Chapter Two



The two of you sat down at a table by the window, both of you had ordered bread and coffee, as you two caught up on different things in each other's lives.
"How have you been?" Luhan asked you. 
" know...I've been okay. And you?" You asked him. 
He nods his head slowly and chuckles a bit. Clearly he was excited at seeing you again. This was the first time you see Luhan really happy. Smiling so brightly. Before he just seemed content. Sad. 
"I've been good. Things on my side have been calm and well." 
"Oh really?"
"Mmm. I've been able to re-connect with my mother."
"Really?" You gasped in excitement.
"Yes. Things between us aren't perfect but we're taking it one step at a time." 
"Hearing that really makes me happy." 
"Seeing you...really makes me happy." Luhan said. 
You can't help but blush at his words. You remember when Luhan had admitted to you that he liked you at that one time. He had been serious in trying to attain you. He even shared a kiss with you. A kiss you yourself could not forget either. Yet you could not bring yourself to date him. Even if you did start to like him as well. 
"Same here. It's been awhile since we last saw each other."  You told him.
Luhan nodded his head slowly and looked out the window at the scenery of the less than busy streets. 
"How about Kai? When was the last time you saw him?" He asked you now, not looking at you.
You looked down at your bread, sort of expecting him to ask you this. Actually you were hoping to ask him this question but you did not want to sound eager about it. You really missed seeing Luhan, but not as much as you missed Kai. 
"The last time I saw him was when he left for L.A.. I was able to visit him at the airport to see him off. That is all." You said to him.
"You know Kai still asks about you." Luhan looks at you now with a smile. 
"Huh?" You said taken off guard. 
"Whenever he finds the time, he calls me, and ask me if I have seen his "ppang".  I tell him that I never had the opportunity to run into you...but now...I guess I'll have something different to tell him the next time we talk." he said. 
"Is Jongin back in Korea?" You asked him.
"He will be soon. He's been on tour lately. Working his off." Luhan said. 
You could just imagine Kai performing for big crowds with people of all nationalities and races. Dancing with huge pop stars and such. With the way Kai dances, he could be a choreographer rather than just a back-up dancer. You smile, happy to hear that Kai is doing well for himself. 
"We're getting together to throw him a welcome home party. You should come." Luhan suggested. 
"Oh? Sure...that sounds like fun." You said as your heart beats from it beating too hard.
"Lay and Taemin would be happy to see you as well." Luhan mentioned 
"Lay yes....Taemin...maybe not." You said with a laugh.
"Taemin talks about you too. Even though he's still a jerk, he still can't forget you either." Luhan said. 
Flattered, you smile to yourself and take a bite of your bread. Luhan began to eat his bread again before talking again. 
"So...are you dating?" he asked. 
As he asks this, you began to choke on your bread. All of a sudden, the bread seemed to have a hard time sliding down your throat. Luhan passes you his Vitamin Water and you down half the bottle in one gulp. After Kai, there had been one other guy you saw for awhile. But that guy was not right for you. In fact he had been a jerk. An even more bad of a jerk than Taemin could have ever been. Because of him, you wished you had never met him. Because of him, you had gained some of that weight you never wanted back. 
"No. I'm not." You said to him. 
"Oh? Me either." he said. 
"Huh?" You asked clearly surprised. 
You would have thought that at least Luhan would have had a really pretty girlfriend by now. But hearing that he was single surprised you. You could only hope that Luhan was not still holding on to you. You genuinely wanted him to be happy.
"Does it surprise you that I'm not seeing anyone?" Luhan asked, suddenly a bit chipper. 
"Well...I would have thought you would have found someone that would match you well." You said to him.
"I wish. It's just like high school all over again. Woman only care about my looks. They don't care for who I really am." he said. 
This attitude that you loved about Luhan reminded you of how much you enjoyed talking to him. Luhan was real and a sunflower. Listening to him really made you happy. You always felt you gained something new with a conversation with him. 
"But it's alright. I am sure I will find my match soon." He assured you.
"Same here." You said. 
