
Falling in Love With a Cold Prince

- joonismiracle -

The sun was high in the sky, not covered by one tiny cloud, making that day one the warmest of the year. Confined in the little space the bus was allowing, a lot of people were sweating profusely and complaining about how slow the bus was. In short, it wasn’t the best day for most of those who had to go to Seoul University that day. Only one boy was smiling brightly.


And that boy happened to be Bang Cheol Yong.


It wasn’t that he was actually enjoying the hellish temperature; it’s just that nothing could ruin his day. Nothing at all.


After spending countless sleepless night on studying in order to attend Seoul Uni, Bang Cheol Yong has finally fulfilled his dream. Although the boy had only managed to be accepted into the Arts Program, he had at least ended up being transferred from his old university. He perfectly knew that studying arts wouldn’t necessarily provide a high income later, but it didn’t matter.


All that mattered right now was that he will be attending the same university as Lee Chang Sun.


Cheol Yong had fallen in love with him a long time ago, so long that he himself couldn’t quite remember for how long he had love Chang Sun. It had been just like in cliché movies. The boy was running through his high school’s halls, not wanting to be late to his next class, when he bumped into someone, making him drop all the books he was carrying and falling on his . He had shaken his head in surprise, thereby ruffling his hair, and looked up to apologize for his mistake.


The apology never came out of his mouth. Instead, Cheol Yong’s eyes had widened at the sight in front of him. He had probably bumped into an angel because no human being could be as beautiful as the young man standing before him. The angel picked up the younger’s books and handed them to him. Slowly returning to reality, the boy took back his textbooks and thanked the stranger. The latter smirked and, not adding anything, walked away. Since that moment, Cheol Yong had discreetly followed his angel, whose name, he learned later, was Lee Chang Sun, also known as the Cold Prince.


A couple of years later, Cheol Yong had overheard that his Prince was going to Seoul Uni to study veterinary medicine. As soon as he had heard that, the boy, who knew that in other circumstances he would never have thought of going to that prestigious university, had started studying every day and night just to follow Chang Sun to Seoul Uni.


Therefore, that was why Cheol Yong was the happiest man on Earth that day, even with the nearly unbearable heat. It wasn’t only because it was his first day at university. He had finally decided to gather his courage and confess his feelings to Lee Chang Sun. The innocent boy had prepared for a whole week for this crucial day and he wasn’t going to mess up this time around.


When the bus finally stopped in front of the school, everybody bumped into each other, trying to quickly rush inside the huge building that was air-conditioned. Everybody, except the happy Bang Cheol Yong, who simply waited for the others to empty the bus, and then followed, frolicking. He slowly made his way to the office and introduced himself to the woman who was behind the desk.


“Ah, Mr. Bang Cheol Yong! We were waiting for you! Your things already have been sent to your new room. Here’s the number and your schedule! Enjoy your year at Seoul University!”


She had spoken so quickly that Cheol Yong hadn’t been given the chance to say a word for the entire time. Not that he really cared; at least, she seemed nice. He thanked her, glanced at his schedule and smiled because his first class was only starting in two hours. Maybe it was one of the advantages of waking up early; school was starting long after the boy had woken up. Beside, that meant that he had two long hours to search for Chang Sun. Determined, he started to search the love of his life... Which wasn’t an easy task since the school was really huge.


After an hour and a half of vain walking, he sighed and resolved himself to go to his first class. Unfortunately for him, Cheol Yong’s first class was English, something that had definitively contributed to fail him at high school. It’s not that he hated it; it’s just that he couldn’t seem to understand how it was working.


The three hours that the course lasted, the boy repeated his text in his head. He didn’t want to forget a single thing that he wanted to say. He had to tell to Chang Sun how perfect he was and how much he loved him. Cheol Yong had even made chocolate cupcakes for the event. He had decorated them so that they would look like little pandas, just to show how cute he could be if Chang Sun would accept his love. Though, Korea was a really homophobic country, so he wasn’t setting his hopes really high, but he was still hoping that maybe, just maybe, the Cold Prince would change his cold behaviour for him.


After what seemed like days, the English teacher dismissed the class and the students started leaving, as well as Cheol Yong, to go to the cafeteria, since it was lunch time already. The boy was more and more eager to find Chang Sun, wanting to finally say what he had always wanted to say. And, to his joy, as soon as he entered the crowded place, he saw him. He was just as beautiful as the first time he had seen him, maybe even more, if that was possible.


As he walked towards the food court to take his lunch, people were making places for him to walk. He was followed by two also handsome men, who were fooling around and seemed more sociable than the Prince. But Cheol Yong didn’t bother to look at them, his eyes locked on his angel. He sat at the nearest table watched Chang Sun taking place at what seemed to be his reserved table.


The boy intended to look at the older while he was eating, but he thought that he would look like a creeper, so instead, he ate the more quietly as he could regarding the circumstances and waited for the Prince and his friends to finish eating. When they did, Cheol Yong took the box of cupcakes out of his bag and, a smile plastered on his face, he followed them all the way to entrance, where a couple of people were hanging, waiting for the break to be over. Chang Sun sat on the banister, hands in his pockets and head thrown back.


