Chapter 3: Beautifully Broken

Kiss Kiss

 A/N: I'm back es!!!!!!!!! :)




Where did the summer go?
Chanyeol's summer was a blur of medication, doctor's appointments and loneliness. 
It has been three months since Chanyeol quit his lifeguarding job. He hasn't had to see Kris all summer but that's all about to change.
Senior year.
Chanyeol walked up the stairs to his "beloved" school. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself. 
He walks down the hall and spots his best friend.
"Hey Baekhyun!"
Baekhyun's smile fades when he sees Chanyeol. He waves the happy virus over.
"Hey what's wrong?"
Baekhyun points ahead and Chanyeol can feel his world falling apart.
Kris and Tao kissing, holding each others hand, cuddling and all over each other.
Baekhyun puts his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder but Chanyeol shakes it off. "I wanna be alone," he whispers so soft that Baekhyun has to strain to hear him.
Chanyeol turns and slowly stalks away.
He finds himself in the boys bathroom on the third floor. He locks the door, sinks to the ground and stares off into space. His mind is blank and there is a lump in his throat as big as the moon. He just cries. A loud, wet and painful cry.
Meanwhile, in the hallway Baekhyun is beating Kris' brains.
"How could you? He loves you!!! You should have went after him!!!!!" 
Tao tries to pull Baekhyun off of Kris but Baekhyun pushes Tao back. "STAY OUT OF THIS!!!" Baekhyun screams.
"Stop! Stop! Please!" Kris begs.
"Why should I?"
"Please," he whispers.
Baekhyun gets off of Kris and helps him up.
Kris' face is bloody, swollen and bruised. The pain is all too familiar to him.
Baekhyun grabs his hand a pulls him to a bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he locks the door.
"Chanyeol. He is in love with you. Why would you go out with someone else?"
"I told him I'm not good for him," Kris mumbles.
"Why not?! Please. Enlighten me."
"I have a lot of baggage," Kris hesitates. "If I tell you, please don't say anything."
"Okay. Just tell me," Baekhyun assures.
"I can still hear the screaming," Kris shakes his head. "That's irrelevant," he lies. "I'm afraid if I have any kind of relationship, we'll end up like my parents."
"What about Tao?"
"He doesn't mean anything to me. It was a dare. Luhan, Sehun and Kai dared us to "date" for a week. Tao is my friend. Chanyeol, well, I missed him this summer. Truth is, when he worked at The Splash, that's the only thing I had to look forward to," Kris' eyes fill with tears.
"Maybe you should explain that to Chanyeol," Baekhyun suggests.
"I-I can't. When I'm around him, I get tongue tied. I can't speak right. I end up coming off as a complete jackass."
"Please," Baekhyun begs. "He doesn't have much time."
"What do you mean?"
"Please, just talk to him," Baekhyun turns and walks out of the bathroom before he gives too much away. 
Kris paces around the bathroom, contemplating whether to talk to Chanyeol or not.
"Wu fan?"
Kris turns around and sees the face of Huang Zitao. "What?"
"Why are you pacing?"
"It's nothing Tao. Just go away," Kris snaps.
"But, first period has already started."
"I don't give a !"
Tears fill in Tao's eyes. "Jeez, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm just really frusterated and confused."
"Chanyeol," Kris says simply.
"Park Chanyeol? What about him?"
"I don't know. I really like him, but he seems so fragile and I don't want to hurt him."
"Wu Fan, when will you realize that Park Chanyeol can handle you? He's been in love with you, for what? 4 years? Kris, your problems have stopped you from relationships in the past, but you have never taken a chance. You think that if you don't get attached to anyone that you won't get hurt but that is not true," Tao tries to reason with Kris. 
"Tao, I..."
"I know it's hard Kris. I get it. You were traumatized at such a young age, but have you ever considered that maybe Park Chanyeol can help?"
Kris swallows his pride and admits, "I'm scared."
"That's completely normal. But, when you see Chanyeol smile or even just hear his name, how do you feel? What goes through your mind?"
"Hope. I feel like he can help me. Make me better. Save me," Kris whispers the last words.
"Then, go. You have to stop looking before you fall. It's stopping you from living your life."
"You're right, Tao. But, I'm scared. I can't talk to him without my throat tightening."
"Try," Tao breathes. "I saw Chanyeol look at us in the hallway. He looked broken."
Kris panics. "I gotta go find him," he mutters quickly and runs out of the bathroom.