"Actually...I always thought you and Kai matched well. Maybe when you see him again, things will work out?" Luhan asked, pestering into a conversation that you weren't ready to talk about. 
"I don't know about that. When I see Jongin, I'd just hope to wish him well." You said. 
"Would you be satisfied with only that? Wishing him well? Wouldn't you want to do more?" He asked. 
You smiled at him and ate some more of your bread. Luhan dismissed the question and studied you.  You felt slightly uncomfortable as his eyes roamed your body.
"The last time I saw looked 10lbs lighter...what happened?" he asked. 
You had hoped he wouldn't mention it (your weight) but you were expecting it. You put on a big smile and shrugged your shoulders. 
"I guess food wins again." You told him.
"Hmm...just as long as your not ugly anymore....I'm fine with you being who you are." 
He reminds you of those words that would forever change your life. 
""Girls like you....your the ugliest."
That time when you downed your self to the ground into thinking that nobody would like you because of the way you looked.You were grateful to Luhan because on that day he brought upon a great change in you. One you thought you would never make you turn back.
"Thank-you." You said. 
Luhan sighed to himself and then heard a soft repetitive "beep". You looked up, distracted by the sound and saw Luhan looking at his watch. 
"I think I'd better get going. I really hope you can come to Kai's welcome home party. It would be like reuniting with an old friend." Luhan said. 
You smiled at his kind words and bowed your head. 
"I'll make sure to come. Thank-you." You said to him. 
He nodded his head in your direction and walked away with a smile on his face. He had been happy to see you. His second love. Luhan took one final look at you through the bread shop's window. You were sipping your cup with a satisfied look on your face. Though you were a bit bigger from the last time Luhan had saw you, he still couldn't  help but think how pretty you looked. His old feelings of liking you came back to him as he recalled in his mind the night you had put an end to things starting between the two of you. 
"Luhan...let's stop here."
When you had said those words to him, Luhan took a blow. He had been hurt by woman in his life countless times and he had hoped that you wouldn't have let him down. But then he remembered his best friend Kai. And the way he admitted his love for you, made Luhan less angry and sad about the situation. Ever since you walked away, never looking back, Luhan could not help but keep a smile on his face. 
"....let's stop here." Luhan said out loud to himself.
He took one last look at you and walked away feeling happy. 
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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 8: OMO AHHHH THIS IS THE ENDING I WANTED YES. NOT THAT PAINFULLY FEELY UNSATISFIED ENDING *Although that ending was written very beautifully ;)* But like thank you so much for writing this sequel like thing because now I can cry happily. This by far has been one of the best stories//series that I've read and this has cheered me up from my nightmare yesterday so thank you for the amazing read <3
rainn_ #2
Omg. IM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS FANFIC. It practically left me crying during the first book and smiling in this book. I almost had a heart attack when he said he had someone else. I thought it was that Nat girl from California. HAHAHAH. But I'm glad, it's just a little cute dog. I'm glad I read this book and how it totally portrays out how fat people feels and seeing how she stands up for herself just makes me feel so proud of her. I wanted to comment in the first series but I couldn't help but to continue reading it and move on go this book. It's a really heart warming story. I'm not skinny myself. And I'm glad. Finally I was able to read about something which is kind of similar to what I feel at times. Low confidence and all. I'm glad I have found this really amazing story. (My heart stopped when she didn't end up with Jongin. TT.TT) and I hope, one day, I would be someone Ppang too. Xx
Chapter 8: Awww this story is really sweet!
I always smiled when jongin was beside her. I like jongin in this story, warm and nice! ^^
Please keep writing a lot of good story!
Chapter 8: awww~~~ >__________<
too beautiful! i love it author nim. i love how u ended this story.
good job! keep up the good work! HWAITING!
Chapter 8: kyaa the ending is really nice. I love it so much!
Chapter 6: eyy I thought it was a girl that he was talking about hahahah
Chapter 8: Good luck Kai! /fangirling/
Chapter 8: I can totally see irl Jongin doing all these
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh~ The ending is so sweet! This make me fall for Kai deeper and deeper. hahaha btw Nice story !