Ending of a Life

I'm Not The Same Anymore

"Easy..... I want your body. You're going to do a little saesaeng-ing for us."

Hana stared incredulously at Mina. She blinked a few times while trying to process what exactly this could mean. Mina laughed again at her confusion. "You're so stupid, you know that right? You call yourself a fan but you are working against all of us. So in order for you to enjoy your trip to Korea, you're going to do exactly what I tell you to do. Call?"


Mina leaned forward, planting her feet onto the floor, "Call?!" Hana's head started to move, her back shake a bit. Hana looked up into the face of Mina and began to laugh faintly at her. The quietness intensified her laughter until she suddenly stopped. "Mina, you are sick. Ok? Just sick. Let me out of here and whatever you and your peeps want to do on your own, fine. I'm not part of it. You're not normal, got that?!" Mina's face blanched at that last comment and turned slightly away. Mina bit out, "You don't know anything of true love as a fan!" 

Hana suddenly noticed as her gazed lowered back to the ground that the 2 henchmen had crept up closer to Mina. One of them reach out and whispered, "Noona..." Mina's wistful face hardened at the sound of the man and yelled at him to shut up. The other one spoke up, the one who had pulled her head. "Noona, look, we're just here cuz we have to be. But this, I'm not putting my life on the line." Mina sneered at him saying, "Your hyung owes me, how come HE's not here instead of you?!" The force of her words caused the 2 men to step back sharply towards the lamp. Hana looked up and realized that they couldn't younger than 16 years old. Hana knew what she needed to do.

Hana began to speak quietly before slowly raising her voice louder and louder. "No Mina..... you're the one who is different. You're the one who's sick. You're the one who is WRONG! Do you honestly think that your parents would allow you to act the way you do if they knew? Do you realize that you have attacked the good will of an American foreigner and holding her against her own will?! Not only will MBLAQ disapprove, the whole A-Plus fandom disapproves. Heck, the entire Republic of Korea disapproves except for Kim Jong Il..... oh WAIT.... he's dead." Hana shook her head with a smirk on her face. "Mina, you're the one who is going to be in trouble. And I don't have to do anything. Why? Because you are not.... normal....."

With those last words, Mina flew across the room. Her nails began clawing Hana's face, pulling her hair, grabbing her shoulders to shake her around in a mindless fury. Hana could feel pain shoot up her neck and into her head again. Patience, Hana, patience.... this will end somehow.... Mina dragged the chair back in front of Hana and pulled her head so they were looking eye to eye, less than 6 inches apart. "No one... NO ONE.... knows me like MBLAQ does. You will never understand. So you are no longer useful to me...." Hana's parched throat worked up and down as she stared back at Mina with all the courage she could muster. Hana gritted her teeth & forced another laugh, "Yeah, no one can understand someone that is not even a human being."

Quicker than flash, Mina's face contorted into a maniacal look. She jumped up, grabbed one of the closest tv monitors, snapping sounds from cords being pulled out of their sockets...... and the world went into another darkness that Hana could not rise above.


"Agasshi.... wait I mean, miss.... miss! Can you hear me?"

Hana's eyelids could not lift above the pain throbbing in her head.

"Omo! her hand moved, she can hear us. Get her up, palli!!"

Suddenly bright lights were shining into her eyes as someone pushed open here eyes. Hana tried to turn her head from the blinding flash but stopped as it hurt again too much. Blinking back for a few moments, she looked up and saw the same dark ceiling. She had to get away! Struggling to get up, someone forced her back down onto the floor. She looked at the perpetrator... wait.... he's wearing a uniform.....

Hana slipped back into unconsciousness.


Hana came to awareness of a strange sensation on her right leg. It was wet.... no, something wet was brushing up on it. She rolled her head to the side, forcing her eyes awake and saw an old woman. Trying out her voice, "Halmoneeee...", it cracked at the end. Surprised, the old woman got up and dashed out the door. Hana looked around the room trying to assess her body and the situation. She tried to prop her body up on her elbow before crashing back down from dizziness. The door slid open to her left and as she glanced over, shock hit her. It was one of Mina's henchmen. Panic rose up in Hana's chest - I have to get out, I have to get away! She rolled over, practically falling off the bed. Her left leg had been wrapped and pain emanating from it stopper her in her attempt to escape. Suddenly hands grasped onto her arms to lift her up. Struggling, she began to scream for help until a hand clamped over . She opened her eyes to see a pair of blue eyes in front of her. It was an older man that had picked her up with the henchman-boy hunched down behind him looking at the floor.

"Please sit quietly, you still have to heal." Hana looked at him in confusion as his English was very clear. The man pushed her back to in a reclining position after placing pillows behind her back to prop her up. "My name is Dong Yup, and this rascal is my son Dong Hyun. We are very sorry for what happened to you. It is my fault for not having prevented this." Turning his head, he barked something in heavy satoori to the boy who immediately dropped to his knees. The henchman-boy was shaking, tears coming out of his eyes before he finally said while kneeling with his face almost touching the ground. "Please forgive me. I am so sorry for letting this happen to you. Noona.... she didn't know what she was doing. She.... it wasn't right. I thought it was just a prank. I am so sorry!"

