Chapter 1: And So It Begins

Kiss Kiss


Chanyeol stalks out into the halls. The last bell of the year just rang letting everyone know that summer has officially begun. 
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and newly graduated seniors run through the halls like chimpanzee's. Chanyeol walks past people talking about summer plans and groups of whining girls saying goodbye to their friends.
"Hey Chanyeol!"
"Hey Baekhyun," Chanyeol greets his smiling friend.
"Dude, be happy! It's the last day of school," Chanyeol's best friend since second grade tries to cheer up the normal happy virus.
"Yeah, I know. I'm just not feeling well."
The two walk past a group of girls. "Hey Baekhyun! Hey Chanyeol! We'll miss you!" They squealed.
"Bye!" Baekhyun said while Chanyeol gave a simple nod.
"Anyway, why are you not feeling well?" 
"I don't know. Nerves, I guess," Chanyeol clutches his stomach.
"Oh yeah! I totally forgot! You have your doctors appointment today," Baekhyun says nonchalantly. "It's probably nothing."
"Yeah. Probably." Chanyeol says disbelievingly.
"So, what are you doing all summer?"
"I got a lifeguarding job at The Splash," Chanyeol says proudly.
"Oh! That's so cool. You know who works there, right?" Baekhyun nudges Chanyeol.
"Yeah, I know," Chanyeol says sheepishly.
"Ohhh, somebody is blushing!"
"Shut up!"
Baekhyun and Chanyeol stand outside the building looking at the front sign.
"See ya ers!" Baekhyun flips the school off.
"Next year we will be carefree seniors."
"And that means we can just chill, not worry about grades and rule this school!" Baekhyun yells.
And with that Chanyeol mentally says goodbye to the school. Leaving his regrets behind him for the summer.
"Umma, my tummy."
"I know Yeollie. You're just nervous. How are you feeling otherwise? Any pain?" 
"I feel weak and it's hard to breath sometimes," Chanyeol tells his loving mother.
Just then a short nurse wearing all white with a clipboard calls his name. "Park Chanyeol."
Chanyeol and his mother stand up.
"The doctor will see you now," the nurse says waving them back to Dr. Choi's office.
"Good afternoon!" The doctor greeted.
"Hello!" Chanyeol's mother said.
"How was the last day of school, Chanyeol?" The doctor asks trying to lighten the mood but failing miserably.
"It was good."
Chanyeol and his mother take a seat.
"Last time you came in with the following symptoms: chest pain, coughing up blood, fatigue, unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, joint pain, shortness of breath and wheezing. Do you have any of these or new symptoms?"
"I still have all the symptoms and now I have difficulty swallowing." Chanyeol replies.
"Alright," Dr. Choi types something on his computer. "Let's take a look at the results of your cat scan."
After a few minutes of extreme tension, Dr. Choi's face drops.
"W-what is it?" Chanyeol's mother asks nervously.
"I really hate to have to tell you this,"
"Just tell me. I can take it," Chanyeol reassures the doctor.
"Chanyeol, your diagnoses is Stage 3 lung cancer."
Chanyeol's mother covers with her shaking hand. Tears fill the brim of her eyes.
"Unfortunately, it wasn't caught early enough. There isn't anything we can do to treat it."
Finally, Chanyeol's mother let's her tears flow.
"H-how long do I have?"
"I'd say a year at minimum."
"Will it hurt?"
"We are prescribing a medicine to you. It won't hurt for the most part. Somedays you'll feel weak and tired but that's normal."
Chanyeol and his mother thank the doctor.
"My apologies. Chanyeol?"
"Live the last year with no regrets."
Chanyeol lets the doctors words sink in. No regrets. It means he has to confess his love to Kris Wu, no matter what happens. 
Lifeguarding. Chanyeol decides he will tell Kris when he lifeguards. But he doesn't even know him that well. They aren't that good of friends.
 No matter how much Chanyeol wants to think about Kris, his inner voice had only one thing to say...cancer.
"Dude, you have cancer. Don't you think you should worry about saving your own life?"
"Baekhyun, my life can't be saved. It's too late."
"Don't say that!"
"I know you're upset. So am I. But I gotta start living life with no regrets."
"I'm at The Splash. I'll call you later."
"Alright, bye."
"I love you Yeol!"
"Love you too."
