



Jinyoung glanced around the classroom as his teacher was giving the days lecture. As he looked around, he was amazed at how diverse the students in his class were, there was pretty much every type of student in that one room. There were the students who were taking pages of notes, writing as fast as they could, others who were trying to pay attention but ended up passing notes to their friends, and then the few who were either totally asleep on their textbooks or staring out the window. 

Jinyoung's eyes continued to scan the room, only to stop at you. You were sitting in the row in front of him, a few desks to the left, the perfect position for Jinyoung to gaze at you without anyone noticing. Far away enough that you wouldn't feel his stare, but close enough that he could still every feature on your face. 

He smiled as he rested his face on his hand, elbow propped up on his desk. By now, Jinyoung had totally forgotten about the teacher that was at the front of the room, all he saw was you. He watched as you listened attentively to the teacher, calmly taking notes every now and then. Occasionally you would push the bride of your glasses up your nose and continue to listen to the teacher. 

He wouldn't consider you a nerd, you got good grades, but they weren't the top in the class. You weren't popular either, since you only had a few friends. You were quiet, sincere, and didn't get caught up in all the drama that floated around school.  And those were just some of the reasons why Jinyoung fell for you, even if the two of you have never really spoken to each other before.

Jinyoung watched as you removed your glasses and placed your pencil on your desk, letting out a sigh of relief. 

'She's so beautiful,' Jinyoung thought in his head.

"Staring at ______ again I see."trans.gif

Jinyoung jumped a little in his seat and turned his head forward to see one of his best friends, CNU, turned around in his chair with his elbows on Jinyoung's desk, smirking at him. Jinyoung looked around his friend's head to see the teacher sitting at his desk. He figured that the lecture finished early and their teacher had given them some free time.

"Shut up," Jinyoung mumbled and stared down at his notebook in embarrassment. 

"Just man up already and ask her out! It's not like she's the most popular girl in school," CNU said and rolled his eyes.

"It would be easier to ask her out if she was though," he sighed, "That way, I'd have an excuse if she turns me down."

"C'mon, you are Jung Jinyoung," CNU said as he placed a hand on Jinyoung's shoulder, "Master composer, pro guitar player, lady killer, one of the most popular guys in school! What's the reason why you can't ask her out?"

"That's exactly the reason," Jinyoung explained, "______ and I, we're not exactly on the same level of the social hierarchy. What if she doesn't like me? What if she hates me? What if she likes someone else?"

"And what if she does like you?" CNU asked him, "You're never going to know unless you ask her. And who cares if she turns your down, that's her lost."

Jinyoung nodded his head, he knew that CNU is right. Maybe he should just take a leap of faith and ask you out. 

Jinyoung let out a short sigh, "Okay, I'll do it."

"Awesome!" CNU smiled, "Now's your chance, go for it bro!"

Jinyoung nodded his head and stood up from his chair. After straightening out his uniform blazer and dusting off his pant, his walked over to your desk, where you were doodling on a page in your notebook. As he got closer, he started to get more and more nervous.

'You can do this Jinyoung. Just ask out,' he chanted in his head.

He stood next to your desk and looked down at you, but you were too preoccupied with your drawing to notice him there.

Jinyoung softly cleared his throat, "Ummmm, ______?"

You looked up from your notebook and saw Jinyoung nervously staring back at you.

"Yes?" you asked.

Jinyoung's eyes widened when you responded to him, 'Oh my god, she's actually talking to me. Okay, breathe Jinyoung breathe.'

"I-I, ummm,, was just wondering if..." he stuttered. 

'C'mon Jinyoung just ask her,' CNU screamed in his head as he watch the two of you.

You blinked at him and waited for him to finish.

"I could barrow your notes," he blurted. 

CNU let out a groan and shook his head in disappointment. 

You smiled up at Jinyoung and handed him your notebook, "Sure, you can give them back to me on Monday. Sorry if they're a little confusing, I have a pretty strange system."

"Oh, no it's fine, thank you," Jinyoung said with tense smile as he took the notebook from your hands.

After you nodded back to him and returned towards your notebook, Jinyoung briskly walked back to his desk and plopped into his chair, placing the notebook on his desk.

He looked up to see CNU giving him a disappointed look.

"Don't give me that look," Jinyoung muttered. 

"You were so close!" CNU said, "But hey! At least you tried."

"Yeah I guess," Jinyoung mumbled.

"And you know she doesn't hate you or else she wouldn't have lent you her notes," CNU said, trying to look on the bright side of the situation.

