Chapter One

Switched Love

Hi, first, it's been a while and I'm really sorry for being unable to update and just post the first chapter until today, thank you so much for the ones that comment on the foreword and the ones who subscribe as well.

I hope you will enjoy this and well... I did put a cute Boy Band as cameo lol hope you like it ^^

Saranghe you!!!


Warning: Grammar errors and typos, a lot!





Hyukjae watched the plush grey puppy with two buttons as doe black eyes behind the glass of the sideboard and he stood for a second there, observing it. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms holding him by the waist and he smiled, because he knows so well that tender playful touch, so he turned to face the person and peck his cheek.

Yonghwa pouted a kiss and smiled too, setting his eyes now in the plush and Hyukjae flushed with a small soft pink color on his cheeks, waving that it isn’t nothing, but Yonghwa just ruffled the red-hair of Hyukjae and smiled, walking inside the store.

Hyukjae gaze following the movements of Yonghwa through the glass, watching how his boyfriend was signaling the plush to the saleslady, and paying to the cashier for the stuffed animal afterwards; smiling with the paper-bag with the name of the store on his hands, walking outside.

It was funny for Hyukjae though, the way Yonghwa hid behind his back the paper-bag and smiling at him, asked.

“Guess what I have for you?”

Hyukjae played along and showed an innocent curious look on his face; Yonghwa smiled while showing the paper-bag and Hyukjae showed his gummy smile; holding the bag with his hands, embracing it like a kid with a new toy.

“Thank you” Hyukjae mouthed and Yonghwa nodded, bowing while lending his hand to Hyukjae, like a prince with a princess. Hyukjae giggled and took the hand that was kissed by Yonghwa, making Hyukjae blush.

“My pleasure” Yonghwa then took the hand and intertwined their fingers while started to walking, then Hyukjae asked with his left hand still holding the paper-bag.

“When is your concert?”

Yonghwa smiled soft while squeezing the hand of his boyfriend tenderly, glancing him for a second before set his gaze on the sidewalk again.

“In a week, but is not a concert, just a small performance” said a bit embarrassed and Hyukjae stopped, holding Yonghwa face between his hands, the other closed his eyes for a moment; wanting to feel full that touch.

“For me even the small performance of my boyfriend is the biggest concert of the world”

Yonghwa smiled wide, kissing the forehead of Hyukjae while passing his arm around the other’s shoulders, whispering him.

“Do you remember the time we meet?”

Hyukjae laughed lightly with flushed cheeks nodding.

“How can I forget it, you were a nerd and not the hottie you are now” replied joking and Yonghwa pouted but it was taking away by a peck from Hyukjae’s lips “even if you remained like a nerd, I…”

“I love you” Yonghwa eyes were bright and tender, lovely. Hyukjae rested his head on his boyfriend shoulder.

“I love you too”.


Kyuhyun was walking by the hallway of the faculty while some girls were giggling and some fangirling over him, he sighed after finally reach his seat and put his forehead over the wood-table.

This was tired; every day since he transferred school was like this.

When he lifted his eyes to the blackboard, he saw the most beautiful being on this earth; there, at the door of the classroom was Lee Hyukjae holding some books at the height of his chest, oh! God!! That man was beyond beautiful and yet… so unreachable for him, Kyuhyun had noticed that Hyukjae never smiled, never talk with other people and if he does, he just says specific replies and then closed the talk without even really had started. How he knows? He passed already the shame to try and talk with him; Kyuhyun remembered had said a shy ‘Hi’ to Hyukjae after he transferred and the latter just lifted and eyebrow waiting for him to say other word, so Kyuhyun stammered nervous and scratched the back of his neck ‘You know, I just wanted to…’

Kyuhyun remembered too how Hyukjae just excused himself coldly while standing up, but the thing that really did catch his heart that time, wasn’t the stunning beauty of Hyukjae, or because he was popular; the thing that really captured Kyuhyun’s heart was the thin real smile on Hyukjae’s eyes while watching behind him, it wasn’t even a smile on the lips but Kyuhyun knew that the eyes were the reflect of the soul… of the heart, and the smile on those eyes were the one only thing that made him fall helplessly in love with the other.

It was sadly when Kyuhyun found out that Hyukjae was dating someone already and it was sadder when he found too that it was the person that owns Hyukjae’s heart and the sparkle on his eyes. How he knew? Because Hyukjae pecked that boy’s cheek after passing Kyuhyun, and the other did hold Hyukjae by the waist while walking away off the classroom.

