The tall, dashingly handsome, captivating eyes, and beautiful deep voice, Kris Wu Yi Fan.

Scarred & Forgotten

[Ai Ming]

I was warming up alone inside the pool area with the old coach, Ms. Liu, as she was instructing me on how to work my arms. Let me tell you a secret though, this lady only knows how to blow her whistle, nags at the swimming team, and act all jolly to Xiumin's singing coach, Mr. Ruan.

As I was saying, I was warming up my arms, until something (more like someone), caught the side of my left eye. I stopped with the practice, and looked up to find the new coach, Ms. Yang.

She was walking her way towards the pool, and stopped midway to smirk at my direction. Of course the smirk isn't for me, as everyone knows how much Ms. Liu is jealous of Ms. Yang. The two became rivals, after Ms. Liu was known to be replaced by Ms. Yang.

Stopping at the edge of the pool, Ms. Yang soon spoke up.

"What are you doing over there with an unexperienced swimmer, Ai Ming?" Ms. Yang asked. "Tch, this little ..." Ms. Liu cursed under her breath.

"Come over here," Ms. Yang demanded, and before stumbling towards her, I looked at Ms. Liu. "Ugh!" She groaned with anger rising inside, and I immediately ran over to Ms. Yang's side.

Without noticing that Ms. Liu had disappeared, Ms. Yang started working with my arms. Working just a bit before stopping, I found an angry Ms. Liu and three of my girl friends standing behind her.

"Can I help you?" Ms. Yang asked with annoyance, and I stared down at the floor. "It's our afternoon training session time. So if you don't mind, please leave," Ms. Liu answered.

Afternoon training session time? It's not even time yet, what the ?

Ms. Yang being the bold person she is, just gave Ms. Liu a stern look. After hearing Ms. Liu scoff, she turned to face one of my girlfriends (who is a coach, but under Ms. Liu's commands) and nudged her shoulder.

With that being done, that girlfriend of mine, Jiang Ivy shouted at my other two friends, Wong Cheng Lin, and Hua Zi Yan, including the rest of the swimming team.

I looked at Ivy with a confused expression, but she squinted her eyes at me. Without apologizing to Ms. Yang, Ivy had me train with the rest of the ladies too.

Jumping jacks, ladder, and stretching were what we did at this point. Not only were we doing that, but listening to Ivy's voice shouting at us, was very annoying.

However, I felt bad for Ms. Yang, as Ms Liu was trying a bit too hard this time.


"Minseok oppa!" I shouted for him across the hall, as soon as class ended. "Hey," he greeted me simply, and I ran to hug him like a child.

"How was practice? Are you hungry? You're not tired, are you?" Minseok asked worriedly, and I chuckled at him.

"Practice was the same as usual. Ms. Yang and Ms. Liu sending daggers back at each other. Ivy being tied down as Ms. Liu's pet. Haha. As for the other answers, I already ate, and am a bit tired," I answered, and Minseok patted my head before kissing my forehead.

"Girls will be girls," he told me, with his eyes rolling away. "You're so lame," I muttered, and then lightly punches him on the stomach.

"Since you're tired, let's go to my place. You can nap while I study," Minseok suggested, and I nodded with an agreement.

Walking hand in hand with Minseok, I never stopped smiling. I almost forgot who I was in the past, when Minseok wasn't in my life yet. I'm really glad that I had met Minseok, as he is my one of a kind man.

His warm hugs, bubbly face, cute hair, and sincere personality was what made me love him so much. If it wasn't for meeting Minseok at the hospital, I would've really jumped off the rooftop and died.

Until today, I still thank the heavens for letting Minseok be my guardian angel.

"Here, I fixed my bed neatly just for you," Minseok said, as he patted the blanket down. "Thank you, oppa," I thanked him, and pecked his cheek.

I know it's weird to mix Mandarin and Korean language together, but calling Minseok 'oppa' is important in the Korean world. Well, I think it's important, because you want to come off as friendly, not rude.

"Anything for my mermaid," he replied with a cheesy smile, and I plopped down on his comfortable twin size bed. 

Before hearing anything, my eyes soon shut down on me, and I slept. 


Checking inside the college library for some books to help Minseok study. I don't know if he told anyone, but Minseok is actually heading towards for a law school. He told me that his dreams is to become a singer, but law is really important to him too.