Kris runs upstairs to the second floor and checks literally every classroom.
Up in the third floor, he does the same. Chanyeol is nowhere to be found.
Something clicks in Kris' head. 
Third floor bathroom.
He runs to the end of the hall and is stopped abruptly by the locked door. His swollen lip throbs.
Kris knocks on the door.
"Go away," He hears a small voice call.
"Please, let me in," Kris pleads.
"Why should I?"
"Chanyeol, Tao and I are NOT in a relationship," He emphasizes the not.
Kris hears a click and opens the door slowly. He walks in, closes and locks the door behind him. 
"I saw you two kiss and cuddle in the hall," Chanyeol's voice cracks and squeaks on each word.
"It was a stupid dare. I don't love Tao. I never have and I never will," Kris reassures Chanyeol.
Chanyeol stands in front of Kris. He is struggling to find words to say.
"It's okay," Kris says and walks up to Chanyeol. He caresses his cheek and gently Chanyeol's tears away with his thumb. "So beautiful."
Chanyeol pulls away in utter shock. "What?"
"Chanyeol, I fell for you this summer. Hard. But, I pushed you away. Truth is, I'm terrified that if I get too close to anyone that I'll just get hurt. My dad, before he left us, beat me. He would come into my room at night and touch me. When I spoke he would hit me. But he was my dad so I had to love him. That's what my mother told me. I loved my mom. She was a wonderful woman. But after my father left, she slowly faded away. She died when I was twelve. I stay with my aunt now, but I'm still hurt," Kris opens up.
The two are silent for what seems like hours.
Chanyeol decides to break the silence. "I can't be with you."
"What? Why not?" Kris feels a sharp stab of disappointment. 
"Kris, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I have loved you for four years. But, you say that you don't want to fall because you don't want to get hurt. I have cancer, Kris. I am going to die in a year. I have to save you from pain," Chanyeol is on the verge of tears but he's staying strong. Not that he has any tears left anyway.
"Chanyeol, I am so sorry. It's too late."
"Too late for what?" Chanyeol asks.
"To save me from pain. I've already fallen," Kris says. He grabs the back of Chanyeol's head and pulls him to his lips. 
This is the moment Chanyeol has been waiting for. Four years of admiring this beautiful, broken man. Fantasizing about kissing and hugging and going on dates. This is more than Chanyeol had ever imagined. His heart ignites in the deep, passionate kiss. The air is thick and hot. Unfortunately, the two break apart in need of air.
"I can't believe I am saying this, but I love you Park Chanyeol," Kris gasps. "I have never said that to anyone before. I don't care that you are going to die in a year. I want to spend every second with you until then."
"I love you too," Chanyeol whispers.
"Go on a date with me?"
"Of course," Chanyeol cries, but this time, not tears of sadness. Instead, tears of joy. He's laughing and crying at his happiness.
"You're too cute," Kris giggles.
"I like that sound," Chanyeol smiles.
"What sound?" Kris asks curiously.
"Your giggling. It's rare, but it is my new favorite sound."
"You're my new favorite sight," Kris says and Chanyeol blushes a too bright red.
"Best first day of school ever," Chanyeol exclaims.
"I agree. I've never felt so happy to be at school. So, Friday?"
Chanyeol looks up at Kris.
Kris laughs at his confused expression. "For our date," he clarifies.
Chanyeol nods.
Kris smirks his smirky smirk and grabs Chanyeol's hand. "Come."
The two walk out into the third floor hallway, hand in hand for the world to see. 
Some people gasp. Some girls run away crying. Most people stare.
On the second floor, Kris spots Tao. Tao smiles and shoots him a thumbs up.
Kris rolls his eyes. Typically cheesy Tao.
Chanyeol sees Baekhyun. He notices Baekhyun's double take. He beams at his friend. Baekhyun just smiles and shakes his head as if he knew this was coming.
All in all, everyone who matters, seems to be pretty happy about Kris and Chanyeol's newfound relationship.
No one, however, is as happy as Park Chanyeol.
It feels like years until Friday finally arrives.
Chanyeol jumps out of bed feeling giddy and excited.
"Good morning, dear," his mother greets.
"Hi Mommy!" He shouts and pulls her into his embrace.
"Oh!" She yelps. "Someone is in a happy mood today."
"Mom," he pulls back and rests his hands on her shoulders. "Tonight, I am going on a date with the man of my dreams. Of course I'm in a good mood," he gives her shoulders a shake.
