Taste of Second Love (Chapter 4)

Taste of Second Love

There was an almost inaudible sound of a woman giggling coming from behind the closed doors followed by a series of laughter and moans of pleasure. Sho didn’t want to randomly invite himself in and interrupt the two since it was wrong to do so. But as he was about to leave, he heard the woman’s voice. A familiar voice that had been etched in his heart and mind.

“Stop it!” The woman moaned. “He’ll hear us!”
Hearing that voice again brought him back to believe she was there by his side. But who was she referring to as ‘us’?
Worried, he walked back to the closed door and slowly turned the knob revealing a man and a woman having . Sho couldn’t believe his eyes. He shouldn’t have walked in because he knows that it was wrong to walk in when someone is doing it. But isn’t this where her voice came from? No, that’s impossible. That’s not her, Sho nodded to himself. 
Sho popped his head back out the door only to find that there was nothing ahead but darkness. No doors, no lights, no way out. He had no choice but to sneak into the closet. 
When he made it into the closet, his erted self couldn’t help but look through the open slits. There on the bed was a man, who Sho can barely make out, laying down while the woman was riding him. What a lucky bastard, Sho growled. Rather than looking away, he bore his eyes into the woman’s body. Her milky white skin that glowed under the tiny hints of light, her long locks of hair dangling down her body, and her face as oval as an egg. 
“Nami?!” Sho gasped. It really was her. His ears didn’t deceive him for he deceived himself into thinking that the woman wasn’t her. He kicked the closet door open to try and save her from that imprudent man. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it as he found himself stuck in one place, unable to move. He struggled and struggled until he gave up. He looked down at the man to curse and spit at him. Instead, the man was looking up at him smirking…
Sho’s eyes shot open as sweat rolled down the side of his forehead. He sat up and covered his face with his hands, relieved that it was only a dream. But the scenes and sounds were perfectly etched into his brain. Her face, her body, and that man who playfully smirked at him. He shuddered in disgust. 
Just as he was about to lay back down and sleep some more, he heard someone grunting besides him. It must be Aiba who he remembered fell asleep on the bed last night. 
“Oi, Aiba-san. Make me coffee,” Sho demanded. 
The still body didn’t respond. So he tried again.
“Aiba-san, coffee!” 
This time, the body moved and shoved the blanket down from his body. The person immediately sat up and turned to glare at Sho.
“Aiba-san co-”
Sho’s eyes widen. The person in front of him wasn’t Aiba. It was the guy yesterday from the bar. 
“What the ?!” Sho yelled and pushed the guy off the bed. “The hell are you doing here?!”
“The hell was that for?!” The man yelled back at Sho. The guy stood up from the floor and dusted himself off. He continued to angrily glare at Sho as he walked out but stopped when a third party came. 
Aiba stood in front of the man to block him from the door, “No. You can’t go just yet.”
“What the-” The man was about to argue but was stopped when Aiba shoved some pills on the man’s chest. 
“Drink it cause you had a pretty rough fight last night with that idiot,” Aiba pointed at Sho and smiled kindly at the man. For sure the guy and agreed to taking it since he couldn’t deny the all-smiles-Aiba. 
“Aiba-san!” Sho grumbled. “Take him out of here!”
“I can’t do that Sho-chan. I have to make you guys have to talk it out and get this over with.”
Behind those two, they didn’t hear the guy mumbling Sho’s name as if he heard that name from somewhere. 
“Sho,” The guy mumbled. “I know that name from somewhere… Could it be…?!”
“SAKURAI SHO-SAN?!” The guy exclaimed.
“Yeah…”Sho answered. “How do you know my name?” 
“It’s me!” The guy eagerly pointed to himself. “Jun. Matsumoto Jun!”
“Jun?” Sho mumbled, trying to recall if there was a person named Matsumoto Jun that he knows of. Jun…Jun-kun…MatsuJun?!
“MatsuJun?!” Sho piped up, his feelings of anger melting away. Suddenly out of nowhere, his best-friend showed up. It’s been years since he had since him and last talked to him. However it was bad luck that he fought him last night at the bar…
“Hey hey hey,” Aiba butted in. “How come both of you know each other?”
“He’s my best friend!” Jun and Sho pointed out in unison.
“Eh… I see. I’m Aiba Masaki,” Aiba introduced to Jun. “Yoroshiku ne~”
“Nice to meet you Aiba-san,” Jun responded. 
Sho couldn’t stop thinking about the last two days. Thanks to Aiba, he even met up with his best friend that he hasn’t seen since he was 7 years old. Sure it was a weird and unexpected reunion but something was wrong with the picture.
Throughout his childhood, his best friend Jun was there to be with him when he was alone. The many times when Sho was left to eat by himself in the dining room, Jun would always sneak in his house to eat with him and play after. They would tell each other their secrets and the recent happenings. 
But it was during the time when Sho had a crush on one of his classmate. He told Jun all about her. How pretty she was, how wonderful her voice sounded, and her joyous laugh. 7 year old Sho didn’t even notice the jealous and hateful look in Jun’s eyes as he told him things about the girl.
While Sho wasn’t looking, Jun would try and give love letters to the one Sho had a crush on. He would flirt with the girl, and try to impress her. When Sho turned around, while Jun was still laughing with her, Sho would look at him in a funny way but Jun would just say that he told a joke. Sho believed it. 
Until one day when it was nap time, Jun was set up next to the girl while Sho was unfortunately somewhere in the corner. He couldn’t sleep since he kept hearing little kid’s giggles. Irritated, he got up and saw Jun and the girl giggling, face to face. The two were just inches apart until it was decreased when Jun decided to give the girl a peck on the lips.
Infuriated, Sho ran to the bathroom, took a bucket of water, and splashed it on the two.
“How could you Jun?” Sho sobbed. “You know I like her…"
With that being said, Sho ran outside of the school until his butler found him crying under the rain. 
Several weeks later, Sho still handn't brought himself to talk to Jun and apologize for his impulsiveness. He secretly asked his butler to let him out and see Jun but the butler disapproved. He told Sho that Jun had moved out after the day he found Sho crying.
"God dammit," Sho remembered why he had come to hate the man. Of course he was happy seeing his best friend again, but remembering that time when he was betrayed made him angry. But that was a long time ago. He should've forgave him since they were just little kids that were experiencing things for the first time. It was stupid to be mad at Jun for that reason. So he decided to forgive the man. 
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Chapter 12: Aww... I never thought a ShoxAiba story would be this good. It was a good fluff/angst story. :)