It was a bit strange though, that Hyukjae didn’t even smiled that time, but the guy seemed like the most lucky person in the world, and Kyuhyun knew, that he really was the most lucky person, because Yonghwa wasn’t only one of the best singers or popular handsome guys in school, but because he has something that nobody has; Lee Hyukjae.

Kyuhyun sighed that time, the same heavy sigh that was making now at the memory, but this time he succeed in show a smile to Hyukjae that was sitting next to his seat, but Kyuhyun knew he failed when the red-haired boy just sat without even sparing a glance to him. So, sighing more deeply, Kyuhyun watched again the blackboard when the lecturer started to give the class.

He was spacing out a bit but he even can swear that some hand was on his shoulder, the hand of an unknowing classmate that murmured to him.

“Forget it; he is out of your reach”

Kyuhyun didn’t pay attention, or more that he didn’t want to pay attention to that, because he still has in some place of his heart, the hope to reach the heart of the icy-cold prince of the university; Lee Hyukjae.


Kyuhyun was trembling, his hands were sweaty and his legs were shaking badly, he felt like fainting right know, and more when he was in front of him with his cold gaze and waiting almost bored with a book on his left hand at the side of his hip, and Kyuhyun blushed when he just thought about his hip. But getting a hold of himself he lifted his gaze slowly, watching the black dress-pants and the white sweater with long sleeves; Kyuhyun is still nervous and his knees became weaker than before, he breathed deep.

“If you don’t have anything to sa—”

“Please go out with me!!!!” shouted Kyuhyun cutting Hyukjae’s words while shutting close his eyes very hard, when there was no response, he started to open his eyes, first right then left, slowly; afraid of the other’s expression.

Kyuhyun expected everything at this moment, even a punch but the pitiful expression on Hyukjae’s eyes even when his face was expressionless.

“Sorry, I have a boyfriend”

Kyuhyun didn’t even got the chance to talk back, because Hyukjae already turned his back to him and was walking away from him. Kyuhyun sighed very deep and dejected, laughing softly and bitter while lending his back at the trunk of the big tree behind him, letting himself fall slowly on the grass until he was sat and he covered his face with his right hand.

“I’m such a fool” he laughed a bit more, but silent tears started to fall slowly “a real fool” 


“What’s wrong babe?” Yonghwa asked after his boyfriend arrived at the restaurant of Hyukjae’s uncle, Hyukjae sat next to his lover and pecked his lips.

“Today a boy confessed to me” replied almost in a whisper and Yonghwa tensed but keep his cool.

“But, always boys and girls confess to you, righ?”

Hyukjae cuddled on his boyfriend chest.

“But if you have seen his eyes…” Hyukjae mind was filled with Kyuhyun expression of hurt “I felt pity”

Yonghwa kissed Hyukjae’s hair lovingly.

“I’m sorry babe”

Hyukjae now was facing Yonghwa and he smiled a bit sad

“I know you are so kind that reject people made you sad and still… I keep loving you and holding your heart because I’m selfish”

Hyukjae smiled and kissed Yonghwa cheek, forgetting Kyuhyun and even why he was feeling guilty.

“Don’t say sorry, just say you love me like I love you” said Hyukjae cheesy; kissing Yonghwa’s left cheek.

The waiter cleared his throat with an awkward smile on his lips and Yonghwa and Hyukjae laughed heartedly.

“C’mon Hae, don’t blush” said teasingly Hyukjae and the named blushed more.

“Sh-Shut up! And give me your order” answered a flustered Donghae, Hyukjae’s best friend and now Yonghwa one too.

In fact Donghae was the one that introduced them years ago in high school when Donghae and Yonghwa were working part-time job at some bar-café at night; the payment was good, and Yonghwa remembers that the first time he saw Hyukjae, he was washing the dishes clumsily when a beautiful cute-hot boy entered by the back door of the bar and Yonghwa dropped the dishes on his hands, so the boy stared at him coldly and walked pass him searching for something or someone; but when Donghae jumped to the boy happily first and hugging him before started to scolding Hyukjae for being mean to his co-worker and saying that it is a human duty to help others so Hyukjae blushed muttering a soft ‘sorry’ and started to help Yonghwa to pick the shattered pieces, but suddenly like remembering something; Hyukjae watched Donghae alarmed and exclaimed that Donghae’s father already found out that he wasn’t at his home but working. Since that day, after Donghae grabbed Yonghwa wrist by mistake and ran away, Hyukjae tailing them and shouting ‘Hey! You got the wrong boy’; Yonghwa started working at the restaurant of Hyukjae’s uncle and Donghae’s father, since Donghae was at fault that Yonghwa was fired for that accident.

