The secret dance trainer, the drunk without money and the cooking genius

Yg love triangle on Radio Star

--"Seungri to me is the person who taught me all the tricks of the game. Whenever he was in Korea he would visit the Yg office and my dorm and teach us dance moves that were popular overseas or were trending at the moment. He was really nice and bought us food a lot." 

Smiling, you recalled your trainee days that weren't so far ago when Seung-oppa would buy you meat and brIng gifts, you look at Seungri and he looks back, his eyes sparkling. Whenever there were moments like this you really felt like you were falling for him, but you were too deep into this mess to confess that. You continued:

"Top is... the one who first believed in my driving skills."

You smile at the MC's reactions and TOP smirks. You laugh and explain more:

"No one at YG trusts me when I'm behind the wheel. Once there was this party that ended late and instead of letting me drive them home they all took taxis."

MC's scold Gd and Seungri to which they protest their innocence. 

"You haven't seen her!" "She goes all Frankenstein! She's so focused she grunts for speaking." "It's not safe, I tell you, so why risk it?"

"I had even brought a big van and took more driving lessons." You sighed, pouting. Laughing ,Seungri punched your arm  as TOP nodded with another smirk on his face. Jiyong gave up and just laughed with his hands in the air in a "what can I do?" gesture.

"Anyway TOP was the only one to get in the car with me."

The MC promptly  put down a point for TOP and when asked for the reason, explained that being in a car by themselves could definetly lead to a romantic situation. You weren't so sure about that, seeing how the whole ride he hadn't done anything except talk about his be@rbricks and once massage your shoulders. Even you had been a bit disappointed, your low expectations from this childish oppa hadn't been low enough, apparently. Shaking your head, you made a mental note to erase all charismatic images you had of him.

"Did Top-sshi drive in your place and take you home?" You are surprised by the MC's question and reply:

"No, Top can't drive so I drove him to his mom's house and then went to the dorm." You were greeted with laughter and unbelief.

" I'm not joking you know. Anyway, It was a lot easier to drive with Top-oppa because he lightens the mood and helps me relax. At that time I was really thankful for him but later I learnt that he just didn't have the money for a taxi."  병주고 약주고 (give him an injury and then medicine) , you thought smiling as the audience laughed.

The MC continued with the script after your rather lengthy adlib on TOP and asked you what Gd was to you. He pointed out how Top and Seungri had been rather close to you and wondered how you would see GD.

"Well we all know that Jiyong-oppa is a musical genius and a brilliant dancer," You said as Jiyong puffed up with pride. "But he's also a REALLY good cook!"

Apparently you had suprised the MC as he replied in a stunned tone that Jiyong didn't seem the type.

"You see, I can't cook so whenever I want to eat something good I go to 2AM Changmin's dorm." You suddenly realized that three glares were burning a hole in you. You could just imagine their faces... Top would be staring at you silently with a stony face, Jiyong would be irritated but trying to hide it and Seungri would be puffing up with indignance. It made you want to troll and you winked at the MC. The MC got the message and replied in a emotionless tone:

"Ah, yes, I believe that there was a report that you and Changmin-shhi had spent Valentines day together at 2AM's dorm."

Seungri couldn't keep it anymore and blowed. "WHAT?! I go to Japan and this is what I come back to?!" You smiled at him in a trollish way as he let off steam. Jiyong was about to blow too and Top's eyes had gotten bigger so you decided that you would stop here for now.

"Of course, it's not true. 2AM invited all UNIQUE members to their dorm and we had dinner and talked. Changmin-oppa even made chocolates for us." You replied, trying not to laugh at Seungri's reaction.

"It's just that the other 2AM and UNIQUE members lied on Twitter saying that they spent a lonely Valentine's day so it seemed like we were alone. Well, back to Jiyong-oppa, I found out that he was good at cooking the same time I found out that Top wasn't very good." You were killing Top's image of a perfect man and you knew it. Ah, your inner-troll kept leaking out. You had to be careful.

"Tabi-oppa-" (knowing how much he likes you calling him that) "had made rabokki (ramen and dokbokki 라뻑이) for me and maybe it's just because I was used to Changmin's cooking but it was byulo(not that good 별오)." Top scoffed in indignance:

"I made it really well that time!!" Ignoring him you continued, "Jiyong saved it somehow." Top decided to bring Seungri (who had been laughing for a while now) down with him. In a jaunty pose he sighed and spoke extra loud.

"Well, Seungri's even worse than me. Once I left him with some milk in the microwave-"

"I remember that!" Jiyong laughed. "He left it there for like half an hour-"

"맛다, 맛다! (right,right!) The bottom of the cup was burnt and there wasn't any milk left in the glass!" You finished gleefully.

Seungri couldn't say anything and lay his head on your shoulder whining. You patted his head and clucked.

"우쭈쭈 (a sound you make when you're comforting a little kid), poor little baby~" The MC was suprised at your sudden skinship and marked another point for Seungri.

"His image has been a bit wrecked right now, but Seungri really is a good person. It's just that seeing him every single day makes us a bit tired of him..."

"I agree." "Me too." Top and GD quietly nodded. "Hmph." pouted Seungri.

"He's really understanding. Once I went to him when he was tired and I ended up crying, but he just hugged me and let me cry, comforting me." A point for Seungri, which definetly perked him up.

Top didn't seem to agree with this last point and grabbed your arms. "I can do that too!" He pushed your head into his chest and you turned red but didn't protest. "Cry!" The audience accepted it with laughter and you didn't want to break away. Top whispered into your ear so only you could hear,

"Later, _____-ah."

You turned even redder and pulled yourself away. It's not like you were the out of control one in this situation. This was all his fault. You glare at him and he smirks back. Jiyong clears his throat and throws his arm over your shoulder. Seungri, not wanting to be left out, got of of his seat and stepped behind yours and wrapped his arms around your neck. You realized your face was red and ho and tried covering it but the audience and the MC had already seen. 

"Ahaha, our poor _____-e seems to be a bit overwhelmed."


i don't know when to stop the chapter o.0 

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