Meanwhile, his friends continued to play and to laugh non-stop. The boy looked around and, seeing there wasn’t a lot of people, took a deep breath before heading towards the Cold Prince. He stood right in front of him, making the two others stop their conversation and glance at him. Cheol Yong gulped, a small trail of sweat slipping down his forehead.


“L-Lee Chang Sun...”


The latter remounted his head and piercing eyes looked straight into Cheol Yong’s, which made him almost forget what he was doing there. Almost...


“... Huh... I... huh... I... just wanted t-to tell you t-that... huh... I... I really... admire you!”


The boy cursed himself inwardly, wishing he had never said that... For his defense, Chang Sun’s gaze had made him completely forget his text. But he continued, as he couldn’t take back what he had just said.


“I... I made those cupcakes... for you! I thought that huh... maybe you would like them... and that huh.... we could be... friends?”


As he was saying that, Cheol Yong had opened the box to show his panda-like cupcakes to the older. To his pleasure, the prince took the box in his hands. The boy smiled happily. But as he was about to continue to talk with Chang Sun, the latter smirked meanly.


“What? You want to be my friend?”


Cheol Yong, taken by surprise by the sudden question, stuttered a bit when he answered.


“N-neh. I-I told you I a-admi...”


“Admire me?”




Again, the Cold Prince smirked at the younger.


“I don’t want to be friends with you, kid!”


“B-but, I-I made you t-these...”


“What? You thought I would accept you only because you did those cupcakes? You are pathetic! Look what I’ll do with your stupid cupcakes!”


Without waiting more, Chang Sun turned upside down the box full of cupcakes, which made all them fell on the ground. He shook the box to make sure there wasn’t any left and crushed them under his boots, the frosting making it dirty.


“Aish, see what you did? Now I have to go wash my shoes before the break ends. You’re really a useless stupid and pathetic kid.”


Without adding anything, he walked in direction of the building, where he could find a washroom to clean his boots. His friends quickly followed him, one of them complaining.


“Yah! His cupcakes looked delicious, why did you do that? We could have eaten them! What a waste...”


But Cheol Yong didn’t pay attention to them, nor did he pay attention to all the eyes that were on him after the incident. He didn’t noticed the laughed that were coming from everywhere around him, nor did he noticed when Chang Sun discreetly turned his head to look at him while biting his lips, before disappearing into the building. No, Cheol Yong was too busy trying to proceed what just happened in his brain.


When the bell rang, announcing that they had to return to their respective classes or activities, the cheerless boy, as if he was on auto-pilot, made his way to his course, looking straight ahead of him. When a couple of girls giggled at his passage, he forced small smiles at them, but inwardly, he couldn’t care less.


For the rest of the day he tried to focus on whatever arts he was suppose to focus on. He even managed to sing a song in his singing class and draw not so badly a bowl of fruit in his drawing class. However, his mind was elsewhere. Sure he had been better than the others in these classes, but those who knew him would have known better.


They would have known that something was wrong with, since usually, he was one of the greatest drawer and singer you could see. But that was the problem; nobody knew him at that school. And the only one Cheol Yong would have wish to know him had just crushed his heart and broken it into pieces.


At his next break, he couldn’t take it anymore. Although he was still not very familiar with the school, he managed to find a small corner in an empty staircase. He sat there, curled into a ball, head on his knees and legs secured around them, and let his tears run on his cheeks remorselessly.


“Babo... Did you really think he would love you only because you brought him cakes? Bang Cheol Yong, you’re the stupidest person on this planet...”


The boy stayed there for a while, wanting to be far away from any other student. He didn’t want to look like a crybaby, but he couldn’t contain his tears until the day was over. His tears seemed to never end, blurring his vision, and his sobs were the only things that he could hear. Maybe that is why he never noticed the figure, hiding behind the stairs, helplessly listening to his cries....

SherryChan: Aww, it was good, right? My co-author is great, right? Everyone, send her lots of love so that she'll stop bashing her own writing! Till next chapter~


- A SherryChan & joonismiracle storyline -

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yo dis fic be awesome
Angelcerise #2
Chapter 2: I love it^^
I can't wait to
Chapter 2: Ah you update please i want to strangle joon now, he should regret everything he has done to my poor baby mir
Chapter 2: Ouhhh uri park sang hyun is here :D
New reader.. :) loving this already ;)
Milielitre #5
Chapter 2: It strangely reminds me of To the Beautiful You ^^ I think I'm going to love it !
janellaras #6
Chapter 2: OMG!! The story is soooo cute!! IMO
Update soon~
Chapter 2: I'm hating ChangSun LOL But it's such a cute story! Mir is so adorable, I just want to hug him every time he wants to cry. And now he has found a friend! Did those two friends of ChangSun were G.O and SeungHo? :3 Loved the story!
Chapter 2: I'm totally loving Mir!!! He's so adorable and makes me just want to hug and squeeze him!! Keep up the awesome work! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 2: Good! Cheolyong got himself a friend!