“I’m glad I meet you” murmured Yonghwa and Hyukjae saw him puzzled.

“Did you say something?”

Yonghwa watched Hyukjae while saying “I just wanted to say how much I love you” Hyukjae smiled wide while Donghae rolled his eyes at the cheesiness but still happy for his cousin.

“Fine! I will bring strawberry cake and a glass of milk for you to share”

Yonghwa smiled and Hyukjae blushed.

“We can use different glasses” Hyukjae replied and Yonghwa just pecked Hyukjae’s forehead.

“Why different if we can share and show our love?” Yonghwa whispered on Hyukjae’s ear like always “and if you left me, I want to share my life with you too”.


Kyuhyun picked up his bag and sighed for the ninth time, his heart was thumping slowly in pain. The school have some students still on the campus and still some girls whispering and giggling when they see him pass by them, but Kyuhyun is sad and doesn’t mind, this time that doesn’t even bothered him, because he feels his legs numb and his body is aching for some reason and the tears are fighting to be back at any moment, so he just sighs again and walks like a zombie.

He walks and walks without noticing even when he went out of the school or how he passed the street, not even paying attention at the girl in hot dress that was flirting with him when he passed her; no, because he was just in his own world, oblivious to the word and how reckless he is being right now. Let’s be true, Kyuhyun had been rejected before, by a cute girl in a cute dress and for some reason, that time he smiled and walked away with his heart lightly but this time he is feeling heavy at every step he sets on the ground and his heart is heavier. Suddenly he stops and blinks because asides of Hyukjae on his mind, something is there, telling him to stop, but why stop here and talking about here…

“Where am I?”

Kyuhyun asked to himself, ignoring the giggling of girls and the guys that are checking him out, he just starts to read the plaque at the corner of the street and doesn’t recognizes the name of the avenue, so he scratches his head confused.

“Great! Now I’m lost”

This day couldn’t be worst, he was rejected, he was lost and now… yeah, it was raining. So Kyuhyun ran and ran even when he doesn’t feel like running and more when he doesn’t even know where to run, but it’s because even the street is against him since holds no room for him to at least cover himself off the rain.

Then, he just sights some girly-place opened and even when he doesn’t want to enter, the thunder in the sky tell him otherwise, so he lead his pace to that place and when he enters, a small bell is ringing but Kyuhyun doesn’t care, because he is more worried about staying in that place and not being kicked out to the rain, so when he spots two cute little boys around seventeen, Kyuhyun pretends that he is interested in buying something and so, he starts to watched carefully the store, but his thoughts are not in the products that are mean for being sell, no he isn’t thinking on how cute is that pink voodoo toy that says ‘write the name of the one you love’ and neither he is watching for real the seals that have ‘love’ write in them or in the dolls that seem like Barbie’s and Ken’s but had some weird words on their forehead, and he knows why he isn’t paying attention to that weird stuff, because his thoughts are on someone; Lee Hyukjae and just the memory of that name makes Kyuhyun’s heart sank so he chuckles and then he feels like a creep because when he chuckled he was seeing a charm that said ‘allure your partner’.

And then Kyuhyun turns to the two boys that resembled each other, maybe they are twins, and Kyuhyun slaps himself mentally because of course they are twins, but why this store has this weird stuff and with teenagers as the ones attending?

“May I help you?” asks a voice and Kyuhyun blinks, not once but twice and he feels stupid.


The boy –that isn’t one of the twins– smiles and asks again.

“May I help you? I mean you have something in mind that you like to purchase?”

And Kyuhyun wants to say, ‘no, thank you’ but when he watches the window of the store being still hit by the rain; he swallows a nonexistent knot on his throat, the boy is still watching him while smiling and Kyuhyun just says while rubbing his neck.

“An amulet for good grades?”

The boy doesn’t smile anymore and Kyuhyun asks himself if he had said something wrong, because now the two twins are walking towards him as well with serious expressions. So the boy just says to them without glancing at Kyuhyun.

“He doesn’t want to say why is here for”

“Minho, your mean, at least you must explain to him why are we here for, you know?”

And Kyuhyun is confused, but now knows the name of one of them, but then, he will forget, so it doesn’t matter anyway, and Kyuhyun set his gaze on the twins that are watching him curious.

