
Is KyuMin Real?


'Don't you think it's weird?' Sungmin's words got the maknae's attention who was currently busy opening a bottle of wine.

'What is?'

'KyuMin' the blond answered with a small laugh 'Fans actually believe we're real... Isn't it weird? How much they want us to be together? As fans wouldn't they rather have us being with them?' he asked in a small voice before muttering a 'thank you' to Kyuhyun who just handled him a glass of wine.
'Why are you suddenly thinking about that? It's been like this since I joined the band' the younger answered with a chuckle 'Although I do admit it's a bit weird; I mean imagine... the two of us together like... that?'

Sungmin countered with his own chuckle 'Exactly, we're both guys, and straight, and we don't do much fanservice together' he allowed a small pause 'besides I would never be with a guy, no matter how handsome he is. Cheers!' he ended as they clincked their glasses.
'Are you saying I'm handsome?' Kyuhyun asked with a teasing smile before taking a swip from the wine.

'Haha funny, keep dreaming'

There was a moment of silence in which they both savoured their drinks before Kyuhyun decided to speak again. It was a question that has lingered in his mind since lon ago but it felt too awkward to be asked.

'Have you ever thought... I mean...' Sungmin looked at him expectantly '...actually no, nevermind.' but Sungmin wasn't going to have any of that.

"Oh, common, maknae, don't get shy on me now!' he chuckled

'Promise you won't laugh?' Kyuhyun asked with a small sigh. Now that he started, he knew Sungmin wouldn't let him off until he tells him. Sungmin just rolled his eyes. 'Yes, I won't laugh or whatever.... unless it's really stupid'

'Fine. Have you ever thought about... you know... you and me? I mean I know it's funny and all but fans seem to like it so much so I was wondering if you ever thought how it would be, you know... the two of us in a relationship?' he was expecting to have the other laugh at him, but Sungmin seemed deep in thoughts. It was silence again so he thought he should just change the subject but right then the blond decided to speak up.

'Actually I did... and honestly, it would be really awkward wouldn't it?'

'Yeah, that's what I also thought' the maknae immediately replied.

Another moment of silnce. Kyuhyun thought they were done with the topic; they continued to talk about their day, and their schedules and it seemed like the concersation from earlier didn't even happen. They poured themselves another glass of wine each and then the silence took over again. That's it, until Sungmin spoke once again.

'Do you want to try it?' Kyuhyun seemed a bit confused about the other's words, so Sungmin continued 'A kiss?'

Kyuhyun startled a bit, he wasn't expecting this from his hyung 'Is alcohol getting to you?' he asked with an amused tone, though he had to admit to himself he was kind of curious about it. But he wanted to make sure first that Sunmin wasn't making fun of him.

'I'm serious, and no, this is just the second glass so I'm not drunk... So?'

'Well, it can't be that bad right? So.. why not?' he asked with a smile, though he was feeling quite nervous. Sungmin took both his and Kyuhyun's glass and put them aside on the small table beside the bed, then looked at Kyuhyun with an amused expression that was speaking 'are you gonna do something or what?'

Kyuhyun approached his hyung almost in slow motion. 'This... I mean, I've neer kissed a guy before, so it feels a bit weird.

Sungmin chuckled 'me neither... or well, except Heechul hyung, but that was on stage'

Kyuhyun got as closer as he could of the blond, and he tried his best to calm down his heartbeat; he was feeling like he was going to have his first kiss again. He titled his head a bit and got even closer; so close he could feel Sungmin's breath on his lips. Seeing Sungmin had his eyes closed, he also closed his own and leaned just a bit more and there they were: their lips touched just the slightest bit, and none dared to make a move for a few moments. Kyuhyun pressed his lips a bit harder against the other's and his hand involuntary went behind Sungmin's neck, his fingers threading with the blonde hair.

The only sound that could be heard in the room was, in Kyuhyun's opinion, his heartbeat. He moved his lips a bit and quickly found himself addicted on how good it felt. He was surprised to feel Sungmins tongue his lower lip, but didn't think twice before he opened his mouth, granting acces; he encoutered that tongue with his own, not fighting, but barely brushing each other timidly, experimentally. What felt like hours couldn't have lasted more than one minute. They pulled apart and looked in each other's eyes, both smiling.

They spent the night holding each other and sharing a few more kisses before sleep found it's way to them. No words were spoken that night but then again, who needs words?

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akxshi #1
Chapter 2: Omgggg my kyumin heart ;AA
This is so sweet.......
Sungmin babo!!! You should have confessed to Kyuhyun!! OMO our dear maknae is felling in love with Sungmin!!

Update soon please!! :D
omo so damn cuteeee update sooooooooooooon
I cry..
Sungmins totally falling for him, he just doesnt know yet kekeke
Pabo Minnie!! *pouts* Please update soon~!!I want to know more.xD
I'm being impatience now trololol..~ xD
awww...i feel butterflies on my tummy! are right though..its kinda of weird why do fans dream kyumin more than kyu or min with her-selves..I love kyumin..wish this is the real story behind the "LOCK-wine time-DOOR" hehehe #smirk
that was soooooo sweeeeet!! wouldn't it be a bother if i ask you, like the others who post a comment here, to make a sequel for this sweet and cute story?please..please..with a cherry on top some rainbow sprinkles, strawberries and a...cookie?please... ^____^
Kyaaaaah!! That was so cute and sweet!! :))) <3 I was looking for a non-AU fic and... I found this!! It's really cute! :"> And I think your grammar isn't bad! But if you're not confident with it, you can ask me to review it for you. :)) Only if you want to though. Looking forward to you fics!!!! :D <333
Thank you everyone for your support! I will most probably post the sequel in two or three days.
Thank you again, you are amazing ♥ Love you!