
Why did you hurt my sister?


My steps echoed loudly in the silence as I ran. Why was this happening to me? What exactly had I done? I tried to remember, keeping time with the rhythm of my shoes on the concrete. I had lost track completely of where I was and I scanned the side streets as they passed. I slipped, and felt a shooting pain enter my knee as it made contact with something sharp. I didn’t bother to look, pulling myself back up off of the ground and darted into the nearest opening. It was dark and as my shoulder grated against the wall, I realized that it became wet. I guessed that my shoulder was a little torn up, but ignored the thought as I slid around the corner at the other end of the alley.

It was much narrower here and I had to slow my steps as I squeezed in between the chain link fence and the wall of the building that was behind me. Trying to move forward I realized that my shirt had become caught on a broken link of the fence. I tugged at it, panicking. Something moved at the opening to the small space I was now caught in. I held completely still hoping that the figure couldn’t see me. A chuckle bounced off of the walls softly hitting my ears. I bit my fist, willing my scream into silence, and threw all of my weight to the side hoping that it would free me from the metal that held onto my shirt. I heard the ripping of fabric and quickly made my way to the other end of the gap in between the fence and the wall. Looking down, I noticed that where the fabric of my shirt used to cover, there was a line on my side, and small amounts of blood had already started to bead. Just a scratch. Once I finally freed myself from the tight space, I found myself back in the street where I had started.

I tried to calm my ragged breaths as I stepped into the shadows, hiding from a flickering streetlight. Where should I go? I had unwillingly backtracked when I had found that the only way out of the alley I had entered, was going behind the building I had just been walking past. I looked towards where I had originally entered that nearly dead end, and held my breath as a man emerged. He must have known. I heard breathing behind me and froze. Slowly turning my head, I saw another dark figure. He was closer, but his face was also hidden in shadow. My feet worked on their own command, and I was running again. I heard the steps behind me and pushed myself to run faster, knowing that if I didn’t I would be caught. A jolting pain took my breath from me, and I found myself on the hard ground. Gasping for breath, I tried to push myself up off of the cement but a hand pushed me back down and I groaned as my arms were twisted behind me and cuffed. Handcuffs? Were these men police? I hadn’t done anything wrongl! There is no way that they are police. I once again tried to remember how this had started but was interrupted as I was dragged to my feet, sending pain screaming through my shoulders. To my annoyance, a small whimper escaped my lips. Then I heard the same chuckle that I had in the alley. A hand gripped my hair, jerking my head upwards and I was looking into the brown eyes of my assailant. The streetlight flickered again and it seemed to me that flecks of gold shone in the eyes scanning my face. The man’s hand suddenly let go of my hair and I crashed to the ground from the sudden lack of support. I felt a tear escape as my knee screamed in pain. I could see it now, and I was surprised at the amount of blood that was escaping the cut. It must have landed on a broken bottle when I slipped. I didn’t attempt to get up but listlessly stared at the gash, unable to touch it or help it in any way. 

A hand neared my face and I cringed, waiting for the pain that I had already learned to expect. Unlike the other hand that had yanked at my hair or the hands that had cuffed me, this hand brushed the tear off of my face. I didn’t understand! It was so gentle, yet the only two people that were there, were the two men who had restrained me so that I could not even ease the pain that was slowly taking over my thoughts. I tried to turn my head to try to find a third, but the hand kept me from seeing. It suddenly entwined itself in my hair and I wondered if I was mistaken. No, it felt different. It didn’t yank but applied pressure. I gasped as a boot ploughed into my stomach; the kick taking the breath I had only recently regained. Coughing, I was hauled to my feet by a rough hand on my arm. 

“Why did you do that?” The voice was smooth, not hard and cold like the chuckle, but I could not tell who was speaking. I tried to roll my head back to see, but a hand clamped onto my neck, fingers digging into the sensitive sides, sending pain shooting from the base upwards. 

“She wasn’t making noise anymore.” I felt a shiver run through me at the voice. It had the same effect on me as hearing nails on a chalkboard would. It wasn’t a truly grating voice. It just seemed to slither into my ears. 

I didn’t hear the response. The already dark street seemed to be filling with smoke. Everything was fuzzy and I realized that I was blacking out.

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Chapter 3: I want MORE.. o3o
And it's okay if they don't resemble to their real personalities. ;)
MelinaRose #2
I know that there is nothing bad about it. lol I just have a hard time seeing them that way :P<br />
Thanks for subscribing :D I'm afraid it may not be updated very often since I am terribly busy with school and work :/