“So…” the twins watched at each other and grinned “Welcome to our shop where we can grant any wish you have, welcome to ‘Wish come true: Boyfriend’s Shop’!!” they said in unison and Kyuhyun blinks, at least they had good sync, so the twins frowns at the no-reaction from Kyuhyun and sighed.

“Let me take care of this Youngmin”

Says one twin and the other pouts but nods, so the smile of the twin with raven hair disappear and even when he is younger than Kyuhyun, he is watching him with dark cold eyes.

“Well, Mr Cho Kyuhyun” starts Kwangmin and Kyuhyun want to ask how is it that this stranger knows his name as he widened his eyes.

“How do you-?”

But Kwangmin lifts his hand, indicating Kyuhyun to stop from say anything as he keeps talking.

“I-“ Kwangmin then glances his brother and Minho, so he quickly add “we know everything about love issues and about what is the deepest desire of our customer’s heart”

Kyuhyun was speechless because this is like a shoujo-manga (not that Kyuhyun reads them) and of course is more stupid than suspicious, his thoughts were cut when the other twin blurted out.

“And we know you were rejected today and were wishing to find true love, so that’s why we’re here!”

Kwangmin shoot his twin a glare but the other just smiled and says innocently.

“But if I didn’t tell him this, he will not believe!!”

Minho nodded even though he was against being so blunt to customers, but well, they know –from the main central of magic in the other world that– Cho Kyuhyun is not an easy target and will not believe in this at least that they are blunt.

“Really, great joke, now tell me why do you know my name” asked a bit annoyed Kyuhyun and the twins as Minho were watching Kyuhyun amused, so then it took a lot of time –even the rain was already gone– from them to convince Kyuhyun and to make him ‘believe’ that they are magical beings that help broken hearts to find their true love and help evil heart to release stress without really curses.

Kyuhyun rubbed his temples in thought and wanting to reject this whole theory about parallel worlds and how is it possible that a magical one exist? It’s stupid! Because that defiant the logical and he is a very logical person, but then, this hopeful lingering feeling in his chest that was shouting him to believe, was making him doubt and Kyuhyun said to himself that it was because his heart was broken not so long ago, and he doesn’t curses Hyukjae, no, but at least he wants to have or find true love, real love; this kind of love when even if it hurts is happy and you can cuddle to each other and have dates and…

“So you believe us?”

Asks Minho; the one who asked him first if he could help him, so Kyuhyun nods but drags the kid away of the evil twins, because even when they have angel faces, were teasing him the whole time while explaining the two worlds.

Minho blinks but smiles when he feels the customer is ready for ask what he really wants. So happily follows Kyuhyun to the ‘rejected hearts’ section, even when Kyuhyun wasn’t really aware of that.

Kyuhyun stops once he is away of the twins and he just smirks when he caught the twins glaring at him but then the twins laughed while signalim something above Kyuhyun’s head and when he watches, he curses under his breath because well, it isn’t a nice signboard, so Kyuhyun even wants to stick out his tongue but that is too childish, and he holds himself for do it so.

And when Kyuhyun watches the boy that is supposed to help him, still smiling at him with bright eyes, Kyuhyun thinks is the stupidest idea and action he had ever made, but well… love is crazy, right? So he swallows still unsure but says lowly.

“I want to find true love”

Is merely a whisper and now Kyuhyun finds himself feeling like an idiot while grinning and pink-blushing. Minho is still smiling as he nods and Kyuhyun find hard to believe someone can smile like that for more than an hour without changing the expression for even a second. Minho then starts to walk away of Kyuhyun and the sight of him is lost when he turns into a hallway of the store, Kyuhyun wants to read the signboard of the section but there is no one and that is more than shady to him, but shrugs any bad speculation.

It’s even barely five minutes when Minho came back with a…

“Chocolate?” asks Kyuhyun more than puzzled as Minho finally starts to talk again, replying the questions Kyuhyun has on his mind even before he could express them.

“This chocolate is not for anyone but you, eat it as soon as you get to home and then take a shower and sleep, tomorrow you will find your true love, or like humans like to say; your soul-mate”


Kyuhyun is more way than mystified. Minho just explains.

“Tomorrow the first person you saw will be the correct one”

Kyuhyun wants to asks more and maybe point out that what if he sees an old lady or a ert old man, but refrains himself when Minho just smiles and shakes the chocolate on his hand, so Kyuhyun then grabs the small piece of chocolate wrapped in a metallic blue-red shade of color with pink lines, he goes to the cashier; and a new boy that wasn’t there before; smiles at him.

