Part o n e.

Memories of Lightwaves.


Part One.
To orangeluver for being great in supporting me and my ADD. It's because of you that this is finally being updated! Love you, unnie!
Also to chippawabrike, who was nice enough to let me piggyback off one of her ideas. Thank you!
The soft, inky darkness of night settled over the lithe form of the bit as he flicked off the switch of his lamp with a slender finger, a tiny sigh flitting by his lips. He glanced at his window for a moment, the glass displaying the bustling nightlife of Seoul through the transparent surface. A set of thin, white drapes fell over the large window, but the measly fabric really did nothing to block any light. No, he just loved white.
A color of absolute zero that is said to personify peace, purity, innocence, and truth. Created by the absence of color.
Every piece of furniture, whether splattered with runaway paint or covered in books, sported the same shade of pure white, except the bed sheets. A myriad of color, ranging from scarlet to violet, stained the fabric, the soft sheets spilling onto the floor. He smiled gently, pushing himself up and out of his desk as he shifted his weight onto his feet. Making his way to the unmade bed, little shivers skipped up his spine as the chill of the hardwood gave him a harsh greeting, making him tread lightly. A small breeze crept through the opened crack of the window, jostling the shades and ghosting over his milky skin, leaving goosebumps on its wake.
Click, click!
A sudden, almost silent sound made him freeze just as his knee sunk into his bed, head tilting back as his alert, bright eyes scanned over the room.
Click, click!
This time it was louder, proving to be emitting from the window.
Click, click, click!
More impatient this time. It resembled a beak pecking on the glass...
The boy ran over to the window, pushing the curtains aside and lifting that glass up, the now-screenless expanse letting a gust if cold night air graze over his body. He shivered, chocolate-brown eyes sweeping over the window sill only to be met by nothing. The faint tickle of feathers sweeping over his forearm made the boy whip around, the darkness an ailment to his vision. But a tiny, almost invisible splotch of barker black fluttered over to his bed, once settling on the sheets being a lot more obvious. He paused, looking at it for a moment before laughing, walking closer again.
"Yah, Kai! What was that for?"
A mage born of grey blood that strives off the same essences as a human. Said to have a heart that is the twin to a human. Not of this planet. Bravery in Mandarin.
There are a lot of words to describe Kai. Quick. Cunning. Quirky. Sappy. Tall. Dark-skinned (yah, that's not two words! -Sehun). Curious. Odd. Just... perfect. And Sehun loves every little inch of the mage.
"I wanted to test my avian morphing..." a deep timbre replied, sending ecstatic jitters up Sehun's spine. The creature that landed on his bed, a tiny songbird clothed in iridescent black and violet feathers, suddenly began to radiate streams of a thick smoke, small grains of what looked like black sand swarming over its disappearing figure. A wave of an overly-sweet scent attacked the brunette's senses, making him cough a little as he squinted at the mass of vividly animated smoke and sand, hand over his mouth and nose.
"And it works like a charm!" the voice added with a chuckle, and the dark substances disappeared. In its wake sat a tall, relaxed tan boy with wavy black hair, glittering grey eyes, and plump lips pulled into a grin, his lithe frame covered by a loose black shirt, dark skinny jeans that hugged him 'just right', converse, and an ornate necklace that hung down to his chest.
A color of entirety that personifies darkness, fear, and time. Said to dilute and poison the purity of the innocent and taint the light.
But Kai... black didn't suit him. Sweet, giving, curious, and just... indescribable. Honestly, Sehun was buried head-deep in a growing adoration for the mage. No matter what anyone said, he never stopped loving him. Loving Jongin.
Of course, Kai had commented that he could do without his given name and insisted to go by his alias. It suits him, no? 'The one brave enough to go off on his own to discover his future.'
It was comical, really. The way that most people reacted to Kai, that is. Sehun's parents had the audacity to even ban Sehun from seeing Kai due to their views on the mage. But he was relentless and kept going back, like a lost puppy or a lonely kitten. His parents had believed that Kai was no good; someone who would only bring strife rather than joy. Friends were wary, preferring to keep a wide birth of Kai instead of just befriending him, or even just... smiling genuinely at him.
But Sehun didn't care. Kai was his. He was Kai's. A cycle of possession and affection that both of them cherished deeply.
"So," Sehun began, sitting down next to Kai. "What is it this time?" he looked over at the relaxed boy, eyes reflecting a heated love that made a jolt of flame ignite in Kai's heart. He chuckled, leaning forwards so his lips brushed against the younger's, hot breath dancing over his skin softly. Gingerly he pressed his lips onto Sehun's, making the other's muscles stiffen at the chaste touch.
"We're going on an adventure, Sehunnie."
A long travel that often has no true end, during your job is to just live.
Sehun loved that word almost as much as he loved Kai. Whenever it was spoken, it meant he could truly just leave the world behind and enter a dimension that only included himself, Kai, and their dreams. It was exhilarating. To feel yourself just... lift away.
Grinning into the drawn-out kiss, Sehun pulled back and looked Kai directly in the eye, nearly losing himself in the swirling, bittersweet depths. Countless shades and tints of grey collided together in a canvas that held the two sparkling pupils in place, nearly animated like a black and white cartoon. 
Smiling back, Kai's nimble and slender fingers just lightly caressed the younger's cheek, slightly calloused fingertips brushing away a few strands of Sehun's mousy hair. He lifted his other hand up, snapping his fingers together softly before withdrawing his hand.
