rub against my silk shirt and almost unconsciously moved away. It took me 2 months to save for this blouse, I can't ruin it! I took a step forward back into the alley and looked around. It was still too dark to see much else except for several cars that had a light mist on them with the water glistening from the dim security light aout 30 feet away. I know what I saw but... it can't be. It can't happen to me...... NOT NOW.  My hands were haking so hard that my bag was about to drop from my hands.

I stepped around the first car trying to bolster my courage and control my breathing.

I took a few more steps past a van, closer....

My breathing was getting shallower and hesitant as if even a slight breeze would steal the air from my lungs. I was so scared, I closed my eyes and walked 4 more steps and stopped. My breath was loud in the silence of the alley and it was coming in short gasps. I knew I had to look. I opened my eyes and looked down.... to nothing. I pulled my cellphone out of my back pocket and tapped the screen, waving it around in front of me. The phone's backlight cast a strange light but only shows a bare area of concrete and some old oil spots from cars that had parked here before.

Heh..... he-he-he-haha....  I nervously laughed out loud and thought to myself Paboya! you were just imagining things! I turned around to go back inside to call a cab when my heel crunched on something. I bent down..... it was shiny. AH! It must have been the mirror that Seungho said I probably knocked off. Looking over the car in front of my, sure enough! The side view mirror was completely ripped off and in pieces on the ground. Oh crap! Manager Lee is gonna be SO pissed off at me!

I took a photo of the license plate and pulled out a piece of paper, wrote my phone number on it. I stuck in in the window but after thinking that there might be overnight misting that would make it wet, I doubled it into 3 sheets. It was too thick to slip into the window seal so I reached to tuck it under the windshield wiper. "There! They can call me and I'll take care of it." I said to myself, hoping that my voice in the darkness would keep my insanity intact from what I had imagined. Laughing again at myself, I started walking back to the stage door trying to hum aloud to keep the bad thoughts away when...... I heard it.... I'm sure I did.

"Chogiyo..... jebal....."



Aeri froze at the sound of the breathy voice and slowly turned back to where'd just been. *slap!* A hand grasped the back bumper and in the haze, a figure trembled as it attempted to rise up. Suddenly the hand slipped on the wet surface of the vehicle and slumped back down.  "Please.... don't leave me..."  The voice rang clear through the foggy night and startled Aeri into action. She ran over to the person, stepping onto the forgotten broken mirror pieces, and slowly reached out to the person. Aeri's breathing turned heavier as her arm extended to touch a very cold body. OMG!! I've killed someone! She lept over to the side and pulled the body up. It was a girl with long hair and she was really tall! Trying to pull the girl partially over her shoulder, she turned to slap her face a bit. "Yah!! Please wake up! Are you okay? YAH!!" The girl didn't respond at all. Aeri began to nervously mutter to herself, not sure what to do next. Suddenly her phone rang loud in the darkness. "WAH!!" It had shocked her so much that she dropped the girl back down to the ground. Nervously looking at her phone, she breathed a sign of relief to see that it was just Joon.


"Cordi noona? Where are you, didn't you say you were going to bring pizza? We are starv....... Noona? Are you still with hyung? Wait. A-a-are..... are you crying?!"

Aeri was so choked up and in shock, she couldn't get a word out. She'd gotten this job only because her sunbae was gone on maternity leave, all this drama was going on in her house, and now... now..... she just killed someone. Her mind and body were frozen. Joon's voice was buzzing in her ear as he was yelling for her to answer him.

"I... I'm still back at the venue.... oh.... Joon..... I.... I've done something terrible....."

"Hold on, I'll be right there!"

And with that the phone call beeped that it had ended. Aeri's sat back in the dim light, glanced over at the body next to her. She pulled her knees to her chest and cried into the nook of her arm, not knowing what else to do. The seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours. Her cries were getting louder. Her voice in her head was now verbalizing out of . "I killed someone. I just killed someone. ......." She didn't even realize that a scooter had turned into the alley and its bright headlight was shining directly on her. Someone took ahold of both her arms and shook her hard, yelling her name. She looked up and couldn't see who it was because of the bright light behind him. That person began to rub her arms, trying to get her to come to reason. She didn't hear anything he was saying but began shivering and moved to point to the dark heap next to her. She finally was able to mumble a last sentance before fainting from shock.

 "Joon, I'm a murderer."







Poor Hana....... is this the end for our girl??

Aww my dear subscribers, thank you for sticking with me thru thick & thin! And YES, i was so shocked that some of you remember me from Winglin :) TRUE FAN UNITE!!!! lol

I'm actually juggling a fanfic for SeungHo and a fanfic for Leeteuk via tumblr which took off. I'll end up posting it here if anyone's inerested. COMAWO!!! Thank you for sticking by my side :)

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Will there be an update soon?
Chapter 7: Great job so far! Hope there is another chapter coming soon :)
Dalily #3
Chapter 7: its too complicated..hope seungho can barged in and make everything alright..kekeke..keep on update..
creatingfaith #4
Chapter 5: Keep up the great work :)
Minah95 #5
Chapter 1: My name is Mina yeeeeeeeeey! Wait a second Am I the bad guy?
Hmm maybe I should continue reading (。-。)
Chapter 4: ^^ Daebak daebak i like it very much I know I comment fast
Chapter 3: oooooooohhhh i like it very much! ^^
Chapter 2: updaaaaatttteee pleeeeaaaasssseee!
anabella #9
nice story,update more plezz
Thanks for your comments & those who posted on my wall or messaged. First chapter is here... please enjoy!