Kai's Point Of View



When I first saw her, ppang, I knew it was love at first site. I couldn’t control the feelings she had over me. I was always glad to see her face. Even though she wasn’t a face that most guys adored. But that was okay to me. What matters the most to me from that day, when I saw her shoving bread in my mouth was making her sad. No matter what this sad girl had gone through I remembered one thing.
I must make her smile.
And I did. And the more I made her smile, the more I grew deeper in love with her. She became one of best friends. Though I kept some things away from her, she could always trust in me to do whatever it is that I thought was right. 
When Luhan kissed her I thought I would be upset. But I wasn’t. I think I deserved it. For leaving her alone without me. Me missing out on making her smile....that was a heavy price to pay. But I still loved my best friend Luhan. And I loved her still. The last day she had came to see me off I wanted to make her smile. But she ended up making me smile. 
“Thank-you for being my flower” she said.
At first I didn’t understand. But with time, and experience, I understood quite well what she meant. And instead of me making her smile, she wanted me to smile. She was saying...I love you. 
Seeing her again, 3 years later after we’ve parted, made my heart burst. Yes she had gained her old weight back. But she was still as beautiful as the day I saw her at the bread shop. I wanted to grab her and tell her I loved her right then and there. That ppang...she means everything to me. I can’t see my life being without her.
As the morning sun makes it appearances through my window, ppang is sleeping right next to me. She’s snoring and her hair is beyond messy. Yet she’s beautiful this way. I smile at her, place a nice kiss on her cheek and slip out of bed. I head straight to my closet and pull out THE box. 
I open it and a nice diamond ring stares back at me. This is for her. I bought it before I left for California. Already then I wanted to marry her. Now I want to marry her even more. I want to still be her flower. I want to still make her smile for the rest of our lives. I hope it goes well. You'll wish me luck right? 
Thank-you guys for reading and supporting this short story! Please look forward to my next EXO story I have in the works! I really hope this was the happy ending you all could be content with! I really enjoyed re-visting my old characters! Until next time...Thank-you!!!! EXO FIGHTING!
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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 8: OMO AHHHH THIS IS THE ENDING I WANTED YES. NOT THAT PAINFULLY FEELY UNSATISFIED ENDING *Although that ending was written very beautifully ;)* But like thank you so much for writing this sequel like thing because now I can cry happily. This by far has been one of the best stories//series that I've read and this has cheered me up from my nightmare yesterday so thank you for the amazing read <3
rainn_ #2
Omg. IM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS FANFIC. It practically left me crying during the first book and smiling in this book. I almost had a heart attack when he said he had someone else. I thought it was that Nat girl from California. HAHAHAH. But I'm glad, it's just a little cute dog. I'm glad I read this book and how it totally portrays out how fat people feels and seeing how she stands up for herself just makes me feel so proud of her. I wanted to comment in the first series but I couldn't help but to continue reading it and move on go this book. It's a really heart warming story. I'm not skinny myself. And I'm glad. Finally I was able to read about something which is kind of similar to what I feel at times. Low confidence and all. I'm glad I have found this really amazing story. (My heart stopped when she didn't end up with Jongin. TT.TT) and I hope, one day, I would be someone Ppang too. Xx
Chapter 8: Awww this story is really sweet!
I always smiled when jongin was beside her. I like jongin in this story, warm and nice! ^^
Please keep writing a lot of good story!
Chapter 8: awww~~~ >__________<
too beautiful! i love it author nim. i love how u ended this story.
good job! keep up the good work! HWAITING!
Chapter 8: kyaa the ending is really nice. I love it so much!
Chapter 6: eyy I thought it was a girl that he was talking about hahahah
Chapter 8: Good luck Kai! /fangirling/
Chapter 8: I can totally see irl Jongin doing all these
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh~ The ending is so sweet! This make me fall for Kai deeper and deeper. hahaha btw Nice story !