I was sitting the dark waiting for Ren to come home we've been dating secretly. My friend and his bandmates are the only ones who know about us. My name's Seeyoung Lee I'm part japanesse part Korean, I'm 17 and about to turn 18, my sister is Lee Hyori. I really love Ren loves me! Ring Ring, Ring Ring. "Yes hello Seeyoung Lee speaking" I said. "Hey this is Minki as in Ren but I'd like to say I'll be coming home late, kay sweety" Ren said. "Yep I'll see you when you get home honey later bye" I said and hung up quick because then I'll start crying then he'll force himself to home. Well truth be told my brake up with my last boyfriend was he was killed and now this... I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!!!!!! I miss him I miss him so much!!!! I hate that he works so much. "I'm going to go for a drive" I say to the maids then grab the keys and leave. I walk to my car, *Yeah maybe a drive will help*. I get into the car and start the car. I start pulling out I start driving but when I turn the courner I see this kid crossing the street, I hit the brakes and the car flips over. ...........…………Ren's POV I got called to the hospital a few seconds ago telling me that Seeyoung got in a accident......... Why Why NOW it was going to be her birthday in 10 minuetes and I was going to make it then she left. Never listen to Avril Lavange Darlin while reading this "Are you Choi Minki?" the doctor asked. "Yes I am, can you tell me what happened to Lee Seeyoung" Ren asked. "Well she was driving because she drives to clear her mind and a kid was at the sign walking and she hit her brakes and the car flipped over" Hyori said. "Does she have a chance at living" JR asked. "Well close to none if she survies we would be amazed" The doctor said. "Can we see her" Minhyun asked. "Yes of course just be quite see just went to sleep" The doctor said. Ren just simply nodded. Ren walked to the room and the most horrifying noise ever, flat line. The blonde hair boy looked up and saw there was a flat line only for her! "What sh-she's dying no no no NO!" Ren yelled. "there's nothing we can do" the doctor said. All of a sudden everything stoped but it really was her breathing that stoped.....
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Chapter 11: sorry i can't give you any advice on what to do since the feeling is foreign to me too.
This 18 year old unnie has never had a boyfriend.
Chapter 8: Suho is discreet, asking for the seating chart to know the name. hahaha.
Chapter 7: I loved Ruki's last line (>.<)

i can't wait to read the full story!
Chapter 5: awwww... I loved it! \(>o<)/
hahaha its like you know me... i always imagined Heechul as a brother to me.
thanks for such a great Kangin oneshot. (^-^)
Chapter 3: short but a cute moment
Chapter 2: i think i have gone crazy because i actually think it was cute that he "joined" her.
it was sad though.
i loved it even if it is sad.
how sad (T^T)