Note 100 Pt.2 The End

New Note


It was 7: 50 when I reached the school. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. I mean yes I think I’m in love with L and yes he’s been nothing but nice to me but I mean come on! He still is a complete stranger. I’m not as naïve as I look.  Apart from my fear I’m also super excited!

It was a pretty chilly night so I was hearing a pair of black jeans and a grey oversized sweater that showed my collar bone a little.

I headed inside the school and made my way to the staircase. I checked my phone to see what time it was.

“7:54, 6 more minutes” I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath and slowly made my way up the stairs. So many different things where running through my mind. I couldn’t handle all the emotions I was feeling. I felt like I was going to explode any moment.

I finally reached the roof’s door and I quickly checked what time it was I wanted to be there at exactly 8. I slowly pushed open the door with my shaky hand as my phone told me it was now 8 O’ clock.

My breath was caught in my throat as took in my scenery. There in front of me were rose petals with candles on the side making a walkway up to a man dressed all in black with his back turned to me. I slowly walked forward. I was in pure awe. I couldn’t believe I was finally meeting L. I couldn’t believe he had gone through all of this just for me. I couldn’t believe any of it.

I finally had made it to him but his back was still faced to me. I took a big breath and muttered out the only name that was important to me.


And as if time had gone into slow motion I watched as L slowly turned around.

“Omo… i-it’s you” I gasped as I stared at L in the face.

“Hell sungjong”

I couldn’t believe my eyes there standing in front of me with a giant teddy bear was the same man from the café I worked at. The one I never saw before, the one that took my breath away, the one that was apparently L.

“Y-your L” I stuttered. He showed me one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen as he nodded his head.

“Yes I’m L” He said in a husky voice as he stepped closer.

“Happy birthday sungjong” He said as he held the teddy bear out to me. I stopped gaping at him and looked at the teddy bear. It was a big light brown teddy bear with a red bow tied around its neck. In its hands was a letter labeled Note 100. I looked back up to L and saw him still smiling down at me. I grabbed the bear then took the note out of its hands and read it.

Note 100

                Dear sungjong,

First I would like to start this note of by wishing you a Happy Birthday. I hope you have the best birthday ever and get everything you want and I hope you like your roses. Secondly I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a kind and caring person to come here and receive this note from me. In fact I would like to thank you for accepting all of my notes. I hope you don’t think that I’m a coward for writing notes to you instead of talking to you in person. Now lastly I would like to tell you this… I have loved you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you. You could say it was love at first sight. I first saw you in the café we both work at. I usually work the morning shift’s which is why we had never met or seen each other. I had just left the café late one day when I was walking to the park close by that’s when I first saw you. You were there helping a little kid who had lost his mother. You were telling him soothing things then you picked him up and started searching for his mother. I followed the two of you around until you finally found his mother. I can still picture your smile when you returned the boy to his mother. It was as if I was watching an angel. I then followed you as you quickly ran away. You can say I was pleasantly surprised when I watched you run into the café. I saw you talking to Woohyun and then go into the back and change. That’s when I knew I wanted to know more about you. So the next day I asked Woohyun about you. He told me your name was Lee Sungjong and that you lived alone and where you went to school. I desperately wanted to meet you in person but fate kept us from meeting. So I came up with the idea of writing these notes to you. At first I wasn’t sure If you were reading them or not. So I decided to stay and see if you were. That’s when I saw you again with your friends. I saw your face light up as you picked up my newest note to you and that’s when I decided I needed to meet you in person.

Are next meeting was a surprise to me. That day I met you in the changing room at work. At first I couldn’t believe it was you but when I heard your beautiful voice I knew it was. Then when we were leaving I watched you reading my newest note to you and my heart swelled with warmth and happiness. Now here we are 100 notes later and now it’s time for me to say goodbye. This will be the last note written from me L your secret admirer. I wish you a good farewell and I now hope you can accept the real me Kim Myungsoo with the same love you have showed L.

                                     Love, your secret Admirer


I stared at the note in my hand not noticing I was crying until tear drops started landing on L’s words. I looked up with swollen heart.

“Don’t cry beautiful your sweet face suits smiling better” Myungsoo said as he wiped my tears away.


“shhhh” Myungsoo said as he cut me off.

“Let me introduce myself, Hi I’m Kim Myungsoo” Myungsoo said with a smile on his face and his hand extended out to me.

I giggled and accepted his hand. “Hi Kim Myungsoo I’m Lee Sungjong, It a pleasure to meet you”. Myungsoo’s smile only grew wider as he then kissed my hand. “The pleasure is mine” I blushed at his words before finally gripping him into a tight hug. I could feel him stiffen a little before he embraced me back.

“Well Myungso I heard good things about you from my beloved friend L, I hope you can live up to it” I spoke as I pulled my head back to look at Myungsoo’s face.

“Well I need to live up to my expectation now don’t I” He whispered as his breath ghosted over my lips.

“Yes, yes you do” Was the last thing I said before I pulled him into a sweet kiss.


The End :)

I really love this story XD

I was a little heartbroken when I was writing L’s finally letter to sungjong TT3TT. When I wrote Goodbye I was like huuhuuhuu :,( L be gone … hehee hope you all like. Thank you and goodbye


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Its almost over :'( (:


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Chapter 11: This was so cool!!!! I really enjoyed this story!! Cute L and Sungjong!!!! :) Thanks for writing this sweet Fic ^^
rei_zha #2
Chapter 11: It's really a sweet and nice story....
you gonna make a sequel? wow...i'll wait^-^
AhnNeulRin #3
Chapter 11: I can't wait to read your sequel....
This story really sweet...
andreaylen #4
Chapter 10: I like mysterious
potgas10 #5
Chapter 11: Sequel please!
bohyemi #6
Chapter 11: SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!
Chapter 11: Awww~ OMG! This is soooooooooooo cute! >//< PLEASE~ make a sequel! MAKE A SEQUEL! ^^
I seriously loved it! Every single chapter, every single word! >//<
woosoogyu #8
Chapter 11: A sweetie & romantic new year moment of myungjong... ^_^
sequel..? I would never say no to any story I like & enjoy reading...! ^_~