"Your parents won't mind, right?" he asked with diplomacy, even though he knew that Sehun honestly wouldn't care whether his parents minded or not. Which they did, by the way.
"They never do!" Sehun lied with a smile, eyes drifting over to the middle of his room. Extremely out of place and almost awkwardly placed was an old, rusted motorcycle with the faint traces of white paint skipping over the clanking metal, parked in the direct line of fire of the opened window.
"Then c'mon! We've got no time to lose!" Kai announced, gently wrapping his fingers around Sehun's frail wrist to pull him to his feet, bringing him to the motorcycle before he patted the threadbare seat. He raised his hand to the window, the glass pane lifting up smoothly as soon as he outstretched his fingers towards it. His leg swung over the old machine, hands setting onto the fraying fabric over the handles firmly. Sehun followed suit, his wiry body pressing against Kai's back as his wispy arms wrapped around the older's stomach, hands linked. The nearly sickeningly sweet aroma that had assaulted his senses flooded over him again, almost unbearable.
A sweet concocted from sugar and cocoa. Considered a child's delicacy.
Kai always smelled like chocolate. A sweet, thick scent that could give you diabetes if you inhaled too much, an aroma that hung like smoke around Kai's whole being. Not that Sehun minded, the ever-present, warm scent was homely even. Even when sweat beaded over Kai's body, the air heavy with deep breaths and labored moans, that sweet chocolate was still there.
Taking a lengthy inhale of the scent, Sehun tightened his hold as the the motor of the motorcycle jolted awake, rusty gears sputtering as they desperately clung to life. The flickering twin lights mounted on the face of the ancient thing blinked on, puffs of smoke coughing up out of the pipes sprouting from the back as it began to roll forwards, Kai's skilled hands gripping the handles tightly. Two sharp revs of the engine coaxed a small whimper from Sehun, his cheek pressed against the small of Kai's back as he squeezed his eyes shut, legs tensing against the metal structure. 
The obnoxious volume of the machine would've woken up the neighbors without a doubt, except for the fact that Kai had fixed the sound problem after receiving an angry chastising from the old couple when he and Sehun had originally discovered just how vocal the younger could be.
"And we're off!"
The motorcycle sped to the open window, air whipping and convulsing around them in wild torrents that felt as if they ripped space itself apart as the speed only picked up, the breath snatched out of Sehun's throat with a clawed hand. He whimpered again, knowing by the frenzy that his heart decided to take on that they had left the ground, and Kai's amused chuckle only confirmed this. Sehun had a hunch that Kai's eyes were wide open, much unlike his own. Kai had once said that keeping your eyes open was the fun part. To the younger, that was the part that induced vomiting, as he had learned the hard way once upon a time.
Wind eventually calming, the air brought the two into a gentle embrace, gusts pushing strands of hair away from their faces in a soft caress. Sehun's grip on Kai loosened in the tiniest bit, back straightening so that his thin lips pressed against the groove of the older's neck. He dared to open his eyes, urged on by Kai's laughter and indirect insults about being a scaredy cat.
As if time itself had slowed to a halt, the entire city seemed to have frozen in place, looking more like a reverie rather than reality. Black surrounded them in a thick mass, broken by a milky crescent moon suspended in the endless sky, tiny lights that winked and danced gracing themselves over the expanse as well. The busy, sleepless city of Seoul opened up below them like an entirely different dimension had boldly ped itself and climbed under the abyssal sky.
Sehun let his eyes drift along to Kai, who was smiling in content as the wind ran through his inky hair, grey eyes reflecting a complete serenity. The sight made the younger's heartbeat jump a little, butterflies erupting from their sleep in the pit of his stomach. It... it was enchanting to see someone in such a perfect state of peace.
And like that, the world disappeared in a flurry of smoke and sand.
So... Turns out this won't be a oneshot. QAQ It'll be two parts for sure though! Sorry~ >n< and this update is terribly belated too! School has been really time consuming lately, but I promise to update more often! <3
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Chapter 1: Homaigodd... This was just practically... Amazing <3 one of the kind~ please update soon~!
FizUTwinS #2
Chapter 1: Awww,,
i have read this,,, :D
i'm full of sekai!!!
update soon~~
Chapter 1: Thank yo so so much for this! I'm so happy! Just...let me cry in happiness~ ;A;

This chapter was beautiful just like what I expected from you! The description clearly described how much Sehun loved Kai and it was really brilliant! It's poetic and sweet. Mage!Kai was really a good idea! He made an awesome mage! :)

Can't wait for the second part of this story! Fighting!! :D

*continue crying*
Chapter 1: Aw he loveses his Kai :3
So sweet- nice description, too! Really draws the reader in!
You should really update soon if you don't want curiosity to kill me o.e
Gull.... PLEASE

I can't feel my ovaries anymore so just please CONTINUE THIS LOVELY AWESOME FANTASTIC ONE-SHOT before I die and never get to see KaiHun evah agaaaaiiin D:
This seems oddly similar to my SeKai fic "World"~ :3
Your way of writing always amaze me. Really, it's really beautiful to read and I can't wait to read this oneshot!

Kai as mage. Wohooo! Fantasy! My favorite story's genre! And what's his relationship with sehun? Hmm, gotta find out later!

Can't wait for your update! ^^
(PS. You play final fantasy too??? God, that's one of my fav game eva!! ;A;)
I love the description, you write it so well ^^ Can't wait to read it!