Hana didn't know what to think or to say. However it was obvious that she was now safe or maybe just somewhere hidden. She turned to address the blue-eyed adult Dong Yup. "Sir, please tell me what is going on. Where am I? We need to call the police!" With an ashamed look, he raised his eyes from his son on the floor to look back to Hana. "Miss, the police have already been here. We called them. My son was able to stop Mina from further hurting you and called me right away. The police have taken care of Mina although that other punk kid has disappeared. Apparently he was Mina's boyfriend."

"What? I don't remember any of this. When did the police come?"

"5 days ago. You've been mostly unconscious since then. The Embassy had been informed but since you didn't have any identification on you, we couldn't do anything else. Dong Hyun said you were American. He is currently on house-arrest while a trial is set for his involvement. However we could not let you be alone and the police have let you come to our home. Now that you're awake the police will come back for a statement and help you get your personal items back to return home."

Dong Yup bowed deeply, backing up towards the door. With a sharp kick to his cowering son, they both exited the room. Hana fell back onto the pillows behind her. The pain was creeping up again on her head, she reached up to touch the area but even the slightest movement caused her to hurt so much that her eyes teared up and blurred her vision. Sleep took over her again for a short while until someone nudged her awake again. She looked up to see police men and a lady in a white blouse.

Over the next hour she gave her testimony of what had happened as the police men grimly took down notes as the interpreter relayed her words. As they thanked her for her time, Hana asked, "Before you go, what has happened to Mina? Where is she?" The shorter of the two policemen gave her a sad look. "She killed herself. The boy from this house tried to stop her while she was hurting you and she fell back onto the cords she had ripped from the monitor. Apparently there was gun involved but it is not clear since we only have the one story coming from Dong Hyun. The other teenager KyuYoung was never caught although we were able to match his prints at the scene. We're very sorry for what happened. Before you ask anymore questions, it would be best if you rest some more. Someone from the US Embassy will be here with your papers and help you make arrangements for the remainder of your stay and organize your return home."

As they exited the room, Hana couldn't believe it. Thoughts raced through her mind. Mina, dead?! How, why, there wasn't a gun there... I can't remember, why can't I remember?! Is it my fault? was the last thing she thought of as she drifted into another kind of darkness that promised of nightmares that were to come.


Over the next 2 weeks, Hana recovered well and even was on good terms with Dong Yup and Dong Hyun. It was obviously a situation where the teenager was bullied into the situation & as much as Hana didn't want to, she couldn't hold it against the frightened young man. Dong Hyun was soon convicted of his involvement and sentenced to 6 months in juvenile detention and 1 year of community service. She had even met Mina's parents and forgiven Mina. Turns out Mina was severely depressed and had recently been diagnosed with manic disorder but was refusing to take her medicine. Hana was pained at the outcome of it all - a young girl had to die for a stupid thing such as this. She knew the scars and burdens would be heavier on the family instead of her. After 3 or 4 days of their repeated visits of apologies and gifts, she turned them away with a forgiving heart and encouraged them to move on with their lives. The past shouldn't hold them down.

Thankfully her own physical injuries were able to overcome. She had several hairline fractures in her left leg which caused twinges of pain but the doctor said they would heal after several weeks. The blunt trauma to her head probably would need to be monitored in case of continued pain, memory loss, or any kind of mobility issues. Although it still hurt at times, Hana was definitely on the mend!. However the same couldn't be said for her mentally. She had nightmares at night that seemed to repeat over and over. Most times she would just lie awake until her body forced sleep onto her. And then that sleep would be a restless sleep but if that meant no nightmares, that's what Hana would do.... each and every night for as long as necessary. The Embassy had been really nice and was working on getting her a new passport and paid for her return flight home. It seemed as if this whole thing was just something made up in a book. Something that should never have happened and she could just go home and forget about it all. However Hana had to do one thing before she could go home. The sole reason she had come to Korea..... she had to see MBLAQ. No matter what!




Author's Note: MIANHE!!!!!! *bows bows bows*

I really struggled with how I wanted this story to proceed. If I wanted to keep it funny or serious... and I had some major writer's block due to some life drama but I am back with a new chappie. Thank you for my continued subscribers and any new readers. Please do comment!


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Will there be an update soon?
Chapter 7: Great job so far! Hope there is another chapter coming soon :)
Dalily #3
Chapter 7: its too complicated..hope seungho can barged in and make everything alright..kekeke..keep on update..
creatingfaith #4
Chapter 5: Keep up the great work :)
Minah95 #5
Chapter 1: My name is Mina yeeeeeeeeey! Wait a second Am I the bad guy?
Hmm maybe I should continue reading (。-。)
Chapter 4: ^^ Daebak daebak i like it very much I know I comment fast
Chapter 3: oooooooohhhh i like it very much! ^^
Chapter 2: updaaaaatttteee pleeeeaaaasssseee!
anabella #9
nice story,update more plezz
Thanks for your comments & those who posted on my wall or messaged. First chapter is here... please enjoy!