Though he tells me all these stuff, I know very much in my heart that Minseok wants to be a singer. He sings to me all the time when I'm feeling down, happy, and when I want to sleep. 

I tell him to just major in music, but he said that music won't bring him anywhere. Then I remembered about how he told me that his parents would be incredibly joyful, if he got into a law school and becomes a lawyer.

Anyways, back to helping my sweet boyfriend, I scoffed at the notes being jot down on these books. Every page I flip through, there are either drawings or notes about ing.

' me hard.'

'Have patience for my .'

' me dry!'

What the is this?! This is a book to help study for exams, not some education . I hate these type of people who only cares and think about .

I threw the books back down on the table, and made my way out of the hell hole. Sighing to myself, these immature kids who are in college makes me sick.

As I entered inside the glass elevator, I took my cellphone out to check if I received any missed calls or texts from Minseok. 


Hmm, maybe he's busy with music class, or studying at his apartment. Still, as the elevator was moving to the first floor, I saw a familiar figure down by the stairs.

Seeing the person's side of the face, I couldn't believe that it was Minseok. His eyes, it seemed like he was searching for someone, or possibly something.

Turning my head towards his directions, I noticed at how much the ladies inside the library just decides to all wear skirts in one particular day. Not trying to be harsh, as I'm wearing a skirt myself.

But then Minseok actually had the nerve to slouch his head down, raise a cup he has in his hand, and act as if he was drinking whatever is inside that cup. 

Oh yeah, this monster had his eyes looking up at the elevator. This ing peeping tom, he really wants to see , eh? I'll give it to him!

Pulling my skirt up and revealing my lime green underwear at him, Minseok then spits out the water he had drank in the cup.

When the elevator had landed, and my skirt was back down, I stared at Minseok with sorrow in my eyes. 

"Please, believe me! I was really standing there and waiting for a friend," Minseok followed behind me, as I ignored his existence.

"Ai Ming, I really wasn't doing what you had thought. Please don't be silent like this. I'm in misery," he continued on with his explanation, and I just stood in silence.

"Plus, don't you find it odd that we're the only couple whose gone out for three years, and haven't...done it?" Minseok asked, and I glared at him.

He had stopped talking, as Minseok just stood there with me staring him down. , I understand that it's a wonderful thing, but really?

"I'm sorry, but you know...Guys get stressed out when it's been a long time," Minseok spoke up, as he hung his head low.

"Fine then, is fun what you want?" I questioned him, and Minseok lift his head up to look at me with both eyes smiling.

"Fun? Uhmm...sure," he mumbled an unsure answer.


"How is this fun?!" Minseok asked, as he held onto the roller coaster seat tightly. "You wanted to relieve your stress, right? So here is your fun," I told him, and then the roller coaster ride started to move.

We both screamed at the rides we went on, laughed at a silly clown and other things, and ate delicious carnival food together, as we went on a random date.

"Here is your ice cream, my beautiful mermaid," Minseok said, as he handed me a strawberry flavor ice cream cone. "Thanks, oppa," I took the ice cream freely, and started eating it.

"Doesn't your feet hurt from wearing your mini heels all day?" Minseok gave me a concerned look, and I looked at my shoe. "Why, are you willing to trade?" I asked him, and he chortled.

"I'll never wear a girls' shoe," he replied, and I hissed. "You wouldn't look great in them anyways," I joked back, and Minseok pouted at me.

I laughed at his cute baozi face, as I skipped to wherever the path was leading me.

"You really like to laugh, huh?" Minseok asked, and I nodded my head. "Of course!" I answered and turning my head to look at him, but his ice cream met my face instead.

"BWUAHAHAHA!" He roared a loud laughter, as I felt the cold and burning ice cream on my face. "Catch me if you can!" Minseok shouted, and I ran after him quickly.

After smushing my ice cream on his face, that boy didn't stop. Minseok and I chased each other around the carnival, and ignored the stares we got. We already both know how strange and odd our relationship is anyways.

"Hmph, you have to buy a new shoe now," I told him, as Minseok carried me on his back. "Who told you to wear heels and run in them?" Minseok sarcastically asked, and I smacked his head.

"Ow, ow,  I was just kidding! But about buying you a new shoe, that'll never happen. Haven't you heard stories about a man buying shoes for his lady. The couple will never last," he replied, but I stubbornly didn't care.