Chanyeol hangs up the phone as he walks into The Splash. It smells like chlorine and sun tan lotion. Chanyeol looks up and sees the most god like human being he has ever witnessed. Chanyeol looks at his chiseled features. Perfect abs. Perfect pecks. Perfect muscles. Perfect lips. Perfect eyes. Perfect everything. 
Chanyeol is so busy looking at Kris that he doesn't even realize that he is right next to the pool until a little boy with a beach ball comes running past him, making Chanyeol lose his balance and fall into the water.
Kris dives into the pool. Swimming as fast as possible. He scoops Chanyeol in his arms and jumps out of the pool. People crowd around.
"Alright move back!" Kris commands. He plugs the unconscious Chanyeol's nose, tilts his head back and brings his lips to him. He blows. Kris pulls back and puts pressure on Chanyeol's chest. He continues the flawless CPR.
Chanyeol coughs out water and slowly opens his eyes to find the man he loves staring at him with cold eyes.
"I'm not fond of lifeguards who are careless enough to drown." 
Kris helps Chanyeol stand up. "Come on."
Chanyeol nods and follows Kris like a puppy. When they get to the locker room Chanyeol's eyes go wide. "It's so big!"
"Here's your locker," Kris says pointing to a red locker.
"Thanks," Chanyeol says shyly.
"Yeah. Keep your clothes and other personal belongings in here. Do not leave them laying around."
Chanyeol stops breathing for a moment.
How can Kris be so cold?
" what station am I in?"
"Unfortunately, you'll be with me for a few weeks until you are properly trained."
Chanyeol frowns. "Why is that unfortunate?"
"Because I have to deal with the ignorant, nuisance that is Park Chanyeol. I have to get back to work. Here's your uniform, change and then come to station 3."
Kris leaves the locker room leaving Chanyeol in complete shock. He leans against his locker and slowly slides down to the floor. When his bottom touches the floor, Chanyeol brings his knees to his chest and hugs them tightly.
How can he be so mean? 
Chanyeol feels a lump in his throat.
Pull yourself together Chanyeol!
Chanyeol stands up and removes his skinny jeans, t-shirt and converse. He looks at his uniform.
Its a red tanktop, and red swim shorts that stop at the top of the knee. Chanyeol puts his uniform on and takes a deep breath. 
You can do this. 
After Chanyeol's self pep talk he takes another deep breath and heads for station 3.
Sure enough, Kris is there looking as flawless as ever.
Station 3 is a swirly slide. Kris has a stick in hand which he uses to let the swimmer know when it's ok to go down the ginormous slide.
"It's about time," Kris says.
"Sorry," Chanyeol mumbles.
"It's fine. Sit." Kris commands. Chanyeol does as he is told.
"When the swimmer on the slide hits the pool, you lift the stick. And repeat. It's actually quite boring but it gives me time to think," Kris explains. "You try."
Chanyeol holds the sticks firmly in his hands. He looks down an waits for the swimmer to hit the water. As soon as a body slices through the water, Chanyeol lifts the sticks, letting another person go.
"Good. Quite easy." Kris praises.
"Hi baby." Kris smiles and stands to give the girls a hug.
"I missed you." The girls smiles.
"I missed you too." Kris replies pulling the girl closer to his body. Chanyeol can feel his heart thumping wildly as he mindlessly lifts the stick up and down. 
Kris is still holding the girl and he is now leaning forward.
No. No. No. No. No.
And with a swift move, Kris pulls the girl in for a long, passionate kiss.
Chanyeol can feel his eyes watering and the lump in his throat is back. His heart is in his stomach and he feels light headed.
The girls slowly pulls away from Kris and looks at Chanyeol. She smiles. "And who is this cutie?"
Chanyeol can't respond. He just stares at her with a blank expression
"This is Park Chanyeol," Kris says for him.
"Oh! Hi! Nice to meet you!" the girl comes up to Chanyeol and hugs him. "I'm Tiffany. Kris' girlfriend."
Chanyeol can no longer hold his tears. They start falling from his face. 
"Oh, what's wrong?" Tiffany asks.
"N-nothing. I-I have to go," Chanyeol gets up quickly and starts flying down the stairs.
"You have a shift!" Kris yells after him.
Chanyeol bursts through the locker room door, grabs his things and leaves The Splash without changing. He sits in his car staring out the window. Chanyeol is heart broken. He takes out his phone and dials his best friend's number.
