Chapter Six



You closed the door behind you and walked towards the elevator feeling regret for leaving. The main reason you came to the party was because of Kai. Because you missed him. To only make eye contact with him for a couple of seconds without saying nothing to each other really made you feel a bit upset. 
When Kai had first approached you for the first time, he had been really friendly. Once he set that banana milk on your desk, he had invited you into his world. He was not the type to snub you. But then again, it seemed that Kai had loved you then. And you had not yet realized at that time how much he had loved you. Now understanding this, you feel your shoulder slouch. You reach out to press the button for the elevator. Once it arrives it, you get on it. An entire minute seems to go by before the doors could finally close. When it does, a hand sticks in the middle breaking it from closing.
The doors open again and you see Kai, without his sunglasses on. He was breathing lightly and that familiar "friendly"...more like "blinding" smile appeared on his face as he looked at you with excitement. Your standing there, your mood shifting from being sad to happy in seconds.
"Ppang....are you crazy?" he asked before he boarded on. 
The doors closed automatically after he got in. He stood in front of you, still breathing as if he had just ran up to catch you. You took in his appearance. Kai was here...right in front of you. He couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he saw you up close. Then without hesitation, he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a hug. 
You felt as if that moment could be repeated in slow motion like in the dramas. The feeling of being in his arms was unexplainable. Kai tighten his grasp around you and you could not help but do the same thing to him as you smiled into his chest. 
"How could you leave...without seeing me?" Kai asked. 
He pulled back to look at you. The elevator dropped and all you could do was laugh.
"I thought you did not want to see me. You were so busy talking to everyone else."
"How could I not want to see you? I missed you like crazy."
When he say's that, it sends your heart racing. 
"Haven't you missed me?" he asked. 
"Yes. I did." You told him.
Before you knew it, the doors to the elevator opened. The short trip down was done. You and Kai got off and walked towards the doors that lead to outside. The silence between you two put down the mood. What could you say after running into Kai that way? After he seemed so happy to see you....what could you say to him? 
"Do you have to be somewhere important?" He asks you all of a sudden.
"No. Not really." You tell him a bit surprised by his asking.
" you want to come with me?" he asked. 
The light of the street lamps hit Kai's face, exposing his infectious smile. Kai was very handsome. This fact you had always known. But it seems  possible that Kai had gotten even more good looking between the time you two spent apart. Standing in front of him like this takes your breath away. You've missed Kai. Without no hesitation, Kai put out his hand towards you as if he was waiting for you to accept it. You slowly put your hand in his and Kai gripped onto it tight. 
"It seems we have a lot of catching up to do." he said. 
"We do. I'm curious to hear about your adventures in California."
"I think I'm even more curious to hear about you." he said. 
"My life has been boring." You tell him. 
"When have you ever been boring? Kai chuckled lightly. 
The way his eyes gleamed with excitement as he laughed. You could not resist to look up at him and stare. Kai guided you to a nearby busy street and hailed for a taxi. One came almost right away and the two of you entered in. Kai told the driver his address and the driver advised the both of you to buckle your seat belts. After the both of you were settled, Kai couldn't stop asking questions. 
"What have you been up to?" Kai asked you.
"That's right....I heard you go to that Seoul is it?"
"It's okay. The classes are tuff but I'm dealing with it." 
Going to college was a place you thought you would never get to go. However, you done pretty good on your entrance exam, and was able to get into a decent enough college. You spent the last three years in school working hard to become a Nutritionist . 
"What's your major?" He asked. 
"Family Nutrition."
Kai looked over at you. There's that twinkle in his eye's. He seemed surprised that you had chosen that path. 
"Really?" he asked. 
You nod your head as Kai grins.
"I think it fits you. Studying to become a nutritionist. I think it's important to keep people informed on what's good for you and what's bad for you to eat. I could sure use one. With all the "troubling" food I ate in America..." Kai answered
"Troubling? Normally I hear that western food is quite delicious."
"It is. That's the issue. All the good food there can be deadly. Have you heard of the "chili-cheese-hotdog?" he asked with interest.
"Chili-Cheese-hotdog?" You questioned.
Kai turned his body towards you. He began to explain excitedly while using his hands and using different facial expressions as he explained his experience of eating it for the first time. You picked up that he really liked that chili-cheese-hotdog. And the way he explained it made you want to go to California and try it with him some day. Kai was being really animated. Something you haven't quite seen before in him. The ride did not take long. Shortly, the cab had taken you and Kai to a busy 4 street intersection and dropped you both off at a large skyscraper building. Just looking up at it from the outside, you could tell the place that Kai had taken you was expensive. 
"Where are we?" You asked him after he paid off the cab driver. 
Kai stuffed his wallet in his pants and grabbed your hand with no hesitation. 
"My place." he said coolly before bringing you inside. 
You couldn't help but stare at Kai's manly figure as he lead you inside. He was tall, still skinny as a bird however, yet the muscles on his arms was clearly a difference from when he had none at all. Kai always lead you to different places. He never hesitated to hold your hand. Never hesitated to surprise you even the littlest. 
"You live here?" you asked him quietly as you both entered in another elevator. 
"When did you purchase this place?" You asked him, not waiting for him to answer your last question. 