A wry smile formed on Jinyoung's face, "That's true."

Before either boy could say anything else, the bell rang, signalling that the school day was over. 

"Hey man, I gotta run," CNU said as he threw his bag over his shoulder, "My mom wants me to do a few things before going home. I'll catch you later."

Jinyoung halfheartedly waved to CNU as he exited the room. Sighing, Jinyoung slowly started packing his things into his backpack, leaving your notebook on his desk. He grabbed the notebook off the desk before he exited the classroom.

He stared down at the notebook as he walked down the halls towards his car. But Jinyoung heard your voice, causing him to lift his head. 

He saw you and your friends talking next to your locker. He watched as you waved to your friends as they walked away and turned towards you locker, taking out a few books that he guessed that you were going to take home so you could do your weekend homework. He glanced back down at your notebook and back up at you. 

Acting on impulse, Jinyoung bit his lip and walked up to you.

"Ummm, ______?" he called out.

You turned your head to the side to see Jinyoung standing next to your locker, your notebook in his hand.

"Oh, hi Jinyoung. What can I do for you this time?" you smiled and closed your locker.

Jinyoung let out the breath he was holding, "I was wondering...." 

"Do you need to borrow my Physics notes this time?" you laughed.

Jinyoung couldn't help but laugh with you, "No, I actually pay attention in that class."

"Well then what can I do for you?" you asked as you shifted you book in your arms.

"Are you doing anything today?" he asked quickly.

You pouted your lips and tilted your head to the side, "Mmmmm, I don't think so. Why?"

Jinyoung scuffed his foot on the ground, "I was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee with me. I know this cafe that has pretty good coffee cake too. And you can explain your notes to me since you said they were a little confusing."

He then gave you an embarrassed smile and held up your notebook.

"Are you asking me on a ... date?" you asked with your head tilted to the side.

"Uhhhhh, yeah?" Jinyoung said hesitantly. 

"Okay," you smiled up at him, "I'd love to get some coffee with you."

Jinyoung's eyes widened, "Really?!"

You nodded your head, "I love coffee and coffee cake."

A bright smile lit up Jinyoung's face, "Okay, cool!"

"Lead the way!" you giggled.

You walked next to Jinyoung down the hall, when he noticed the books that were still in your hands.

"Oh, I'll take those," he said quickly and placed your notebook on top of the pile of book in your hands and pulled them away from your grasp and into his.

"Oh, thank you," you blushed and wrapped your hands around the straps of your backpack.

The two of you made small talk as your walked down the halls towards the school's parking lot. Jinyoung was laughing at something that you said when the two of you turned down a hall and your attention was pulled away from him.

"Oh, aren't those your friends?" you asked Jinyoung.

Jinyoung followed your line of sight and saw four boys that were indeed his best friends, one of the being CNU, staring at the two of you with their mouths hanging open. When they saw that Jinyoung was looking back at them, huge smiles formed on their faces and they started to animatedly give Jinyoung a bunch of thumbs ups.

Jinyoung quickly turned towards you, "Don't look at him," he whispered quickly.

"What?" you asked confused.

"Just, come on," he quickly shifted your books to one hand and grabbed one of your hands with the other, quickly pulling you down the hall past his embarrassing friends. 

As Jinyoung continued to pull you down the hall by your hand, you glanced over your shoulder towards the four boys. When you made eye contact with them, they gave you small smiles which you returned with one of your own. You then ran a couple of steps to catch up with Jinyoung as the two of you exited the school, hand in hand. 

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kpopinfinity177 #1
Chapter 1: Soooo CUTE!!!!! Love this story so much !! :D
I can relate so much to this story~ I also wear glasses and such. OTL But---I'm not good in Physics. ;A;
Anyway, I LOVE YOUR STORY! *two thumbs up*
The ending was just suitable~ It was perfect even though it had no sequel~
Your writing style is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: hahaha why was that so cute~
i can imagine the 4 other members doing that in real life!
Chapter 1: sequel
sequel pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeee
Chapter 1: SEQUEL! !!!!! OMG JINYOUNG IS SO CUTE!!!!! >\\\<
Chapter 1: AWW SOOOO CUTE!!~
gongchanniesricecake #7
It was soooooooooooooooooo cute and sweet :""""""""">
:""""""""""") :*
I think you should make a sequel for this.
Awhhh~ so cute :`)
alwaysdreaming #10
cute <3