Connected Souls


Connected Souls


Do you believe in Soulmates?
Two people who are connected by fate and destined to find each other.
What happens if one leaves the world before ever their destined half?
For Park Hyoli her life had no meaning.
With parent's divorcing and constant bullying from classmates she finally made the ultimate decision.
But what happens when she'd told that she can't enter Heaven because she was someone special who had a lot of meaning in life.
Now being told that she will have to find a new partner in just two months for her soulmate what can a ghost girl do?
Will Hyoli discover that there was so much more to life than she thought?
Will she be doomed to spend the rest of eternity alone in Limbo?
Can she go through with fixing up her living soulmate with a girl that isn't her?
Suicide just got a whole lot more complicated for Park Hyoli.


Park Hyoli
A teenage girl who suffered during her teenage life and decided to cut it short. For a girl who killed herself she's pretty optimistic about people. She's also easily offended but can give second chances. She's sometimes sarcastic but immediately feels guilty if she hurts someone feelings. She found it hard to speak her mind when she was alive but now dead she doesn't really care what people think of her. Hyoli is pretty easy going but nows when to be serious. Over all, she's just a new teenage ghost out on a mission.

Kim Kibum
Kibum, also known as Key is a member of Korea's famous group SHINee. He's the easy going type most of the time but he does have his mood swings. Kibum cares a lot for his friends/family and values the life he has. He loves performing and has hardly any interest in girls. He's only interest in his career as of now and doesn't really think much of the future unless it involves SHINee. He's overall a live for the moment guy who's about to get a rude awakening.

Minho, although seeming the quiet member of SHINee seems to be the most honest and trustworthy out of the SHINee members. He's not that interested in peoples business but he cares for his friends a lot. He is the most open to the idea about a teenage ghost following his friend.

The youngest of SHINee. He is honest and innocent. He is an amazing dancer and the closest to Kibum out of the members. He respects his Hyungs and surprisingly is the peace maker of the group. He has dancing on his mind most of the time and doesn't know if he should believe Kibum's complaints of a ghost haunting him.

The second oldest of the group and the most argumentative one. Although sometimes he doesn't mean to be. He has an amazing voice and believes Kibum belongs in the loony bin when hearing complaints of a ghost girl.

Also known as Onew and the leader of SHINee. He's willing to help anyone who needs it. He keeps the younger members of SHINee in line and makes sure they are all well. He's on the borderline of believing Kibum.


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Chapter 39: BRAVO~!! That was an epic and amazing story. :D
Chapter 39: Hi! I just happened to stumble across your story, but I truly loved it! ♥
You just got a new fan here ;)
I'll be looking out for your next creations. ♥
hi! new here in AFF. jaedrug shared this story with me. you're story is very interesting and unique. thanks for sharing! ^-^ *off to read mode* ^-^
I first started reading this on winglin and now it has finally ended. *big sob*. You didn't know how relieved I was when I realized that going into the limbo meant waking up. This was such an amazing story. ^___^ Thank you author-nim for making us experience a very compelling love story. Hwaiting!^^
This is so SWEET!
I loved the endings!
It made me cry but I love it!
Thanks for the wonderful stories! ♥
MochiSTYLE #6
WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! That was so awesome!!!!! <3
luckilife #7
Wow impressive baby
omgomgomgomg i can't wait for the next update!!!!
waaah you updated hehe.. gonna read later.^^
ahh!! i'm jumping on the chair like a kangaroo and is very much anticipating on whats going to happen next.. >///< PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!