You're Something Special


As a famous rock star, he always got what he wanted. There's nothing he can't do. Everyone wants him, men and women. Men want him to appear and perform for them. Women want him for their own pleasure.

Girls line up for miles just to see him, hoping to maybe have the chance to see his smile or perhaps spend the night with him. Every night, there is only one lucky winner, but she'll be casted away the next day. Still, the line up show after show to have a chance to start something with him. Perhaps they'll be able to get extremely lucky and start a real relationship with him.

Job pile up on his desk, waiting for him to look them over and decide. Day after day, the jobs stay there, some even pile up higher and higher. Some even wait for weeks, months for his reply.

One day, he meets...this person. He's different. He doesn't give in, he doesn't smile and throw himself at him. The most important thing, the one thing that stands out the most, is the reason that the man hates him, despise him, loathe him.



‘When I first laid my eyes on him, I know he was the one. He’s different than the girl’s I’ve been with, much different. He doesn’t giggle upon seeing me and sneers instead. And the first thing he said to me wasn’t a compliment. It wasn’t something I expected at all.’

“I’ll never understand why a guy like you would have so many women around. If I was them, I would rather throw myself off a bridge than to spend a second in your presence.”

“That’s only because you don’t know me.” He grins at the younger boy, leaning close.

“You disgust me.” The younger man shoves him off and walks away, leaving the other frustrated as he exits the room and return to the party.

‘When I first saw him, I knew we would never get along. He’s one of those guys I hate the most. Guys like him who play around with women will never find true love, real love. He’ll never be able to experience the happiness that comes with love. Guys like him don’t respect women and as man who does respect women, he will never gain my respect, no matter what.’


I haven't updated in so long. I'm getting back into the action. Huhuhu~


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continha_troll #1
Chapter 8: I like this storie, please keep writing, neh? ^^
Chapter 7: somewhat confusing in the beginning but i love please continue to update cant wait to find out what happens ^_^
Chapter 7: Joonew is afraid of jong, jong must be did something bad to him... :(
Chapter 5: Clear as crystal... xD
Now I know who is jinki, ondrew n joonew...
Chapter 4: So jinki = ondrew and his brother is joonew, right??? X)
ellieg4453 #6
Chapter 3: Why would they kill you I say keep going I wanna know what onew is gonna do to key ;)
Chapter 3: Chap 1 is make me confuse cos there's so much name and people... X(
Chap 2 is confusing cos the name, sometimes jinki sometimes ondrew then sometimes kibum sometimes frankey... Just stick with one name, please...
Then chap 3 is good and naughty mouth of jinki is awesome... X)
Wait 4 your update and please don't be mad with my comment... (‾▿‾)♉