Chapter 5

Forever and Always.

Kris woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon and the sound of clanging pots and pans. He turned over into his pillow groaning, because Baekhyun probably took his spare key again, and Chanyeol liked rearranging his stuff.


But my fridge is empty. Kris mused. Maybe they brought some-


He gasped and flailed off his bed. Tao.


How could he have forgotten. Forgot that there was a time-travelling stranger in his own house.


Actually, now that he was fully awake and not as delirious as he was at two in the morning, the idea that Tao was actually speaking the truth was laughable. Come on, time-travel? Kris barely believed there was an afterlife, let alone time control.


Maybe Baekhyun did steal my keys. He crawled back onto his bed and flopped down with a sigh. From experience, being hung-over took a lot out of a person. If Tao had indeed been drinking the night before, he should be knocked out in bed crying and holding his head and maybe even puking in the toilet bowl.


Yeah, definitely Baekhyun. He hadn’t been drinking during the hose-warming party, had he? Only Chanyeol had, as far as he was concerned.


Kris sighed as he finally realised that the only way to find out was to get out of bed, shower a bit, and then head downstairs.


He sniffed the air and his lips hungrily. Well, no matter what happened, he still had breakfast to look forward to. In fact, it sounded like something Chanyeol and Baekhyun would cook. Bacon and eggs.


Kris nearly giggled.


*:・゚✧゚・: *


This is all a dream. A dream, and all I gotta do is to pinch myself or hit my head or collapse on the floor to wake up.


Kris inhaled deeply, albeit a bit shakily, and closed his eyes, thinking positive thoughts, like that bacon and eggs he heard frying ten minutes ago. Five seconds later, he decided that the top of a staircase wasn’t really the best place to meditate.


The foot of it was better.


He shook his head and lightly tapped the rounded, wood handrail snaking around the stairs. It wouldn’t be good to trip and roll down the stairs now.


Mustering up all his courage, Kris carefully stepped down the stairs, one at a time.


He succeeded, of course. Kris wasn’t one to lose his balance that easily.


But that was off point. Kris was just distracting himself from reality, and he knew it.


Sullenly, he trudged to the living room, which was en route to the kitchen, to once and for all, make everything clear.


Everything was just as he left it last night, he realised with a sinking feeling in his stomach. The oil and dirt on the couch, the now-dried-but-still-dirty towel curled on the floor tiles, and tired, wide eyes staring at him above puffy eye bags.


Tao screamed. And as he screamed, he flipped the half-cooked egg off the pan he was frying it on, and it exploded on the ground, and Kris screamed, or yelled, and then Tao screamed some more, and he dropped the pan, and it clattered to the floor loudly, ending the yelling.


And then there was a knock at the door.


 Tao opened his mouth to scream again, but Kris hastily rushed over and clamped his hands over the frightened boy’s mouth. Tao struggled for a bit until Kris gestured to the stairs. Kris’ heart was beating in his ears as he dragged Tao to the staircase and hastily shoved him up the steps. Tao stumbled, but regained himself and dashed up without a backward glance. Kris wiped sweaty palms on his pants and ran to the door as another knock sounded.


If it’s Chanyeol, I’m gonna murder him.


He reached for the handle and roughly twisted it, tugging the door open harshly.


*:・゚✧゚・: *

okok this was kinda short and it turned out less angsty than I expected omg I just can't write angst D:

I don't even know anymore I'm supposed to be studying right now okies imma go off bye guize

see y'all around ¬‿¬

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Chapter 10: whaaaa this is like so awesome TT u TT and i know you havent updated it for a long time ... but im going to still wait for one anyway ; u ; please continue to write author nim~ your work is amazing~
Minsuck #2
Chapter 10: I have a question now... Why is Chanyeol so Vfvcvxhvfyh? (Lol joke, I know he's like that naturally). Ok, I don't have a question, so I'll just wait for the upcoming updates u3u this story is precious~
Chapter 10: well hello there tao.... ^^

the gif blew me away...
Chapter 10: Wahh so kris already feels something for Tao xO can't wait to see they end up working it out!
Chapter 9: ohhhhh soooo intriguing... what did the voice mean about letting go?
Minsuck #6
Chapter 9: Ok, I'm a bit confused, but I don't know what to ask, so I'll wait for the next update, maybe then I'll be able to think on something to ask~.
Chapter 9: I've read this up until this chapter without commenting. Honestly I feel bad. It's a great story with an original story line. I like it ^°^
Chapter 8: Taoooo~~ don't...;;;A;;;
Minsuck #9
Chapter 8: Omg I'll murder someone this week I swear(?) lol maybe not, but anyways~ Tao can't die ;3;