“200 wons” says cheerfully beaming and Kyuhyun just pays as he exist the place without glancing back.


As soon as Kyuhyun steps inside his lonely-cold apartment with no furniture and simple white walls, he sighed and chooses to not eat and just have the shower, because he is tired and has homework to do and well, he just need to forget the depressed rejection of this afternoon. After Kyuhyun gets ready for shower, Kyuhyun feels his body relaxing at the hot water and he just closes his eyes to enjoy the warm clam feeling so when he steps outside and next to his bed, he takes the jacket he used today and then something falls, the wrapped chocolate on that metallic mixed colors and he chuckled because how was he being so silly to believe in something like magic.

I’m must be out of my mind

Kyuhyun then puts the chocolate next to the book he needs to start reading for the next weekend project but then his gaze travels to the wrapped stuff as he smiles; at least he deserves something sweet even when he hates sweet things, so Kyuhyun left the book aside and takes the chocolate, un-wrapping it and watching the ugly shape in a try to be a heart but it looks more like an apple, still Kyuhyun eats it and for his surprise is not so sweet not bitter and he chuckles at his silly thought.

Just like love: bittersweet.

Kyuhyun then starts to feel sleepy and he just go and lay on his bed, closing his eyes, still the dejected feeling remaining on his heart, and when he finally is sleep, a tear falls as his lips murmur a name:




A/N: I have no much time, so I swear I read the comments, and I'm really grateful, is just that I can't replied them now, mianhe *bows*

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257471 #1
Chapter 4: So Kyu and Yonghwa switched souls...
poor hyuk, wondering what will happens if he know about this...
please update again soon...and I agree with everyone Yonghyuk it is :)
AmvyPayne #2
Chapter 4: i want yonghyuk, please make it like that...
Chapter 4: Wow... the real yonghwa won't let hyuk go..
Chapter 4: Kyu's soul mate is gone?! no!!
that's so sad poor Kyu ... although they say that they can get another (?)
now seemingly ... Donghae recognizes YongHwa ... who is in the body of Kyuhyun
I hope new chapter :)
Chapter 4: did yong just faint?? what happened to him??

i don't know what to comment actually.. its just i really felt guilty to yong.. T.T
Chapter 4: I feel sorry for yonghwa...
Chapter 4: This is too cruel for yong hwa T^T

Yes... I agree with some readers here. I hope it will end with yonghyuk because they actually love and need each other.
I believe their love already deep since yonghwa always be there for hyuk when he was so down. So I guess It will be a little bit weird if the ice prince who already love yong for so long fall for another boy so easily even though he was trapped in yong's body.

I also pity kyuhyun here. I hope there will be a happy ending for him too later. At least make him befriend with yonghyuk.. XP

Okay, I will wait for your update! :))
Chapter 4: an update!!!! /glomp/

aww, i just love hyukkie's character here!! And i totally love the relationship of cnblue and hyuk!! Aww, minhyuk >///< /spazzing/

omo omo omo, yonghwa met donghae!! If donghae believe yonghwa, he wikl help him, then, omygoodness!!! Cant wait for them to meet, i mean, the real yonghwa n hyuk. What will happen when they meet??

This story getting more and more complicated and more drama and more interesting and and asdghjk!!! /lost in the daydream/

Thank you for the update n.n
is it annoying and heartless if i want to say 'please update soon'?
Take care, stay healthy ^^
Chapter 4: an update!!!! /glomp/

aww, i just love hyukkie's character here!! And i totally love the relationship of cnblue and hyuk!! Aww, minhyuk >///< /spazzing/

omo omo omo, yonghwa met donghae!! If donghae believe yonghwa, he wikl help him, then, omygoodness!!! Cant wait for them to meet, i mean, the real yonghwa n hyuk. What will happen when they meet??

This story getting more and more complicated and more drama and more interesting and and asdghjk!!! /lost in the daydream/

Thank you for the update n.n
is it annoying and heartless if i want to say 'please update soon'?
Take care, stay healthy ^^
Liponpon #10
Chapter 4: i hope this is end with younghyuk,,i love kyuhyuk but in this story i pefer hyuk with youngha,,please..i can't take it if its end with kyuhyuk,,poor youngha,,,it must be youngha the one with hyuk,,,aaah T.T