Kai would not let go of your hand. It was so warm. You've missed that warmth.
"I rented this place a year ago. Whenever I come to Korea...I stay here for a good while and then head back to the U.S. or where ever it is around the globe." he said. 
You smile at him.
"It must have been nice...traveling around the world...because of dance." You said to him.
"I feel like it's a dream. Back then, when we were kids, I would have never thought in a million years that I'd get the chance to do what I love. I always thought my future would always be in my appa's hands." Kai said. 
You listened carefully until the doors to the elevator opened and Kai ushered you through a long narrow hallway. That was then Kai had let go of your hand. 
"Ppang...I have to say to you...that I found someone else." He said.
He words were like ice. Hearing him say that really bothered you. " Oh no....I'm too late." you think to yourself.  Kai looked back at you with that easy grin of his and walked all the way to a door. 
"The girl that I found...she always makes me happy. I wish I could see her more often but...because of what I's difficult. I'm sure she misses me." Kai said. 
"Oh?" You try to figure out what to say next to him. 
"How could he hold my hand so carelessly if he likes someone else? Kai just who are you playing with?" You tell yourself. Your getting angry as you hear Kai talk about this new "girl" in his life. 
"How long have you guy's been seeing each other?" You ask him.
Your tone quiet and less happy. 
Kai stopped at a certain door and slid up the cover to put in his key code. 
"Not for long. She and I are still building our relationship." he said. 
"Oh?" You said feeling even more angry. Now you wanted to know what this "girl"' name was. 
Kai opened the door and waved for you to follow him inside. You came in behind him and he reached over in his shoe cubby to bring out 2 pairs of slippers. He handed you a pair of pink ones while he put on a pair of blue ones as you both removed your shoes. You start to wonder if the pink ones belonged to his "girl"
"Ah so good to be home!" Kai cheered as he walked into his massive spaced, and nicely decorated living room.
The colors of the furniture, the lamps, the rugs, even the curtains all made the room pop. There was a huge portrait of Kai hanging on the wall. It was nicely drawn. This whole place blew your socks off. Kai plopped on the couch and nestled his head on a pillow. 
"Umm...nice place." You told him.
"My umma picked it out. She did all the decorating too. She's into all that kinds of stuff. Normally I don't care. I'm happy living in just a small one bedroom to be honest." Kai said. 
"Your mother has a wonderful style. She did a nice job." 
"My girl likes this place too...her favorite spot is over there by the windows. She likes overlooking the city. Especially at night." he said pointed over to his large glass windows. 
It was halfway covered by curtains but the view from where you were looked beautiful. You walked closer to see. The night time lights of Seoul really astounded you. 
"I'm getting some wine. Would you like a glass?" He asked me. 
"Why did you bring me here?" You asked him turning around to face him all of a sudden.
"Hmm?" Kai answered as he stood up. 
"I mean...if your girl knew about me being here...wouldn't she be upset?" 
Kai looked elsewhere and shook his head. 
"My girl usually takes a liking to my guests. She's okay with anyone I bring here..."
All of a sudden "WOOF!WOOF!WOOF!" Loud barks came from the other side of the room. And the cutest dog you had ever seen strolled right over to you, looking up at you in anticipation. The dog had chocolate brown fluffy hair and the cutest dog eyes you have ever seen. She stopped barking and started to sniff you. Kai smiled. 
"See? She likes you already." 
She? She? SHE!??? You looked up at Kai dumbfounded. He takes note of your confused face and ask what is the problem.
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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 8: OMO AHHHH THIS IS THE ENDING I WANTED YES. NOT THAT PAINFULLY FEELY UNSATISFIED ENDING *Although that ending was written very beautifully ;)* But like thank you so much for writing this sequel like thing because now I can cry happily. This by far has been one of the best stories//series that I've read and this has cheered me up from my nightmare yesterday so thank you for the amazing read <3
rainn_ #2
Omg. IM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS FANFIC. It practically left me crying during the first book and smiling in this book. I almost had a heart attack when he said he had someone else. I thought it was that Nat girl from California. HAHAHAH. But I'm glad, it's just a little cute dog. I'm glad I read this book and how it totally portrays out how fat people feels and seeing how she stands up for herself just makes me feel so proud of her. I wanted to comment in the first series but I couldn't help but to continue reading it and move on go this book. It's a really heart warming story. I'm not skinny myself. And I'm glad. Finally I was able to read about something which is kind of similar to what I feel at times. Low confidence and all. I'm glad I have found this really amazing story. (My heart stopped when she didn't end up with Jongin. TT.TT) and I hope, one day, I would be someone Ppang too. Xx
Chapter 8: Awww this story is really sweet!
I always smiled when jongin was beside her. I like jongin in this story, warm and nice! ^^
Please keep writing a lot of good story!
Chapter 8: awww~~~ >__________<
too beautiful! i love it author nim. i love how u ended this story.
good job! keep up the good work! HWAITING!
Chapter 8: kyaa the ending is really nice. I love it so much!
Chapter 6: eyy I thought it was a girl that he was talking about hahahah
Chapter 8: Good luck Kai! /fangirling/
Chapter 8: I can totally see irl Jongin doing all these
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh~ The ending is so sweet! This make me fall for Kai deeper and deeper. hahaha btw Nice story !