She gives her son a warm motherly smile. "I'm glad. Does he know know?"
"Cancer?" Chanyeol's mother winces at the word. "Yes, he does. He's spending the year with me."
"You should make a bucket list!" His mother suggests.
"Hmmm..." Chanyeol considers the idea. "Yeah, why not? That could be fun! I can do it all with Kris!" Chanyeol hugs his mom and leaves for school. 
All day he has been making his bucket list. He plans on showing Kris the list after the date because some of the things are a bit provocative and Chanyeol doesn't want to scare Kris away.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun wait nervously on the first floor of the school. Some place to pick up a date.
"So, yeol, are you ready for your date with Kriiiissssss," Baekhyun sings Kris' name teasingly.
"Baekhyun, you're so childish," Chanyeol feels his blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Haha! I'm just kidding! In all seriousness though, if this douche hurts you, I swear-"
"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol cuts him off. "I can take care of myself."
"I know. It's just, you're my best friend and I don't want you hurting anymore than you already do. I'm scared, Yeol. I worry about you."
Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun in his embrace. "Baekhyun, I love you. You always have my back, no matter what, but I can't be babied anymore. I want to live my last year free. I love that you care about me, but don't worry about me. You'll get frown lines."
Baekhyun giggles. "Okay. I'll try not to worry too much, but I'll still worry a little," Baekhyun pulls away from Chanyeol and sees Kris over his shoulder. Just barely, though because  of the gigantor that is Park Chanyeol.
"Ahh, Yeol! You're date awaits."
Chanyeol whips around as graceful as Park Chanyeol can get. He makes no attempt to hide the stupid happy grin plastered on his face.
He subconsciously his lips as he beholds the god standing before him.
Kris. In. A. Suit.
Kris walks gracefully down the hallway. Floating perfectly until he reaches Chanyeol. He holds out his hand.
Chanyeol doesn't hesitate for a second. He grabs the boys soft hand, feeling Kris' strong, yet gentle grip.
The two head out to the night lights. Leaving Baekhyun at the school. He roams the halls.
Baekhyun is the student body president this year. He finds it easier to work through the budgets and events at night when it's quiet.
Baekhyun screams like a little girl. His heart pounding in his ears. "Jesus! HUANG ZITAO!!! I should've known it was you," Baekhyun rolls his eyes and tries to slow his heart beat.
"Sorry. So, what are you doing here late at night? Relieving a little," Tao pauses and taps Baekhyun's pants. "Tension?"
"Tao, why are you so immature and annoying?"
"Oh you know you love me."
"Ha. Ha. Ha," Baekhyun laughs humorlessly. 
"Do you ever get out and have fun?" Tao asks.
"I have work to do. If I don't do it, no one will."
Tao looks at the papers in Baekhyun's hand and snatches them with cat-like reflexes. "Let's see," Tao skims the first page. "Lunch menu. Monday through-" Tao throws the papers in the air.
"What is wrong with you?" Baekhyun asks frusterated. 
"These can wait!" Tao grabs Baekhyun's hand and starts running, pulling Baekhyun with him.
"Where are we going???"
"We're having fun!"
Baekhyun planned on getting things done, but the night has taken a turn of events, thanks to the ever present Huang Zitao. Which happens to be Baekhyun's arch nemesis for life.
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Chapter 3: I hope there is a miracle
xellamari #2
Chapter 3: Baekyun beating up Kris?! O______O
I don't know why I kind of like that image, ehh? lol
Tiffany is really sweet to explain to Chanyeol though =]
Chapter 2: Please. Don't. Kill. Them @_@

Stage three is not always incurable. My grand ma survived multiple stag 3 cancers at once.

Chapter 2: Authornim! This story is so amazing please update!~
yebulge #5
Chapter 2: Oh. God. Please continue, I want more!!!! I like deathfics (don't kill me ppl) and this one is awesome >.< oh and all hail Taeny ^^ I thought when Tiffany came to Chanyeol she would be a ____ like the girlfriends in most fics... And she is really sweet here lol :D
ChocoAikocream #6
oh?what happen here? o.O kris is in love with channie too? :3
omooo, update soon!!! <3
This makes me think about ris and that he's hiding something >.>

Update soon T___T♥
fffffff- (;_;)
oh my;;u;; chanyeol noooo