Under The Night Sky

You're The Only One

Now I just really needed to sort at my feelings so I decided to take a late night walk - As I'm walking along the smooth ground the cold night breeze brushes through my long hair and I can see a beautiful full moon as it floats in the dark sky next to many sparkling stars, "I just want you to be here with me right now" I mumbled to myself and smiled softly; I then got distracted as I hear someone crying - What crying? Here? - I walked towards the noise and as I get closer this person spoke out loud "Why do I still love you?" His voice sounds so familiar - Who could he be? - I then got a little bit more closer... Bit by bit I see some facial features, then I saw him.. My first love and he'll be my last,

"Kai? What are you doing hear?" He wouldn't turn around, and I can see him wiping the tears away, He was embarrassed and probably shocked because he wouldn't think that anyone would find him here

"I'm... I'm just getting... some fresh air" He gave me a forced grin; I can see his sparkly eyes and the pain behind it; I stood next to him looking at the view of a beautiful diamond like river

"Wow this place is truly beautiful" I told him and I then sat down on the ground; he looked at me like I'm weird so I then tapped a space next to me asking him to sit down, He gave me a smirk and slowly sits down. "Kai I understand what you're going through"

"Trust me you don't" He looks away

"Aissh Kai trust me, I know how you feel!" I stared at him

He then stood up "You don't know how I feel at all, You have never loved someone... Listen, she cheated on my and I'm still in love with her - I don't know what's wrong with me? Everyday I see them holding hands and I feel so jealous" He got frustrated and he rushes away

"Kai I know how you feel, I love you... I love you, Why don't you understand how I feel - Jealousy? I've felt jealousy all the time; Seeing you and her hugging, kissing hurts me more than being stabbed thousands of times. She cheated on you and you still love her? My heart is not at ease at all... Seeing you like this hurts me more than anything, if being with her makes you happy to be honest I'd rather you be with her than you hurt as much as this... I just hope one day you'll be with someone that you truly deserve... doesn't have to be me but I just hope you'll be with someone so much better than her"I mumbled to myself... I'm really upset and I didn't know how loud I was talking to myself... I looked around to see If anyone is around but luckily no-one is around - I think! Tears streams down my face because I really do love him... but I'm also upset that he's hurt so much.

Then suddenly I felt a soft vibration from my lower pocket, As I slid my phone up I saw

"From: Kai

I'm so sorry... I didn't know"



Hello I thank everyone for reading this fanfic... To be honest I've done and seen many fanfics about Kai being some weird y... and I don't know, just, someone who is really ual or something like that

So I've decided to make him a cute heartbroken boy just because backstage I've seem him all cute, innocent and adorable and it's kind of getting into the point of annoying on how people are writing him as someone who is really ual but what ever it's their fanfic and I'm always happy to read them... But for me i like to write him mostly cute because Kai is cute ^^

Sorry if the first chapter is short, but I guess I'm just not good at writing first chapters but hopefully you enjoy :)


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CaitLovesKPop #1
Hi there!! New reader here!! I'm seriously loving this story, but you haven't updated since January!! :( I think you should update it!! Seriously!! I wanna know what happens next!! Please!?!? xD Fighting~!! <3
Chapter 1: oh my gosh, you are probly one of the best writers i know!! your pieces of writing are so full of emotions!! and they are very relatable! i will support till the end!
Please update soon!!!
I want to read it <333