Chapter 1

Love Machine Kim Jongdae

"Omma, do I really have to stay here?" You asked your mom while you held your bags. She got out the car. "Yes dear. I know that you don't want to stay here, but it's better for your fatehr and I," Your mom said as she waved at the lady coming out of the house. "Hello, this is my daughter Miyoung. Miyoung, this is Mrs Kim," Your mom introduced. You bowed, she greeted back. You went inisde the huge mansion. *Whoa, this place is huge!* You looked all around, there were books everywhere. The house was squeaky clean. *No kids?* You pouted. "Jongdae! Come down!" Mrs Kim called. You saw a cute shy looking guy come down the stairs. *Oh, nevermind.* He rubbed his neck and looked down. *OH MY GOD! He's so cute!!* "Jongdae, say hi to Miyoung," She pat his head. He nodded. He didn't look at you. "Hello, i'm Jongdae," He bowed. You smiled. "It's nice to meet you Jongdae, i'm Miyoung," You bowed. It was an awkward silence for a minute. 

"Miyoung, i'm going!" You heard your mom. You ran out of the house and hugged your mom. "I love you mom, tell dad that too," A tear fell from your eye. She hugged you tightly. Jongdae stood in the by the door. Your mom got into her car and drove off. You wiped your tears and turned around. You saw Jongdae standing there. He quickly turned around and walked away. You headed inside and closed the door. "Jongdae, take Miyoung's bags and put it in the guest room," Mrs Kim told him. He nodded. "Oh no, it's okay. I'll do it," You touched his hand, you saw him blush. *He's... blushing?* You let go. "It's okay Miyoung, Jongdae go go," She told him. He headed upstairs, you followed him to the room you're sleeping in. He was about to leave but you stopped him. "Wait," You said. He turned around and looked at you. "Thanks," You told him. He nodded and left. You sighed and layed on the bed. *I love you mom, I love you dad.*

You went downstairs when you smelled food. "Miyoung, you're just in time for dinner!" She said as you saw her put some plates on the table. You sat in a seat in front of Jongdae.  When the food was ready, you ate. "So, tomorrow, I will be in Busan for a while. Because I have some meetings over there. I'm sorry Miyoung, that I didn't tell you that earlier," She said as she finished her plate. You shook your head. "No, no, it's okay," You told her and smiled. You saw Jongdae blushed. *He's blushing again?* You finished your plate and went to your room. You unpacked your clothes and all of the other stuff you have. You picked up the pcture of you and your parents. You smiled and set it on the little desk by your bed. You put your clothes in your drawer and you went into the bathroom to take a shower.  After you finished taking a shower, you changed into a white tank top and short shorts. You went downstairs and saw Mrs Kim holding her bags. "I'll set these here so i'll be ready tomorrow," She said as she saw you. 

"I'll be leaving very early tomorrow morning, please keep the house clean and do not invite other people over here," She told you. You nodded. "Neh," You said and bowed. "Jongdae, take care of Miyoung okay?" She told him. He nodded. "I'll be going to bed now," She said as she went into her room. You looked around  and saw pictures of the Kim family. Chen kept glancing at you. *Jongdae, why are you staring at her? Stop it dude!" Jongdae mentally slapped himself. "Jongdae," You turned to look at him. He looked at you. "Does your dad live here?" You asked him. He looked at the ground. He shook his head. *Great job Miyoung, you made him upset!* You pouted and sat next to him. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't make you upset or anything. I was just asking.." You said as you looked away. "It's okay," He said softly. *Jongdae, don't look at her legs, don't..* He glanced at your legs. *Damn you Jongdae!* He mentally slapped himself again. "H-how old are you?" He asked. You looked at him. "19," You smiled. He nodded. "Me too," He said. You nodded.

It was silent for a couple minutes, you were drifting off to sleep. You fell asleep and leaned your head on his shoulder. He looked at you. *She's so beautiful...* He looked at the time, it was almost midnight. He sighed. *Should I do this or not? Leave her? or no?* He thought of what to do. *It's too cold here, I guess i'll take her to her room.* He carried you bridal style to your room. He lightly set you on the bed and pulled the blanket on top of you. He brushed your hair away from your face. He touched your face. He shook his head. *Stop it Jongdae!* He closed your door and went to his bedroom and fell asleep.


You woke up and rubbed your eyes. You got up from the bed and went downstairs. You saw Jongdae eating breakfast on the table. You layed on the couch in the living room. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked. "No thanks," You replied. *Her voice is so... nice.* Jongdae smiled and ate his breakfast.    You sat in the passenger seat and Chen drove to the mall. "Why are we here?" You asked him. "To buy stuff," He repied. You shook your head. "For you," He finished. You looked at him. "What?" You asked. He looked at you. "Buy anything you want, i'll pay," He said as you both entered a store. You nodded. You tried on some clothes. You wen to pay. "Are you sure your mom's okay with this? Spending on money for me?" You asked. He nodded. "She doesn't care what I spend money on," He smiled. *Why am I sweating? Miyoung, why?* You wiped your sweat away. 

Jongdae saw a group of guys in front of both of you. He sighed and he put his arm around you. You looked at him. "W-what are you doing?" You asked him. "Just go with the flo," He whispered. *Go with the flo?* The group of guys looked at you two. "So Jongdae, who's this?" One of them asked. Jongdae sighed. "My girlfriend," He said. You looked at him. *Girlfriend?!* "Oh really?" He asked. Jongdae nodded. *Just go with the flo he said...* You also nodded. The guy's eyes widened. "I'm actually surprised you got a hot one," He smirked. "You're lucky I can't kick your Jongdae. Since you got yoursel a girl, I'll leave you alone. Maybe," The group of guys walked away. Jongdae pulled away from you. You looked at him. "Who were they?" You asked him. He looked at you. "My worst enemies," He said as you headed to his house.

"Is it okay if my friends come over tonight?" He asked. "Didn't your mom say not to invite anyone over?" You said. He shrugged. "I don't really care. Are you comfortable being the only girl here?" He asked. You nodded. "I'm the only child," You told him. He smiled. His phone rang and he answered it. You went to change. The doorbell rang. Jongdae opened it. "Ayo!" Chanyeol hugged him tightly. "Why so early?" Jongdae asked. "Cause we don't want you to feel lonely bro!" Kai hugged him. "Finally, we get to spend some time with Dancing Machine Jongdae!" Xiumin shouted as he pulled out some beer bottles. You came downthe stairs. They all looked at you. Their jaws dropped. "Oh, are these your friends Jongdae?" You asked. He nodded. Chanyeol pulled Jongdae. "When did you get a hot girlfriend?" He asked. Jongdae pulled away. "Oh, i'm not his girlfriend," You told them. Kai went up to you and kissed your hand. "Nice to meet you..." Kai said. "Miyoung," You said. He smiled. "I'm Kai, or known as the iest one out of all of us," He smirked. 

"No you're not," Sehun said. Kai stuck his tongue out at him. "Miyoung riht? Have a drink!" Xiumin poured a glass of beer in a cup. You walked over to him and took the cup. You looked at Jongdae. "Go ahead," He smiled. You drank the beer and finished it. Jongdae drank one too. "Let's party!" They all shouted.

First chapter. :)

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Chapter 3: dfdfojgdfogifdj. jongdae. gets touchy when he's drunk xD
Woah now that was unexpected... But I love it!! I want to know who that girls is