Serene Night

On The Night Like This


On the starry graceful night they lay on the rooftop of their dorm. Laying on their back. Staring at the million stars above them.

Chanyeol reaching out both of his hands on the empty air, to the dark sky above them. As if wanted to reach one of million stars that tugging beautifully on the sky.

Beside him laying a blond tall man with perfect straight nose, sharp jawline framing his face, milky white skin and calm face also staring the display of serene nature above him.

Both of them held the silence. Losing on their own thoughts, while perceiving pleasant of silent.

Until Chanyeol broke the silent, “Hyung…”

“Hmm…” and only replied by soft hum from the older.

Then a brave pause.

“Do you know?” Chanyeol spoke.

Only short reply came from the latter, “Don’t know.”

Ignoring Kris’ dispassion answer, he continued, “I can reach the brightest star.” One of his hand continued waving at certain direction on the empty air, while his other hand trying to find Kris’s. When he found it, then he intertwined their finger. Holding it tightly.

“Oh yeah?” Kris smiled. Averting his gaze to Sirius, the brightest star at night. On which Chanyeol’s hand waving in its direction.

“Hmm!” Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically, even though he knew the latter didn’t look at him and couldn’t see him nodded his head.

He added, “It’s not Sirius that shine the brightest. It’s you, hyung! Your smile. Your constant sincere smile towards me.”

Kris only smile hearing Chanyeol’s words.

“Oh, and you should throw away your cold face. Throw it far away! Let it burned by sun. Swept by the wind. And let it sink in the deepest ocean.” Chanyeol paused. “You should smile more, you know! Not only in front of me, but also in front of the others. ‘Cause smile suits your perfect face more.  You’ll look awesome that way.”

“And hyung, you’ll be the brightest star in this entire world!” He said excitedly.

“Silly!” Kris chuckled. His other free hand hit Chanyeol’s head lightly, playfully.

“Chanyeol-ah, I think I’ve already seen the brighter star before.” Kris added, eyes kept staring above.

“Impossible!” Chanyeol shifted to face Kris with widened eyes. But the latter kept his eyes up.

Kris smiled, his sincere smile, then facing Chanyeol, “Your captivating eyes, your wide smile, your splendid laughter, even your charming chuckled is brighter than any other stars. Even more blinding than summer sun. You are the brightest star in the whole universe,” Kris observed now blushing pink younger’s face.

“Do you know that?” He added.

“Aish… Hyung!” Chanyeol retorted.

They turned their head to the serene night sky once more. A peaceful silent covered them again.

On the beautiful night like this, looking at million stars glitter on the dark sky, where Kris’s beside him. Chanyeol felt so warm, despite the cold weather. He felt serenity in his heart, made him felt calm. Made him whole.

He wanted to tell the older how he felt right now, with Kris held his hand tightly. So much feeling to describe on words. But he couldn’t find the right line. He couldn’t utter the perfect sentence. He couldn’t show on how much he felt content at the very moment.

“Hyung,” Chanyeol called.

“Chanyeol,” Kris replied.

“I love you.”

“Love you more.”





A/N : I'm sorry for this crappy drabble. I really am.

If any of you already have this kind story, please tell me. I'll remove this story immediately. (But this story is truly my idea)

I don't own the characters, only the story.


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mink_amiel23 #1
Dear all....
thank you for your comments (it makes my day full of rainbow)
Woooaaaa :o so good! I like it very much!
*cuddles* nice >.~
Its very smooth~ ;3 like very very soft~

I like it soft!krisyeol somehow, it makes you calm... ~,~