Chapter 1~

JangRin Academy


~Kevin's POV~
When I stepped on the school compound, I took in a deep breath for some fresh air. I was half nervous, half excited, after all; 
I'm finally back in Korea after living in a different country for the past few years. Let's see... Should I find where my class is or should I go 
to the principal's office??
Ah! Maybe I could ask that guy? I went towards him.
"Excuse me, I'm a transfer student so I really don't know where to go..."
"I think you should visit the principal's office first." The guy replied. He had a really nice smile.
"Oh, thanks for your help!" With a bright smile on my face, I ended the conversation and started to look for the principal's office.
Before I could leave though, the guy called out to me. 
"Hey, why don't take you to the principal's office, if you want to..." The guy scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
I was really grateful, so I ran over and hugged him. (Kekeke, maybe I stayed in California a little TOO long.) 
When I realized I was actually hugging a GUY I BARELY know, I let go immediately and gave him a shy smile. 
Fortunately, he didn't say a word. Well, then the both of us headed to the principal's office, 
I guess the guy was still shocked by the hug I gave him; 'cause he kept on looking away when I was about to ask him something. 
"I was expecting you, Kevin Woo." The principal came out of his office before we could knock on the door. 
I bowed and followed him to the school's office. The guy just walked slowly behind me.
"Okay then, since Lee Jinki is here with you, he will take you to your class. 
*Hands me the schedule* 
And you will stay in the U-Kiss dorm, let Mr. Lee show you the way. That will be all for now, you may go."
We, I mean, Lee Jinki and I came out of the principal's office in a hurry; 'cause classes were about to start. I saw many students hanging around
in the hallway, most of them looked like they came out of a fashion magazine or a comic book. I guess that's why JangRin Academy is known for 
the student's appearances. I'm lucky to know that I don't look so bad myself.
"Here's your schedule, I'll head inside first and you wait here until the teacher arrives. Is that okay with you?" Jinki asked.
I nodded and stood beside the door while he went inside the class, sat at the front row and started talking to his friends.
"Students of class 4A, we have a new student joining us today. Can you please introduce yourself?" 
"Annyeonghaseyo, chonun Kevin Woo imnida. I'm from Danville, California. Please take care of me." 
"Okay, you may sit next to either Eunhyuk, at the back row; or with Jinki, the class monitor sitting at the front of the class."
Without hesitation, I made my way over to Jinki and sat down. 
Jinki just gave me a bright smile and started copying the notes written on the board.
*During lunch time*
"Onew hyung~~ Are you here?'' Four guys came into the class. One of them looked really cute, and there was this guy that reminded me
of a dino (I'm sorry); the other guy looked very fashionable and the tall guy had really HUGE eyes.
"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" I asked them.
"You're a new student here? My name is Kim Ki Bum, but I'm preffered to be known as Key. The guy who looks like a dino is Jonghyun,
The tall guy beside you is Minho and the cute maknae over here is Taemin." The fashionable guy introduced himself and the other guys.
"I'm Kevin Woo. It's nice to meet you." 
"Where are you from, Kevin?" Jonghyun asked.
"From California."
"Oooh, I've stayed in U.S.A for a couple of weeks. I love it there, especially the shopping; and the beaches.." Key said.
"Which part of U.S.A have you been to?" I started having a conversation with Key in English. 
"Yah, yah, yah! We are in Korea now, so quit talking in English!" Jonghyun interrupted us. Key just rolled his eyes.
"Onew hyung!" Taemin suddenly squealed as Jinki came back from the washroom.
"Oh, why are you guys here? And I see you guys are getting to know Kevin." Jinki smiled.
"Your name is Onew?" I was really curious.
"No, his real name is Jinki, but you can call him Onew." Minho finally spoke up.
"Onew hyung~ Which dorm will Kevin be in??" Taemin asked.
"The U-Kiss dorm, they live right opposute us." Onew (I'll start calling Jinki 'Onew' from now on, since I like it. Hehe)
"The U-Kiss dorm?!" Minho shrieked.
"Really?!" Key freaked out.
"Is this the reality you wanted?" Jonghyun almost screamed. 
Taemin, on the other hand, just stared at Onew with a look on his face. 
"Erm, may I ask what is wrong with the U-Kiss dorm?" The question marks on my head just multiplied by, I don't know, INFINITY?
"It's not something you should be concerned of. The members were just exaggerating." Onew patted my shoulder.
I frowned. I don't like it when other people hide secrets from me. Oh, I'll just figure it out soon.
*Dora Dora*
My cellphone rang, which meant I had a message.
To: Kevin the pabo >.< (It wasn't me, it was Kiseop)
Hey Kev, it's Amber and Kiseop, your best pals~
We heard that you have just transferred. I'm now with Kiseop in the cafeteria, just ask somebody to show you the way.
Hurry up! Or you will face the consequences~~ Hahahahahahahaha~ *insert EVIL laugh here*
Note: This message is not by Amber Liu.
I smiled and put back my phone in my pocket. This is going to be an AWESOME year ahead~
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Chapter 3: New reader here... N I'm enjoying the story very much!! ^^
erialc #2
This sounds really interesting. :D update soon, okay? :D