"Fine, if you won't buy me a new shoe, you're my shoe!" I told him, and Minseok cackled. "I'm already your legs," he responded with laughter, and I laughed too.

"Well then hurry up, my powerful legs of Minseok!" I shouted. "I'm hurrying, my mermaid Ai Ming with a fish fin!" Minseok yelled back.

Like I said, I'm really happy to have him in my life. He just knows how to make my day, everyday.


The following weekend came along, and Ivy called me up to go shopping with her for a new bathing suit. Ms. Liu didn't want us practicing at the pool, as she would like for everyone to go 'practice' at the water park.

Surely enough for me to think about it, she and Mr. Ruan must have planned something for them both instead.

"That stupid wanted us to practice at the water park? She's lucky enough that I still stood by her side," Ivy cursed under her breath, as she spoke of Ms. Liu. 

Yeah, even though Ivy is the teacher pet and up to kiss Ms. Liu's , she hates her like everyone else does.

"So what? Let's just take it as a free vacation day," I replied, but Ivy shook her head. "That probably wants to flaunt off that flat chest of hers to Mr. Ruan," Ivy stated instead, and I chuckled.

When we both reached the water park, I quickly greeted Minseok along with his buddies, Luhan, Jongdae, and Yixing. The boys were already dressed in their swimming trunks, as I and Ivy had to change into ours.

After changing, I met up with Minseok at the 'Ocean Wave' pool. The both of us started to play a game of our own, as I didn't care for the other people around us.

Sitting on a tube, Minseok pushed me around the tiny spot we had, and secretly shared multiple kisses. We can hear our friends awing and ewing at us, but we didn't care.

Then Yixing thought of a game, whereas we have to find the lucky penny. I was thinking that the game would be too impossible, but that was the whole point of it.

Luhan was the one to throw the penny first, and we all watched it drop straight down to god knows where. The pool was pretty much crowded, and to find that small coin would be difficult.

After dipping my body in and out, Minseok soon jumped up in glee, with both hands proudly in the air.

"I did it!" He shouted with a huge amount of laughter. 

Without a thing, Ms. Yang slapped him out of nowhere, as everyone stopped their actions for a while. 

Giving Ms. Yang confusing stare looks, Minseok touched his pained cheek and murmured, "Why?"

Coming to a conclusion, Ms. Yang had wrongly mistook Minseok for untying her bikini strap, and revealing her s. She then decided to treat us out for the club.

Oh yeah, music played loudly, people rubbed their bodies together, and I just held Minseok's hand with a smile.

As we were walking to the room that Ms. Yang reserved for about 10 people total, Mr. Ruan (yes, he and everyone as the friends are the 10 people total) immediately builded up traffic.

Stopping everyone nearby the dance floor, I bobbed my head up and down to the music. Soon enough, I heard someone calling for my name.

"Ai Ming? Cai Ai Ming?"

I looked up to whom was calling me, and with such a huge surprise, the person that Mr. Ruan happened to talk to was an old friend of mine.

Kris Wu Yi Fan.

His height magically gotten taller, his fine orbs glistened with the lights, his push back hair was charming enough to capture the hearts of many woman, but his face was still there.

Kris Wu may be the right man of every girls' dreams, but he's surely not on my list. 

Settling down in the reserved room, Kris sat in between me and Ivy, as Minseok sat across from me. Haven't seen Kris in forever, I chatted with him a little, as I tried to catch up with him.

"You look very mature now, Ming Ming," Kris jokingly said, as he pats my head. "Tsk, I've always been the matured one back in middle school," I replied, and Kris shook his head.

"Well, how have you been, since my leave to Canada?" Kris wondered. "I've been well," I responded with a huge grin.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw how uncomfortable Minseok was looking. Totally forgetting that my boyfriend was there, I quickly introduced him to Kris.

"Kris, this is my boyfriend, Kim Minseok," I introduced the two boys together. "Hi, how do you do?" Minseok politely shook Kris' hand, and then Kris' glanced back at me.

"Your boyfriend as in friend, or lover?" Kris questioned, and I turned to look at Minseok with the biggest smile I can.

"My boyfriend as in future husband," I confidently answered, and saw the tiny pink circles forming on my Minseok's cheeks.

"Really?" Kris asked in making sure. Nodding my head, I answered, "yes."