"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol sobs.
"Yeol! What's wrong?"
"He-he has a girlfriend," Chanyeol is no longer sobbing but full on bawling.
"Oh no. Chanyeol, I'm so sorry."
"Who was I kidding? Why would he like guys? Why would he like me?"
Chanyeol giggles but then frowns. "It doesn't matter."
"Of course it does! Who is this girl anyway?"
"Her name is Tiffany."
"What does she look like?"
"Red hair. Nice body. Sweet voice. Perfect for Kris."
"No. Perfect plus perfect equals problems!"
"No perfect plus perfect equals more perfect."
"And you and Kris are perfect for each other."
Suddenly, there's a knock on Chanyeol's car window. He looks up and sees Tiffany smiling at Chanyeol with big eyes.
"I gotta go Baekhyun."
Chanyeol hangs up the phone and rolls his window down.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure," Chanyeol says. He unlocks the passenger door and Tiffany slides in.
"You love him, don't you?"
"What? What are you talking about?" Chanyeol asks nervously.
"Kris. You are in love with him." 
"H-how did you know? Oh God! Am I that obvious?"
"No no! It's just I know what it's like to be in love and when you look at Kris it's written all over your face."
"I'm sorry. He's your boyfriend," Chanyeol drops his head to look at his feet.
"He's not really."
"Wait, what?" 
"If I tell you this, you can't say anything to anyone," Tiffany says and Chanyeol nods to assure her that he won't say anything. "Baekhyun knows, so you can talk with him. His cousin, Taeyeon, is my girlfriend."
Chanyeol snaps his head up to look at Tiffany. "What?"
"Dating Kris is a cover up. He is know?"
"Gay?" Chanyeol chokes out.
Tiffany nods her head. "I broke up with him just now."
"What? Why?"
"Because I know what it's like to be in love with someone who is taken. Before I got her, Taeyeon was dating this guy, which was also a cover up. He broke up with Taeyeon when he found out that I loved her. It's not fair to you if I am dating the one you love. Especially when I don't love him back," Tiffany explains.
Chanyeol smiles then shy's away. "He'll never like me."
"Don't say that! I know he seems cold now but trust me, he will warm up to you."
"Yes! I saw the way his face looked when you left. Partly anger because he has to take your shift but the other part was sadness because you were leaving," Tiffany puts her hand on Chanyeol's shoulder. "Alright, I should go. It was nice meeting you." 
"Thank you!" Chanyeol shouts happily.
Tiffany gets out of the car. "And Chanyeol? Don't give up on love. Kris will come around."
With that, Tiffany leaves. Chanyeol thinks for a few more minutes before deciding to leave. He needs time to think. Chanyeol screwed up so bad today. Not the way he had always hoped the first meeting with Kris would go. But...
Tomorrow is a new day. 
A/N: How does everyone like my story? Comment and let me know! It makes me feel awesome when I come home after a day filled with teenage s and girl drama. You guys are always so nice on this story and my others! Love you and may Krisyeol be with you...especially when you have to go to 8 hours with terrible human beings that you will never talk to after high school! Except for your besties! Keep them close and shove kpop down their throats! 
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Chapter 3: I hope there is a miracle
xellamari #2
Chapter 3: Baekyun beating up Kris?! O______O
I don't know why I kind of like that image, ehh? lol
Tiffany is really sweet to explain to Chanyeol though =]
Chapter 2: Please. Don't. Kill. Them @_@

Stage three is not always incurable. My grand ma survived multiple stag 3 cancers at once.

Chapter 2: Authornim! This story is so amazing please update!~
yebulge #5
Chapter 2: Oh. God. Please continue, I want more!!!! I like deathfics (don't kill me ppl) and this one is awesome >.< oh and all hail Taeny ^^ I thought when Tiffany came to Chanyeol she would be a ____ like the girlfriends in most fics... And she is really sweet here lol :D
ChocoAikocream #6
oh?what happen here? o.O kris is in love with channie too? :3
omooo, update soon!!! <3
This makes me think about ris and that he's hiding something >.>

Update soon T___T♥
fffffff- (;_;)
oh my;;u;; chanyeol noooo