Will anything change?

The Lonely Girl

I woke up to find myself in a bright room.. A lady in white came in. " Oh! you're awake. I'll call the doctor." Soon after the doctor came in. He told me that I only have a short time to live as I did not treat my illness. I told the doctor that I wanted to go home... Soon I was discharged. When I got back home, there was no one. I decided to go for a walk.. When I got to the park I saw my classmates.. I wanted to walk pass but I heard them say my name and saying stuff about me. Stuff like they hated me and they wished that I never existed.. " Your wish will come true I guess" 

 When I got back home my mom started to scold me. I just kept quiet. Thats when she screamed in my face" I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE SO THAT I WON'T HAVE TO SCREAM EVERYDAY!!!" That was when I decided that I will leave this life forever.. For the next few days I wrote letters to my family, teachers and classmates.. 

Soon a week was up.. The bright figure asked if I had made my decision.. I told her my decision and she nodded her head... In a blink of an eye my soul was out of my body.. I looked at my body.. Blood was flowing out of my mouth.. I cringed at the sight of it. I told the bright figure that I wanted to stay here and see what will happen next. I will return to where I belong when after I see what's happens for the next few days... 

The next few days I spent my time looking at my classmates and family.. They seem happy that I was gone.. " Now I really know how you felt about me.. I'm glad that your wishes came through." With tears pouring down my face I left the human world..





Well it's my first story.. I hoped that you liked it.. If you think that it could've been better, send me a message.. Thank you for reading! 

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Chapter 2: Omg I'm sad
It good but really sad at the same time.