Kris then moved to sit next with Minseok, as the two started talking about law and justice crap. Knowing how much Kris is into law too (as the kid was always into arguing about what's right and wrong), I just drank with my friends.

Because I'm not much of a drinker, and also remembering how drunk Minseok can get, he got super drunk. With the strong arms, I held one of Minseok's arm over my shoulder, as we bid goodbyes with the rest of the drunkies, plus Kris.

"I can just take you both home," Kris offered, but I shook my head. "Minseok doesn't live far, and I'll be taking care of him in the morning. But thanks anyways," I replied, and off I walked with the drunken Minseok.

Roughly, I threw Minseok on the wooden deck in front of his door, as I tiredly look at him.

"I warned you about drinking, and yet you still drink over your limit," I scolded him, but he only lets out a groan. "Yah!" I called to him, and Minseok slowly shifted his body to face me.

"Ai Ming~" he growled out my name. "What?" Irritated by his drunkness, as I was still catching my breath too, Minseok tried his best to sit up.

"Will you sleepover tonight?" Minseok asked. "Sleepover? I don't even want to think about sleeping right now," I tiredly answered, as I watch him chuckle.

"Stay with me, please. I have something to tell you," he mumbled quietly, and I sat by him. "What is it?" I asked, and he inhaled a huge one.

"Just go inside the house with me, and let's lay down together," Minseok muttered his answer.

Again, he's thinking about .

"Minseok oppa, we both already talked about this. Please, don't keep pressuring me," I told him. "I know, and I understand that," he responded and nodded his head.

"I also understand your situation of needs too, but you have to wait until I'm ready, okay?" I nicely said, and Minseok gave me a tiny duck lip pout.

Giggling at his cute expression, I cupped his chubby cheeks, and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

"Sleep well, my future husband. I'll be back in the morning," I bid him a sweet goodnight, and then left back to the college dorms.

It's not that I don't want to have with Minseok, I really do. But if you're in my situation with being scarred, you'll just be like me in the beginning. 


I'm thankful to have Minseok understand me and accepts me for who I am, because I'm afraid to lose him.


Oh geez, this was kind of complicated to write from Ai Ming's POV. LOL!

I think I should just keep up with Xiumin's POV instead. Hahahaha!

Sorry if I didn't explain much about Kris in here... >____>


oh the jealousy feels. :3

But hey, I do need to be fair. XDD

I hope you all liked this update.



Although I don't bias Kris, I totally love how he turned to Lay and hug the poor guy. I cried so hard, when that bromance scene happened!

And usually, it's always Tao who cries the most, but seeing how the slideshow was, I understand that not only did Tao cry super hard this time, but Kris and Lay did too. :3


Also, it was kinda weird how Kris called us fans, "angels". I guess the fanclub MIGHT be "angels" instead of "EXOtics"...? LOL




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Chapter 3: I haven't watched the award show just yet! Do you have a link? Too lazy to look for one. :P

I hope Xiumin would stop pressuring her. But what happened with her anyway? Why is she afraid? :O
Chapter 2: WHAT'S WITH KRIS? HUHU. -_-
Chapter 2: What is Kris' role in the story? :O is he the one who scarred her? :O
Chapter 1: xiumin i want a hug too
this is gud author-nim
keep update soon will ya :)
@mochi216: Yep, free hugs from Xiumin EVERYDAY! Oh how i wish i got his hugs. :3 it'll be wonderful. hahaha! and wat? your friend calls Xiumin, "my shoe"? ... Minseok = My shoe? haha! i see the similarities now. LOL

@fishae: I wouldnt mind taking hugs from Xiumin everyday too. hahah! that hospital was probably out of their minds... plus, they cared for themselves more than caring for Xiumin.. T_T lol!
I won't mind taking hugs from Xiumin everyday! Haha! But I wonder, why did the hospital let Ai Ming room with Xiumin when she's so suicidal? LOL. Not complaining though. I love how they met in that condition.
Hugs everyday?? I'll take the hugs XD every time my friend pronounces Xiumin's name she calls him "my shoe" now i'm starting to call him that.
@danger093: YAY! I'm glad you like it already! XDD

@fishae: LOL! Dnw, there will be more than just this one of Xiumin. haha
Disregard my comment on Lustful Tongue. Here's a Xiumin story from you already! :DD
danger093 #10